Is porygon still around?


Hating durant since 11/16/11
I haven't heard anyone talk about porygon decks for a while. Is that because everyone abandoned the deck already?

I was thinking about building it and was wondering what to play with it.
Porygon was only talked about when Lou Cypher hyped it up... until they all tested it and found out it wasn't that great, due to a certain big blue guy that makes SPs cry (Machamp).

If you were to play Porygon-Z, though, I'd recommend it with Weavile for extra damage (and getting around Gengar's stupid resistance). One Shadow Charge = Fully-Charged Porygon-Z.
PokeChamp said:
Porygon was only talked about when Lou Cypher hyped it up... until they all tested it and found out it wasn't that great, due to a certain big blue guy that makes SPs cry (Machamp).

So... Psychic tech then?
amisheskimoninja said:
Mewtwo + G could work on both Machamp and SP's.

Well, the only issue with Mewtwo is Energy costs. It needs three, which is a bit much. Besides that, though, it's a good idea.
PokeChamp said:
If you were to play Porygon-Z, though, I'd recommend it with Weavile for extra damage (and getting around Gengar's stupid resistance). One Shadow Charge = Fully-Charged Porygon-Z.
Fabulous Idea! I play Porygon-Z with Dusknoir.
Yeah it is still around but it is really Rogue. Dark Porygon awsome but there is one problem with the deck sableye donk.
I still like porygon! It's not a bad choice with the rise of Flygon recently, though it doesn't seem to have an answer to the memory berry variety.
If you are looking for a Machamp counter, what about Ninetales MT. Machamp lists usually run Uxie, so you can hit Machamp for 110 (I think thats the right amount). Since Porygon-Z uses Colorless energy, you can add Ninetales without fear of not having the right amount of energy.
From my experience, speedrill is a big threat to promogon decks. If they get set up, they are OHKOing your gons with one energy while you need two energies to even damage them. Even if you build up a gon on the bench with all 8 TM's and take a beedrill out in one hit, they will just recover it and make you lose all of your precious TM's.

I'm still trying to figure out a way to beat this, especially since Beedrill will be uber popular due to worlds :/ Like Gengar the baller (lol) said, promogon usually has room for a tech or two, so dusknoir DP might help a little, but any ideas are welcome...
Machamp isn't an issue to Porygon as much as certain other cards are. It still needs 3 heads for the OHKO, which they'll obviously lucksack together, but here's another fun trick: Devolute their Candied champs and watch them falter.
Either way, the real troubles are powerful SP's with over 100 HP (since you waste multiple TM's on them) that deal FAST damage (So not Legos/Dialga, but Luxray and company). And as said there's Beedrill, although a Dusknoir tech coupled with LVX abuse (who is out of OHKO range) can help that.
Promogon isn't as good as it was during DP-PT, but it's better then it was during DP-RR thanks to VS Seeker and a few other tricks it picked up.
actually my little brother played porygon z at nationals and did excelent. He made it to Top 64 cut (or whatever that is how they did it) and the only reason he did not make it further was because he got stuck with a machamp in top 64 so he auto lost. He went 7-1 for the day and gets paired against frekin machamp and gets screwed out of the rest of nats. By the way he is in the junior division.
Not sure if your talking about this Porygon Z but the GE's one has some possiblities in my mind:

use Boudery Lake stadium

2 of every energy, or popular ones, like dark (gengar), fire (speedril), water (infernape/blazikin), and upper for a a charged up Pory in 1 turn if your behind

just Rosy/energy search the right energy and use his power to do 80 per flip to the poke... but tis till requires 2 heads to KO most pokes, but i think it has a chance, but maybe not competativly
reclaimer94 said:
Not sure if your talking about this Porygon Z but the GE's one has some possiblities in my mind:

use Boudery Lake stadium

2 of every energy, or popular ones, like dark (gengar), fire (speedril), water (infernape/blazikin), and upper for a a charged up Pory in 1 turn if your behind

just Rosy/energy search the right energy and use his power to do 80 per flip to the poke... but tis till requires 2 heads to KO most pokes, but I think it has a chance, but maybe not competativly

Talking about Promogon DP35, damage based on the TMs attached.

I played it at Regionals and got 10th place. It's a great card, but has some tough weaknesses.