Okay, Im thinking ahead a little bit about the next set; HG/SS Triumphant.
Pokemon: 19
3-1 Giratina Lv X (Giratina #10) http://pokebeach.com/scans/platinum/10-giratina.jpg
2 Lunatone (SV)
2 Solrock (TR)
2-2 Darkrai Cresselia Legend
3-1 Uxie Lv X
1 Regice (LA)
1 Spiritomb (LA)
1 Unown Q
Solrock - Fighting - HP 70
Basic Pokemon
Poke-Body: Heal Block
If you have any Lunatone in play, neither player’s Pokemon can recover any HP.
[F] Sun Flash: 20 damage. During your opponent’s next turn, when the Pokemon that was hit by this attack uses an attack, your opponent flips a coin, if tails the attack fails.
Weakness: Grass (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1
Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND – Darkness / Psychic – HP150
Legendary Pokemon
Combine 2 Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND cards in your hand and play them on your Bench.
[D][D][C][C] Lost Crisis: 100 damage. Place 2 Energy attached to this Pokemon in the Lost Zone. Place a Pokemon that’s Knocked Out by damage from this attack and all cards attached to it in the Lost Zone.
[P] Invitation of the Moon: Choose any number of damage counters on your opponent’s Pokemon and move them onto your opponent’s Pokemon in any way you like.
If this Pokemon is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
Weakness: Fighting / Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2
T/S/S: 28
3 Collectors
3 Bebe Search
3 Communication
1 Luxury Ball
3 Warp Point
4 Hunter/SSU (Not sure which one yet)
1 Ruins of Alph
1 Indigo Plateu (TR)
1 Palmers
1 Alph Litograph (TR)
2 Expert Belt
2 Lucians Assignment
Energy: 13
9 {P}
This deck is a spread deck. Simple as that. Up until now, spread decks have been nearly impossilbe to pull of because of Garchomp C's Healing Breath. As soon as you spread 30, they just heal it all away and follow it up with a dragon rush. Well, the new Solrock from Triumphant solves that problem. If you have a lunatone in play, neither player can recover HP. So healing breath does nothing now. Your spread damage is free to build up until you can take 3+ prizes at once. And I didnt realize this at first, but the Supreme Victors Lunatone is great too. As long as solrock is in play, all of your lunatone and solrock cannot be affected by damage or effects of attacks from pokemon lv X. So garchomp C cannot snipe them and ruin the lock.
So to recap, my Lunatone and Solrock combo gives me heal lock, AND a built in Bench Shield of sort.
This combo is very easy to set up too. Lunatone and Solrock are both normal basics and can be searched out via Collector.
I chose to add in a Spritomb (LA) to increase the spread damage speed.
And Regice is for when Im under trainer lock by Spiritomb (AR).
The Ruins of Alph and Darkrai Cresselia Legend are my Dialga G counters mostly. Dialga G turns off all my pokebodies AND resists Giratina. Ruins of Alph gets rid of that resistance at least and DC Legend can manipulate damage counters onto Dialga G avoiding resistance completely.
Further more, by moving damage counters around, I can KO Gengar (SF) without activating its Fainting Spell.
Pokemon: 19
3-1 Giratina Lv X (Giratina #10) http://pokebeach.com/scans/platinum/10-giratina.jpg
2 Lunatone (SV)
2 Solrock (TR)
2-2 Darkrai Cresselia Legend
3-1 Uxie Lv X
1 Regice (LA)
1 Spiritomb (LA)
1 Unown Q
Solrock - Fighting - HP 70
Basic Pokemon
Poke-Body: Heal Block
If you have any Lunatone in play, neither player’s Pokemon can recover any HP.
[F] Sun Flash: 20 damage. During your opponent’s next turn, when the Pokemon that was hit by this attack uses an attack, your opponent flips a coin, if tails the attack fails.
Weakness: Grass (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1
Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND – Darkness / Psychic – HP150
Legendary Pokemon
Combine 2 Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND cards in your hand and play them on your Bench.
[D][D][C][C] Lost Crisis: 100 damage. Place 2 Energy attached to this Pokemon in the Lost Zone. Place a Pokemon that’s Knocked Out by damage from this attack and all cards attached to it in the Lost Zone.
[P] Invitation of the Moon: Choose any number of damage counters on your opponent’s Pokemon and move them onto your opponent’s Pokemon in any way you like.
If this Pokemon is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
Weakness: Fighting / Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2
T/S/S: 28
3 Collectors
3 Bebe Search
3 Communication
1 Luxury Ball
3 Warp Point
4 Hunter/SSU (Not sure which one yet)
1 Ruins of Alph
1 Indigo Plateu (TR)
1 Palmers
1 Alph Litograph (TR)
2 Expert Belt
2 Lucians Assignment
Energy: 13
9 {P}
This deck is a spread deck. Simple as that. Up until now, spread decks have been nearly impossilbe to pull of because of Garchomp C's Healing Breath. As soon as you spread 30, they just heal it all away and follow it up with a dragon rush. Well, the new Solrock from Triumphant solves that problem. If you have a lunatone in play, neither player can recover HP. So healing breath does nothing now. Your spread damage is free to build up until you can take 3+ prizes at once. And I didnt realize this at first, but the Supreme Victors Lunatone is great too. As long as solrock is in play, all of your lunatone and solrock cannot be affected by damage or effects of attacks from pokemon lv X. So garchomp C cannot snipe them and ruin the lock.
So to recap, my Lunatone and Solrock combo gives me heal lock, AND a built in Bench Shield of sort.
This combo is very easy to set up too. Lunatone and Solrock are both normal basics and can be searched out via Collector.
I chose to add in a Spritomb (LA) to increase the spread damage speed.
And Regice is for when Im under trainer lock by Spiritomb (AR).
The Ruins of Alph and Darkrai Cresselia Legend are my Dialga G counters mostly. Dialga G turns off all my pokebodies AND resists Giratina. Ruins of Alph gets rid of that resistance at least and DC Legend can manipulate damage counters onto Dialga G avoiding resistance completely.
Further more, by moving damage counters around, I can KO Gengar (SF) without activating its Fainting Spell.