Ruling Is N Legal in BCR-On?


Lost Deck Builder
Hi Everyone,

I keep hearing that N is still available for use in BCR because of the reprint promo. I just wanted make sure this is true so I can finish building my BCR deck and not have to change much out of it.

When I try to build my deck for BCR in TCG One it keeps telling me N is not available for it hence the other reason for this post.
RE: N in BCR? Yes or No?

Yes. It was reprinted as BW Promo 100. TCG One just had a fairly large update with the most recent sets except for Furious Fists, and I believe they are still working to resolve some issues. (There was a major Float Stone bug that got fixed.) It doesn't have N BW100, and the site for whatever reason doesn't let you reprints of older cards that are still legal, so for the BCR-on format, you do not currently have access to N. Max Potion is another card affected by this, since it doesn't have the golden reprint either. I would just play in the NXD-on format. It's close enough considering they still don't have Furious Fists.