BW/BW2 Is that just a female version of Hiyappu's evo?


Aspiring Trainer
I hope to God it is. That thing is incredibly stupid looking, which is a real shame as Hiyappu was my favourite of the monkey trio. I thought there would be at least ONE up side to starting with Tsutaja :/ Cruddy stats and a hideous monkey girl.... not the way I wanna roll.
That was what I thought when I saw it. It has girlish hair and everything! But then again, the elvis grass monkey looks look a boy. So Gamefreak thinks they will cancel each other out. :)

(First post!)
yeah tsutaja has pretty bad stats... and they killed the water monkey it was really cool but its evo is really really horrible.
It could be a gay pokemon. I mean his blue "shirt or swimsuit" is so high up his body. :p
@Wolf616: Yeah, but... UGH, can't we just use the original word "homosexual"? Doesn't gay mean happy? XD
Wooooow, this is going WAY off topic. X3
But really, that is a bad design, for both genders. Maybe for the dude monkey it has a longer swimsuit because th guys and girls now have different forms.
Oh, yes. That would be better... I always saw Hiyappu as a female even before its evolution was shown, though. I guess it was the pose... x3
Sure, homosexual is correct too. Gay does originally mean happy, bright or vivid, but it's rarely used in that context any more.

Now, about the monkey... I don't like it. The grass and fire ones look good, but the water one is meh. I agree that it looks like a hippie/friendly Jamaican.
My favorite monkey is the grass one. The fire one is great, but doesn't compare to the grass one. Pokemon usually get better when they evolve, but the water monkey took a step down.
The fire monkey looks like a little devil or an imp.

@Wolf616: You're SO right... XD Never noticed.
I say Yanappu's evolution is the best, Hiyappu's is second and Baoppu's is... last. It looks all fat and depressed. T_T
I actually like the way Hiyappu's evolution looks, because it seems so happy~ And Yinappu's looks... just cool. I have no idea how to describe my feelings towards Baoppu's. O_O
Lol It does look Jamaican XD, The hair looks similar to Kon's but longer and not put to one side, and it looks like it is wearing a dress
its probily just the female form the male could have like a longer shirt and dredlocks that would be so cool
i always thought that it had dreadlocks, but this is a good idea
come to think of it, doesnt the grass one look more like a guy?
and i wonder if this Jamaican monkey likes his "dream smoke"
(stereotypes FTW!)