BW/BW2 Interesting Black and White Video on Youtube- Update(New Info)

Shining Dragon

Aspiring Trainer
I found this interesting video on youtube, tell what you think about it, and what could be happening. I translated the japanese words of the video title and got, odd case demon god-BW version of a woman on a bridge, what does this mean? The video is in the link below.

EDIT: During certain occasions, the spirit of a deceased young girl will be standing on the bridge, and will disappear if the player walks towards her. An old lady in the gatehouse to the east of the bridge will explain the young girl used to play around the area before the bridge was built (Thanks to Shadow Arceus for finding this info of whats happening in this video).
RE: Interesting Black and White Video on Youtube

That is really weird. Glitch maybe. But otherwise have no idea. I wonder if thats in the US version
RE: Interesting Black and White Video on Youtube

but, it dosent look like a glitch, because you can see that the other person is saying something when that women dissapears.
RE: Interesting Black and White Video on Youtube

Whoa, that's creepy. Black and White are some serious games!
RE: Interesting Black and White Video on Youtube

Maybe it has something to do with the dark trinity because they meet you on that bridge. Or zoroark, because he can transform into people.
RE: Interesting Black and White Video on Youtube

I recall seeing something about a ghost girl on a bridge on Bulbapedia. It's not a glitch, and I will edit this post once I find the aticle.
Edit: the place is called "Wonder Bridge". I'll copy the article here:
During certain occasions, the spirit of a deceased young girl will be standing on the bridge, and will disappear if the player walks towards her. An old lady in the gatehouse to the east of the bridge will explain the young girl used to play around the area before the bridge was built.
RE: Interesting Black and White Video on Youtube

^ Damn, thats creepy. Too bad it has absolutely nothing to do with the story line or the game.
RE: Interesting Black and White Video on Youtube

It seems like GameFreak really liked their Old Chateau idea and implemented an alteration of that into Black and White. I find it really interesting and creepy at the same time, I hope they add more ideas like this in their future games!
RE: Interesting Black and White Video on Youtube

Its not a glitch because the guy standing next to her responds to her disapearing