Is this card Prime?


Quiet down there!

Stupid question, but I'm not sure about it. :p
The answer's no, as you might have known already. That border pattern was also used on Rocket's Pokemon in the EX Team Rocket Returns set. Primes are only HGSS and newer. it isn't. What's wrong with you? Can't you tell by the "" watermark that it's a real card?
And that pretty much every Rocket's Pokemon has that border?
Not a Prime...
-Primes are holographic
-Primes have different spikes (they just follow a different pattern)
-Primes are newer (HGSS-on) - you can also see the HGSS border if you look closely enough
-Primes have always been the last Pokémon in an evolution line
Those are pretty much the differences...
Off-topic, I remember this card... still have it, in fact. Ahhh, the good old days...
what are you guys talking about
team rocket's meowth is sooo PRIME. what other pokemon can talk?