okay, so i've got 3 claydol GE's and 2 baltoys in my deck. do you think it is worth a SV booster box??? i'm considering it if people are willing to do it.
reclaimer94 said:what deck do you run?
Lolmonster said:I don't know. Unless the box is sealed. And I'd make sure they don't know 'bout the odd and even boxes. A tampered box yields no results.
SourMilk said:I would wait right before Claydol comes out at league, then sell it for a box of Arceus.
Lolmonster said:aRcEuS sucks harder than SV.
p8ntchucker7 said:I disagree with most people. Don't wait til last minute. If people are smart (which isn't always the case), then they will slowly begin to pay and offer less and less for Claydols as the time gets closer. My logic says, "Why give a lot to get them now, when I could just wait a little bit and get them for free at league?"
SourMilk said:I would wait right before Claydol comes out at league, then sell it for a box of Arceus.
SourMilk said:I would wait right before Claydol comes out at league, then sell it for a box of Arceus.