It's Raining Sunshine! (Post your comments)


Do you loooooves me? <3
I figured that I may want to post a link on here posting one of my favorite songs, It's Raining Sunshine, on here and thought you may be able to listen to it easier. Enjoy! IRS
I don't like it. It has no story behind it. Mosy good songs tell a story even when the lyrics don't show it. Miranda Cosgrove isn't good at singing.
The song is mediocre but to be honest, it's a little more comical/peppy than realistic. I guess it depends on my mood. She always hasn't been one of my favorite singers but I guess for some people, the song's flow of energy would make it enjoyable. I have different taste so although I do find parts of it somewhat hilarious, the song as a whole just doesn't intrigue me as it would others. This post just makes me think that we should have a thread for where you can post all your favorite songs. Just a side point. :F

- Luigi
I've never liked music that originated from those Kid Networks.

Not all television stars should be singers, kids networks don't understand that. =/