Is The Glaceon Majestic Dawn Deck Any Good?


Hello world!
Im New To The TCG.....I Know MOst Of The Rules And Stuff.....I Own The Majestic Dawn Deck....But Is It Any Good For,I Guess You Could Call Me,A n00b?

So Any Help Would Be Nice....
....Hmmm...I Only Know 1 Person Who Plays The TCG....He Won Reginal I Belive! So Im Scared To Fight Him....LOLOLOLOLOLOL No Honestly I Am...
Yeah thats deck is good for starters now buy some packs and get some more empoleons and youll be good to go for now.
The glaceon deck is mediocre at best, sorry. The best starter deck out there is the Magmortar one from Secret Wonders. I'm sure your friend would also be willing to help you begin playing.