Is this flygon X? I never saw real 1


Aspiring Trainer
Sorry i dont know how to insert images

This doesn't belong in the Deck Forum.

And no that's not a real Flygon Lv.X card, but the real Flygon Lv.X card does the same things for the Attack.


dmaster out.
Sorry man, but thats not a real flygon lv.x. It would be an awesome card if that was though. Touch up the artwork a little and that would be one of the coolest pics ever IMO.
Here is a link to a real flygon lv.x

Also that is not what the body does. The body, Wind Erosion discards the top card of your opponents deck in between each turn IF Flygon is active.
I dunno if this is a troll or what, but if you found someone selling this claiming it was a real Flygon X, you should send TPCI an e-mail with a link to whatever site it was on. =\