Help Is Alolan Sandslash any good?


Aspiring Trainer
It seems really good to me but it costs so little that it appears I'm outvoted (and of course I haven't played competitively in a while, I just stay at home and wish I had more time/dedication/money.)
Sadly Alolan Sandslash is not very good, it is Morley outclassed by Octillery, which each turn allows you to draw cards until you have 5 cards in your hand. If you are looking for draw support, I recommend Tapu Lele-GX, Octillery, or Oranguru, and Oranguru might be the cheapest. :)
Draw Power-wise it is certainly outclassed by other and better options. But, it could still be interesting in it's own deck. Vileplume from Burning Shadows for instance, has a powerful ability for this meta that can only be used while it's active. Which Sandslash can make happen with it's attack. There are probably a few other Pokemon i haven' thought of that could work in this vein, like Wobbuffet from Generations. Guzma could still be a problem tho.

If you have at least 2 Sandslash in play, then you can play Mallow to deck-stack any two cards you want and then draw them with it's ability. Alternately, a Sandslash powered up by Professor Kukui and a Choice Band can 1HKO most water-weak GX/EX's while only giving up 1 prize in return.

Not optimal, but interesting and potentially viable. Best of luck!