Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands
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Hello all PokeBeach readers! Here is Gabriel Semedo again with another Pokémon TCG article and this time I’m going to talk about the success of Gardevoir ex and how this deck gets even better with the arrival of the new Paldea Evolved set.
Gardevoir ex in the Paldea Evolved Format
Usually, at the end of the format, we are already tired of always playing with the same decks, encountering the same game situations, and losing or winning for the same reasons, however, in this specific format I didn’t even see time pass and I felt the game was interesting every time sat at the table to play. One of the big factors in this was Gardevoir ex — from the moment I played with the deck for the first time, I enjoyed its gameplay, and at the same time, I realized that I would have a lot to learn to master the deck.
Three months...
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