Ruling Japanese Pokémon TCG


- ポール -
Did any body can help me with searching for japanese tournaments decks checklists ?, or maybe in japanese event reports ? PLZ
srry can't :p

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Like, I've got this deck with Bastiodon and Magmortar (DP2). You mean something like that? It has 30 cards.
Well here's that deck list you wanted, but I'm not sure if it is what you wanted. :/

Bastiodon (DP2) x1
Magby (DP2) x1
Magmar (DP2) x2
Magmortar (DP2) x1
Unknown T (DP2) x1
Sheildon (DP2) x2
Girafarig (DP2) x1
Energy Search (DP2) x1
Armour Fossil (DP2) x2
Dusk Ball (DP2) x1
Pluspower (DP2) X1
Switch (DP2) x1
Pokedex HANDY910 (DP2) x1
Fossil Excavator (DP2) x1
Team Galactic's Wager (DP2) x1
Multi Energy (DP2) x1
Fire Energy (DP2) x5
Steel Energy (DP2) x6

Total: 30

Is that what you meant? I can post the picture of the deck, or the decklist in Japanese.