Japanese Meta?

The Japanese meta is much differently crafted than ours. They play in small areas and literally line up to get league games played. Winners stay, losers go to the back of the line. They play half deck games with 3 prizes. It is impossible to compare the Japanese Meta to US meta for this reason.

Out of what I've heard, its primarily MewGar, T-tar, scattered Arceus, and scattered LuxChomp.
I can see why Japanese players wouldn't know about Sablelock, from what I have heard about the Metagame is
Gengar Prime
Gengar Prime
Gengar Prime and Gengar Prime.
It is really really popular there and for good reasons, I'm hoping that it isn't that popular in America, if it does get like that I'll tech in a 1-1 Dialga G line in all my decks, some Level Max too.
dragonpulse20 said:
Oh, I thought people said it was going to be a popular Japan build. I knew it was made in the States.
Takuto had a pretty good Sablock build at Worlds. I think the real reason that Sablock isn't popular there is because they play halfdeck, and PONT is amazingly popular. PONT breaks the matchup Sablock vs anything.