Ruling Is this ok, about gardys in my deck?


Never Satisfied
I posted a deck list on my Gardy deck. I have 1 Gallade, 2 Gardy ex, 2 gardy-pk, and 1 gardy lv.x in my deck and they say that I have an illegal amount of gardevoir in my deck and if I use the deck I would be disqualified. Is this true? Please help.
I thought you can have 4-gardy ex and 4-gardy?
It goes by name. EX is part of the name but the level isn't. So you could have 4 Gardevoir & 4 Gardevoir ex in the same deck, but only 3 Gardevoir if you have a Gardevoir level X.

In your example above you have:

1 Gallade
3 Gardevoir (2 PK & 1 level X)
2 Gardevoir ex

So that's fine.
Mr Shaun was indeed not correct. I posted so in your deck topic too, just for the record.