Help Is this Misprint Real or Fake?


Aspiring Trainer
images (the white parts are lighting issues)
Hi guys,
I ran into a guy today that tried to sell his old collection that had this card in it. it is a dark weezing only colored entirely blue. He claims he got it from a booster pack from a legitimate store (that i know as well) and that he was offered an insane amount of cash for it from pokemon company (which is highly unlikeable).
anyway, it looks 100% legit compared to a normal holo dark weezing, starting from the holo pattern which is the same to the back and just about anything. Has anyone ever heard about it or seen anything like it?
If I'm not mistaken, Pokémon cards are printed using a 4-colour offset printer. The 4 ink colours used are cyan, magenta, yellow and black. Each colour is applied separately using a different inking plate. Green would be achieved by overlaying (or placing tiny dots in close proximity) the cyan and yellow inks. Now, if something happened during the print that prevented the yellow ink from being applied (such as a faulty inking plate), that would explain the blue where there should be green.
I took the liberty of removing the yellow channel from a scan of the Dark Weezing card, which you can see here:
If you compare this to the photo you were sent, the two look nigh identical.
You're probably wondering why the card in the photo still has a yellow border if the yellow ink was never applied. I thought of this, too, and I believe that the border is actually printed onto the card at a separate stage, using a pre-mixed ink to get the colour just right. This is common practice for offset and silkscreen printing if you have large areas of a solid colour, as the half-tone would otherwise be too noticeable.
Besides the colours, everything looks the exact same as the regular card, including font and text-placement. The fact that the holographic background seems to be correct also lends credulity. When a holographic card is printed, a layer of white is first laid down on the holographic card stock to cover all areas that will not be holographic. Fake cards tend to either forego this step entirely, or do it very poorly (boxes of opaque around text, entire artwork as holographic, etc.)

tl;dr I think it's probably safe to say that, as long as this photograph is 100% NOT shopped, this card may well be a rare case of a legitimate misprint. I do, however, doubt that the Pokémon Company even contacted the owner of this card, let alone offered him money for it.
So, that's nice to hear that it is real. Do you have any idea how much are those cards worth? Keep in mind that it is lightly to moderetly played
I have no idea, sorry. Keep in mind that it's only really worth anything to a collector, and only then to those that collect odd cards for the novelty. Just don't let the guy try to rip you off.