To start, Six Corners is a totally viable deck. Recently, Six Corners has been put off to the side. Many of the decks in today's format consist of energy accelerating cards. Energy Acceleration is the use of a Pokemon to attach many energies to use great attacks that are a little costly. Some of the main accelerators are
Celebi Prime,
Electrode Prime,
Emboar, and
Eelektrik. These make the format really fast and hard to keep up with. Six Corners rarely runs Energy Acceleration, with the exception of an occasional Electrode Prime, which makes it hard to keep up while taking important KOs. 6 Corners usually gets around this by hitting for weakness on popular cards. This has become much harder recently because approximately 80 damage a turn can't win you the game anymore. 6 Corners has also been helped little by the recent release of
Next Destinies. It has been helped because it doesn't need to take as many KOs because of EXs. Six Corners usually needs to win in the first 6-8 turns before your opponent can set up and run through you relatively weak pokemon.
How can 6 Corners keep up anymore? The answer is more strategies. The trick to winning with 6 Corners is taking advantage by countering your opponent's entire deck with 1-2 cards. That is really easy to do with a deck like 6 Corners because you can run 4 copies of both
Prism and
Rainbow Energy which gives you a huge diversity of cards you can use. Even though you can use a huge variety of cards, you need to make sure you don't over-tech. Test all of your matchups before making any serious changes to your list. Another way to win with this deck is add energy acceleration. This may change your list a ton, but if you can't beat them, join them. I personally like Electrode in 6 Corners, but some others (including [member]Rougechomp[/member]) like to use other like to use
Celebi Prime to fuel their entire deck.
In conclusion, this deck is still very viable, but it needs to be changed a little bit from last format. This deck also needs tons of skill to play it, so don't be discouraged if it doesn't work out at first.