Is There Any Love For "Unlimited" Anymore?

Do You Prefer Modified or Unlimited?

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Il Trascendente

Aspiring Trainer
Some of you may remember me as "Il Trascendente", but I decided to change my name. I've been playing since the age of 12 and I'm now 24. I know that Modified is the popular format for Pokemon, but are there any tournaments that allow Unlimited format? Although there are several broken cards in Unlimited, I still find the format to be more creative and fun to play. It's a challenge to construct an "original" Unlimited deck that can hold its own against the best in the format. What do you think?
I just can't get behind Unlimited, period, it's far too broken. However, an extended format, like EX-on that was tested at Worlds last year has much more promise.
i always go back and play different format decks for nostalgia my friend still has his LBS deck and his flaridos. i still have my old t2 bannette deck also
trevorispro said:
i always go back and play different format decks for nostalgia my friend still has his LBS deck and his flaridos. i still have my old t2 bannette deck also

My favorite is Alakazam + Mismagius Lv. X + Unown G ;)
I cant place a vote.
Picking Unlimited is too vague. Too unspecific. If It was EX series and on, then I would pick Unlimited.

There are so many good decks from the EX series that were really good.

Flareon ex/Ariados combo.
Scizor ex (UF)
The Lugia ex combo
And many others.

I also miss cards like Boost Energy and Holon Magneton/Electrode.
I think unlimited players are lucky cuz they get to use celios network.

its just bebe's search but better!
masterryanx said:
I just can't get behind Unlimited, period, it's far too broken. However, an extended format, like EX-on that was tested at Worlds last year has much more promise.

More broken than Type 1 Extended, Legacy, and Vintage in Magic that's for sure. GHJamesGH also makes a good point, the format also comes down to who goes 2nd cause of how ridiculously fast it is.
My league plays Unlimited when we're not running POP events. I personally think that's awesome. Sure the old systems was a little broken but I mean it's fun to play with at leagues. I also think that POP should run unlimited events and such. Like in the WoW TCG it's main format is basically Unlimited play. Recently they announced a new format that everyone is hating right now which is "Core" format, which is the 3 latest sets only. (Their sets are 350-400+ cards) So a lot of people are raging about that but it's mainly to bring in new players, but the point is having these 2 formats is going to span over more people and bring more people to the game. I hope that POP gets around to having so fun tournaments like Unlimited play someday. But if we keep getting shitty support (IE, the crapping promos that not many care about with a stupid pokeball on it, [I mean sure we got claydol, and uxie, and rosey but seriously who doesn't have 10 of each of these now{also rotation out is soon probably for these.}] and no pins at tournaments/league and so on and so fourth) then I really don't care what POP does and I hope they just fold through.
BlazeTK said:
My league plays Unlimited when we're not running POP events. I personally think that's awesome. Sure the old systems was a little broken but I mean it's fun to play with at leagues. I also think that POP should run unlimited events and such. Like in the WoW TCG it's main format is basically Unlimited play. Recently they announced a new format that everyone is hating right now which is "Core" format, which is the 3 latest sets only. (Their sets are 350-400+ cards) So a lot of people are raging about that but it's mainly to bring in new players, but the point is having these 2 formats is going to span over more people and bring more people to the game. I hope that POP gets around to having so fun tournaments like Unlimited play someday. But if we keep getting shitty support (IE, the crapping promos that not many care about with a stupid pokeball on it, [I mean sure we got claydol, and uxie, and rosey but seriously who doesn't have 10 of each of these now{also rotation out is soon probably for these.}] and no pins at tournaments/league and so on and so fourth) then I really don't care what POP does and I hope they just fold through.

Glad to see some love for Unlimited. =)
the comic book shop down the road from where i'm at usually has unlimited tourny's, but we play modi from 2nd or 3rd gen (there crazy fun) but yeah most of my deck's are unlimited. bah to modi, woot to unlimited, nuff sed. cya
i seriously don't mind unlimited (i mean who wouldn't want to run the other saur family again) but im starting to get really ticked off with POP i swear if they rotate out again im either
A: quitting (by the way my friend quit for and one of his reasons was the stupid rotating)
B: protesting

I think POP as a human body they eat food (lets say the food is Diamond & Pearl) and say "mmmm thats tasty" then later on when new food comes they just take a big dump and flush the old cards down the toilet. it really is disgusting and mean for people to lure you in then dump its like betrayel.

oh and PS: i didn't start playing complete modified until last years states and man was i finally had to saddly remove my precious money worth EX-Neo-Base cards i learn about a year later "oh yeah they might rotate out diamond and pearl" POP i hope your reading this and getting your freakin minds set to smart cuase POP let me tell ya i have little respect for what you do.

Well if they didn't rotate sets out the game would become rather unbalanced. Also the company would fold more easily because people wouldn't buy new cards. They would be content with what they had, the game wouldn't sell, and there is when the game dies. I just wish they had like, at Nationals, on the Friday have unlitimed or like EX-on or EX-only tournaments. Something that wouldn't be straight modified. Maybe if enough of the community would more toward it and ask for it we might get it.
Neither, Unlimited is great but the games are done within a few seconds. I'd prefer ex series only.
i seriously don't mind unlimited (i mean who wouldn't want to run the other saur family again) but im starting to get really ticked off with POP i swear if they rotate out again im either
A: quitting (by the way my friend quit for and one of his reasons was the stupid rotating)
B: protesting

I think POP as a human body they eat food (lets say the food is Diamond & Pearl) and say "mmmm thats tasty" then later on when new food comes they just take a big dump and flush the old cards down the toilet. it really is disgusting and mean for people to lure you in then dump its like betrayel.

oh and PS: i didn't start playing complete modified until last years states and man was i finally had to saddly remove my precious money worth EX-Neo-Base cards i learn about a year later "oh yeah they might rotate out diamond and pearl" POP i hope your reading this and getting your freakin minds set to smart cuase POP let me tell ya i have little respect for what you do.


lol @ you running the "Saur" family again...just remember what Mesprit Lv. X does to Venusaur EX...anyway, as it has been said before, if there was no rotation in this game, the game would have been done along time ago...very few games can get away with no rotation, and this isn't one of them...granted, it can go a while without any rotation, but at some point in time, there will need to be some cards that need to rotate out, otherwise you end up with broken combos and lackluster in point, someone's deck who was banned from their league *looks at the OP of this thread*

Unlimited is fine for fun play, but when you start playing with broken combos, and your peers either don't have the resources or don't have the deckbuilding and/or playing skill to beat those combos, the game just isn't worth playing start to bring down the morale of other people, and eventually they just don't want to play the game at all...then what happens? no longer have a league, and with attendance dropping for the game, you lose prize support which makes even more people not want to play, and then with less support from start getting less product to buy, until the game is no longer printed

now, imagine if it was for tournament're either gonna have to have really no prize support for unlim tournies for no're gonna have to have old unmodified product prize support for unlim tournies that don't count for ratings...
qnetykz said:
lol @ you running the "Saur" family again...just remember what Mesprit Lv. X does to Venusaur EX...anyway, as it has been said before, if there was no rotation in this game, the game would have been done along time ago...very few games can get away with no rotation, and this isn't one of them...granted, it can go a while without any rotation, but at some point in time, there will need to be some cards that need to rotate out, otherwise you end up with broken combos and lackluster in point, someone's deck who was banned from their league *looks at the OP of this thread*

Barrier Mewtwo anyone??
qnetykz said:
lol @ you running the "Saur" family again...just remember what Mesprit Lv. X does to Venusaur EX...anyway, as it has been said before, if there was no rotation in this game, the game would have been done along time ago...very few games can get away with no rotation, and this isn't one of them...granted, it can go a while without any rotation, but at some point in time, there will need to be some cards that need to rotate out, otherwise you end up with broken combos and lackluster in point, someone's deck who was banned from their league *looks at the OP of this thread*

Unlimited is fine for fun play, but when you start playing with broken combos, and your peers either don't have the resources or don't have the deckbuilding and/or playing skill to beat those combos, the game just isn't worth playing start to bring down the morale of other people, and eventually they just don't want to play the game at all...then what happens? no longer have a league, and with attendance dropping for the game, you lose prize support which makes even more people not want to play, and then with less support from start getting less product to buy, until the game is no longer printed

now, imagine if it was for tournament're either gonna have to have really no prize support for unlim tournies for no're gonna have to have old unmodified product prize support for unlim tournies that don't count for ratings...

well i mean i know what your saying but why not either

A: reprint a ton of cards
B: re sell sets
C: just make a freakin ban list like on yugioh even if it is 1,000 cards on it.

but awell it's how it works i know thats how they make money and all but i just hate cards to go to waste :(
Well If POP/PUI decides to Sanction Unlimited like how Modified is currently, they need to set it up like how Magic: The Gathering does it with their Type 1 formats for Legacy, Vintage, and Extended which in this case for the Pokemon TCG would be all wrapped together in one format or divide Unlimited into 3 seperate formats.

First of all in Unlimited there's only a few banned cards with no erratas instead, so there should be a Banned/Errata list exclusively for the Unlimited format only. It shouldn't effect Modified due to set rotations similiar to that of Standard Type 2 in Magic.

If POP/PUI did a Banned/Errata list or the Banned/Restricted list like in Magic for Pokemon's Unlimited format that'd be great, If they ban cards they should stay banned, If restricted keep it that way for reasons that's understandable to the players for a fair and balanced TCG and has been playtested by the game's R&D team, that's also one of my pet peeve's with Yu-Gi-Oh! is that they flip-flop with what cards to keep in or out and they sometimes don't know when to make up their own minds about it either.

The way UDE did their Banned/Errata List in Marvel/DC Vs. System wasn't that bad IMO (which is how Pokemon should do Unlimited IMO besides Magic), they had very good reasons for what actions they did and though sometimes it may have backfired it was all for the best to appease the playerbase. Checking on power creep issue's and keeping up with the Golden Age format (Type 1 in Vs.) is also vital and important as well to which should be implied to what POP/PUI should do with Unlimited in the Pokemon TCG If it becomes a Sanctioned Tournament format like Modified.

But yeah I agree with qnetykz, Magic also in a sense has the same problems in Casual with Mono Blue Control decks (Countermagic) decks and how they're unfun to play against and the problem arose again in Standard with Black/Blue Faerie decks when Lorwyn block was still legal in Standard and it got to the point where Wizards of the Coast is hating Blue up to this day even in sets they release so far.

I'm not saying that Magic: The Gathering is busted in terms of Casual, sometimes ingenuity and decks tend to go a bit too far and every deck has flaws depending on what you're playing against. You learn from your losses and adapt to how you're going to beat the deck you're having problems against and I'm glad that WoTC have been making cards for other colors to help get around Blue Control decks even though they're dead in Standard currently.

Yu-Gi-Oh!'s problem and the reason why IMO they flip-flop on Banned/Restricted cards or more or less could of avoided it is If the game was designed to have a resource system and by the time things got crazy with the Chaos decks and Yata-Garasu there was way too much power creep and Konami/UDE didn't know how to handle it but what I'm trying to say is If the game was designed as good as Magic: The Gathering it probably would've never got to the problems it had in the first place.

Pokemon and Magic are different cause they have a resource system to keep the games balanced, power creep is inevitable in the majority of TCG's but If handled properly it can survive it and prosper. Both Magic and Pokemon have already proven it with the right responsibility by the R&D team to keep the games as balanced and enjoyable as possible.

Sorry If I went a bit off topic... :p
Some people say that the whole set rotation business is just a marketing ploy for POP to squeeze as much money as they can from their player base... but that's just stupid. The new sets are designed with the current metagame in mind. They're not meant nor intended to mesh with the older cards, and if you DO combine the two, you get really freaky results. And by freaky results I mean broken combos and incomprehensible rulings (like Muk EX vs. Dialga G LV.X). Unlimited is great for casual play, but I really wouldn't want to see it in officially sanctioned tournaments.
A: reprint a ton of cards
B: re sell sets
C: just make a freakin ban list like on yugioh even if it is 1,000 cards on it.

A: That would be a waste of money/Sets are too big already.
B: Too much money.
C: A good idea, but it's easier to just rotate sets.