DPPt/HGSS IV breeding


shiny hunter

I want to iv breed for a trick room team so I need 0-5 speed iv's.Iv'e read a about Iv bredding but I can't seem to find one that is for 0-5 speed.how do I do it?

thanks a lot

If you have Black or White, you should catch an army of Ditto. Everything is explained here:


Just keep catching Dittos and use an IV calculator to check their IV's until you get one that is 1-5. Then give it the Power Anklet and breed.
Yoshidude10 said:
If you have Black or White, you should catch an army of Ditto. Everything is explained here:


Just keep catching Dittos and use an IV calculator to check their IV's until you get one that is 1-5. Then give it the Power Anklet and breed.
I'm using pearl.

Only difference is where you find the Ditto, really - the route that's just east of Canalave via use of the Poke Radar. After you find one that you think has a low Speed IV, you can just keep breeding and hope it gets passed down.

Or, you could chance it and hope you get a low Speed IV passed down. Power Anklets unfortunately do not work in pre-HGSS games in terms of passing down IVs, so most of it is luck.
@kamil: In that case, do what DNA said and look for Dittos there. If anyone you know has an HG/SS game, trade the Ditto to that game and then breed.
^They are; just so long as you've caught 1 Ditto, a Repeat Ball's rate increases to 4x, and thus Repeat Balls are the fastest cheapest ways to catch multiple Ditto.
It helps when trying to get tons of Ditto of varying natures.