Iron Thorns ex / Dragapult ex Poses Major Challenges to Top Decks


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Hello to all PokeBeach readers! This is Gabriel Semedo again with another Pokemon TCG article. This time I want to talk about a deck that is actually the fusion of two decks from the format, Iron Thorns ex / Dragapult ex.
This is not the first time that this deck has appeared in the world of Pokémon TCG. At least I have tested Iron Thorns ex / Dragapult ex before the Latin America International Championships (LAIC), and I confess that I liked the deck at the time. But the metagame was completely different from what it is today. At LAIC, I played Regidrago VSTAR because it had not yet become 100% established as the best deck in the format, and there was a clear path for it to perform...

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