Mystic Genie

Aspiring Trainer
I HAVE THE GREATEST deck ever within it is a raquaza that with 4 holon energies and 4 metal energies and with almost every twike is fixed! Im sorry that i dont have a link but i will try very hard to get one link on here. Please also try, if you think that you have a better deck just link it back on a reply to me. TY!:D
Do you mind elaborating on what the deck is? Meaning can you tell us what cards exactly are in the deck and how it works becuse I think I know which Rayquaza you're talking about.
Lunar Wing said:
Do you mind elaborating on what the deck is? Meaning can you tell us what cards exactly are in the deck and how it works becuse I think I know which Rayquaza you're talking about.

sure ill add more when i add the link on
well, first of all, holon energy are from ds to df and are illegal, so this combo really wouldnt work, also, how say you get 8 energy on a lone ray?
Furroshi said:
well, first of all, holon energy are from ds to df and are illegal, so this combo really wouldnt work, also, how say you get 8 energy on a lone ray?

just keep adding on energies when hes one the bench
I think I might know what Mystic Genie is talking about.

He is saying that you attach the 4 Holon Energies to Rayquaza from the knew LA set. Then Rayquaza will use its power to get all the 6 types of basic energy from the discard or hand (excluding Dark & Steel) and an extra copy of Lightning and Fire to perform the attack.
Now that he has all the energies need to active all the Holon Energies effects, and the fact that Ray has an attack for 150, its will be INVINCIBLE.

However, Mystic Genie, is you read Rayquaza's attck right you will see that the attack says "Discard all Energy attached to Rayquaza."
Epic Fail. :p
It prevents 40 damage. Is that all? CAn't say it's really hard to KO something that hasn't got much HP in the first place, considering only the δ types get Metal boosts, and the accumulated Holon boosts are tiny. No weakness, can't be affected by Resistances, effect shield, 10 damage EX Protection (useless), status shield and free retreat.

Oh, and his power only adds Fire and Electric energies.

I also seriously doubt anyone not being able to kill your Rayquaza within eight turns. Leafeon L. X might help but it'll probably end up being active eventually and die too. 100 HP, double colourless weakness, can't say that helps it, though of course colourless types are rare(r) lately.
What a very egotistical thread. Please supply how the combo works. I see no use in having holon energies or metal energies on rayquaza LA. Are you talking about an old rayquaza? This deck CAN'T really work, because holon energies aren't modified.
Nonono, the Rayquaza we're talking about has to be old. LA Rayquaza isn't a Delta.

But which one are you talking about?!
Sorry, I've mistakened the Holon energies with the Delta Rainbow Energy.

But I still don't get the combo.
Andyman said:
I think I might know what Mystic Genie is talking about.

He is saying that you attach the 4 Holon Energies to Rayquaza from the knew LA set. Then Rayquaza will use its power to get all the 6 types of basic energy from the discard or hand (excluding Dark & Steel) and an extra copy of Lightning and Fire to perform the attack.
Now that he has all the energies need to active all the Holon Energies effects, and the fact that Ray has an attack for 150, its will be INVINCIBLE.

However, Mystic Genie, is you read Rayquaza's attck right you will see that the attack says "Discard all Energy attached to Rayquaza."
Epic Fail. :p
Thanks and also not if you have a holon energy atached to it

Thanks but the rayquaza is old but i use it just with friends and brothers
...wait, four holon energies? There's only three, and only GL has accummulated effects.

And no, nothing can stop you discarding your own energies. Not even Energy WP.
IIRC, rayquaza delta kinda sucked... Try GG/empoleon on if you are doing HP-on.