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Invincible Aegislash! (Aegislash / Bronzong)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon - 14:

  • 3 Aegislash (King's Shield)
    1 Aegislash (Buster Swing)
    4 Honedge
    3 Bronzong (Ability)
    3 Bronzor
    1 Keldeo EX
    1 Jirachi EX
    1 Dialga EX (Phantom Gate)
    1 Mr. Mime
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums - 32:

  • 1 Colress
    2 Startling Megaphone
    3 Steel Shelter
    3 N
    4 Juniper
    2 Skyla
    1 Computer Search
    2 Bicycle
    3 Float Stone
    2 Rare Candy
    2 Ultra Ball
    2 VS Seeker
    1 Switch
    1 Professor's Letter

  • 4 DCE
    8 Steel
1. Get as many Aegislash and Bronzong out as you can.
2. Power Aegislash, Dialga EX, and Keldeo EX
3. Keep abusing King's Shield.
4. Get Mr. Mime to prevent bench damage.
5. Be a winner!
Have any suggestions?:D

Steel Shelter - Trainer

Remove all Special Conditions from [M] Pokemon in play. [M] Pokemon cannot be affected by Special Conditions.

This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play. If another card with the same name is in play, you can’t play this card.
Dialga-EX - Metal - HP180
Basic Pokemon

[M][C][C] Chrono Wind: 60 damage. If the opponent's Active Pokemon is a Pokemon-EX, it cannot attack during your opponent's next turn.
[M][M][C][C] Fullmetal Impact: 150 damage. Discard 2 [M] Energy attached to this Pokemon.

When a Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 2
Bronzong - Metal - HP90
Stage 1 - Evolves from Bronzor

Ability: Metal Chain
Once during your turn, you may choose 1 Metal Energy from your discard pile and attach it to 1 of your Benched Pokemon.

[M][M][C] Hammer In: 60 damage.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 3
Edited to coincide with the rules!
RE: Invinsible Aegislash!

Um, want to add a couple Honedge, perhaps? :p

From my testing of Aegislash, I've found that you only need two of them in total. Two is enough to keep them out of your prizes, and if your opponent is able to kill two of them, you've already lost, anyway.
RE: Invinsible Aegislash!

simsands said:
Um, want to add a couple Honedge, perhaps? :p

From my testing of Aegislash, I've found that you only need two of them in total. Two is enough to keep them out of your prizes, and if your opponent is able to kill two of them, you've already lost, anyway.

Whoops! Forgot about them! I'll update the deck too. Thanks!
Eron said:
Techs against Garbodor?

Garbodor shuts down all your deck.

That's why there are 2 startling megaphones. Also once Aegislash gets set up, abilities won't matter.
bwpple said:
Eron said:
Techs against Garbodor?

Garbodor shuts down all your deck.

That's why there are 2 startling megaphones. Also once Aegislash gets set up, abilities won't matter.

Most decks that run Garbodor run many Tools at least 2 Float Stones for Garbodor, but they also run Muscle Band and other things, 2 Megaphones is not enough when against a Garbodor deck.

It takes 4 turns (at least) to set up Aegislash, that's way too slow, by 4 turns most decks are full built, id est Fighting Decks, Plasma Decks, even Blastoise decks. He's just 140 HP, he can be easily KO. But that's none of my business. :p
Eron said:
bwpple said:
That's why there are 2 startling megaphones. Also once Aegislash gets set up, abilities won't matter.

Most decks that run Garbodor run many Tools at least 2 Float Stones for Garbodor, but they also run Muscle Band and other things, 2 Megaphones is not enough when against a Garbodor deck.

It takes 4 turns (at least) to set up Aegislash, that's way too slow, by 4 turns most decks are full built, id est Fighting Decks, Plasma Decks, even Blastoise decks. He's just 140 HP, he can be easily KO. But that's none of my business. :p

Most decks won't get garbodor in 4 turns. What other changes should be made?
Most decks get Garbodor down with a tool turn 2, sometimes 3.

Deopending on what Aegislash's Ability is, you might be fine with just 1-2 Megaphone if you save your Megaphones for turns where they'll allow you to make important plays, when they have more than two tools down, before you N them into a small hand, etc. Either way I wouldn't play more than two though because that is when I feel it starts to hurt consistency, and consistency is better than tech cards for particular matchups. If you still feel like you need more (probably not) play Dowsing Machine over Computer Search because in that match up, it can be a third Megaphone. In other match ups, it can be something else.
No techs to counter Fire decks? Not sure what Steel Shelter (removes Weakness from your Steel Poke?) does, but if it's a Stadium, it can be replaced and Poke like Pyroar and/or Charizard can then 1HKO your EXs... 1 Keldeo EX won't provide enough protection IMO.
TuxedoBlack said:
No techs to counter Fire decks? Not sure what Steel Shelter (removes Weakness from your Steel Poke?) does, but if it's a Stadium, it can be replaced and Poke like Pyroar and/or Charizard can then 1HKO your EXs... 1 Keldeo EX won't provide enough protection IMO.

Steel Shelter prevent status conditions, so it is better than decent. But I'm also considering replacing Keldeo EX with Beartic, is that a bad idea?
Without Keldeo EX, you will need two fully powered Aegislash (And trust me, this will never happen) to continuously attack with King's Shield. If you don't, you won't be invincible anymore, which is the only good thing about the card. No, don't take out Keldeo. If anything, add another.
bwpple said:
TuxedoBlack said:
No techs to counter Fire decks? Not sure what Steel Shelter (removes Weakness from your Steel Poke?) does, but if it's a Stadium, it can be replaced and Poke like Pyroar and/or Charizard can then 1HKO your EXs... 1 Keldeo EX won't provide enough protection IMO.

Steel Shelter prevent status conditions, so it is better than decent. But I'm also considering replacing Keldeo EX with Beartic, is that a bad idea?
No doubt that Beartic provides a solid counter to Pyroar, but would incorporating a 2-2 Beartic line into your deck "disrupt" your deck significantly? If so, then that may be a match-up you just take your chances against while your deck remains solid, as is, against the rest of the field. My recommendation would be for you to consider the "top" 5-8 decks you might encounter in your area. If you have good match-up chances against most of them, then you may not need to worry about the 1 "bad" match-up.