Japanese Rules (A BW OU RMT)

The Yoshi


Japanese Rules

Hey everyone! It's been a long time since I've done an OU RMT (I think my last one was a Sandstorm team), and I'm here to present you guys with a new one. It's worked really nicely for me, and I love the way it works.

To give some background info on how this RMT started, I opened up the Smogon tier page one day, scrolled to OU, and took a long look through the list, finding a Pokemon I could build a team around. Personally, my favorite style for a team is set up and sweep, so it was between a few candidates as to who would work. Ultimately, it came down to Volcarona, Salamence, and Reuniclus. So which one did I choose? Read this RMT to find out.

So, to start off the team, I finally went with Volcarona. Despite it suffering from a x4 Weakness to Stealth Rock and being cursed with a Rock type weakness (which is bad for its case because Rock is one of the most common attacking types in the game), Quiver Dance is my favorite move in the game, and was too good to pass up after a few boosts. So, I started off the team with it.


Next, I needed to get rid of Volcarona's awful Stealth Rock weakness, while also having a reliable revenge killer. After looking through a few viable Rapid spinners in OU and lower tiers, I went with Donphan because of its overall usefulness as a reliable Rapid Spinner and has access to Ice Shard to revenge KO Landorus, Dragonite, Haxorus, Salamence, and other Pokemon weak to Ice. Plus, Sturdy isn't too bad of an ability either, almost guaranteeing the chance to get rid of Rocks and Spikes/Toxic Spikes.


Next, I needed some more offense. I wanted to go for another set up and sweeper, but this one needed to resist moves that would threaten Volcarona, or otherwise it would suffer the same fate. I was hearing that Swords Dance Mienshao was pretty darn good, and it also gave Volcarona decent coverage, so I went ahead and used Mienshao for the third slot.


Now I needed some defense. I decided to focus on a physical wall first, and anyone who knows OU is aware that Skarmory keeps its title as the best physical wall in the BW OU tier. Packing a massive 411 Defense means that it can take a boosted Outrage from Haxorus with ease, and can even survive a +2 Waterfall from Gyarados, if I remember correctly. Skarmory also works as a phazer with Whirlwind to get rid of dangerous sweepers that have already boosted a few times. Because of these reasons, I went with Skarmory.


Now you all know about the SkarmBliss combo, correct? It focuses on using Blissey and Skarmory to wall both physical and special attackers with ease. However, Blissey faces competition from Chansey because of Eviolite, and although Blissey gets boosts in both Special Defense and HP, Chansey fit better on the team because of Eviolite. Although I was on the wall about this, Chansey actually worked pretty well with the strategy once I started testing the team, so I went with Chansey, because of its usefulness as a cleric with Wish support, and the ability to be a special wall.


Finally, I found my team needing a hazard layer. Ferrothorn fit pretty well for the filler spot to set up Stealth Rock, and to annoy Rain teams with Leech Seed and Protect. Gyro Ball also gives it coverage when facing Tyranitar and faster users, which helps it greatly. For its usefulness as a hazard layer and as a rain check, I went with Ferrothorn.


Now, I was finding myself missing too often with Mienshao when it tried to hit with Hi Jump Kick or Stone Edge, and in some cases, it was a game changer. Also, I found my team losing too often to Rain teams, specifically Quagsire, so I switched to Virizion to work as a Rain wall, and to deal with Rotom-W.


I found out that half of my team was weak to Fire types, and the evidence showed when Sun teams proceeded to sweep me. Heatran seemed like the perfect choice to absorb all of those fire attacks, and it could fit the niche that Ferrothorn was achieving while walling Fire types, so I went with Heatran.


I found that my team was way too vulnerable to weather teams, specifically Rain and Sand. I was going to need more than Virizion to deal with this, so I went for Gastrodon. I had a difficult time deciding on who to get rid of, but I discovered that Chansey just wasn't helping out enough to stay. So I dropped Chansey for Gastrodon.


Now for yet another change. I began to look into Starmie and noticed that it filled Donphan's niche of a Rapid spinner while also out speeding Tornadus, which is a big problem to the team. Donphan was useless at this point because Starmie filled its job better, so I dropped Donphan for Starmie.


So, now that you know the team at a first glance, it's time to get in-depth and find out how the team works.


Ulgamoth (Volcarona) (F) @ Chesto Berry
Trait: Flame Body
EVs: 160 HP / 252 SpA / 96 Spe
Modest Nature (+SpA, -Atk)
Quiver Dance | Fiery Dance | Bug Buzz | Rest

Volcarona is the focal point of the team. First off, Quiver Dance is the crux of the set and actually makes players forfeit when it gets a few boosts. Fiery Dance and Bug Buzz give great coverage, and anything that does not resist it will take a hefty amount of damage. Rest is the recovery move that Volcarona needs after it keeps Quiver Dancing, because it can abuse Chesto Berry and Quiver Dancing in the process so it can sweep. Flame Body is an excellent trait that can stop Haxorus and Dragonite in their tracks, and the EVs and Modest Nature make the moth as powerful as possible so it can Quiver Dance enough times to Rest off the damage.


Yllmije (Starmie) @ Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
Rapid Spin | Hydro Pump | Thunderbolt | Ice Beam

Originally Donphan, Starmie fits its niche while out speeding a large portion of the OU meta game. The Timid Nature and EV spread maxes out Starmie's speed and gives it enough raw power to deal heavy damage to anything not named Blissey or Chansey. Expert Belt is used over Life Orb because with Rapid Spin, I am doing 1% to the opponent while taking 10% myself. Natural Cure is also nice to get rid of a crippling Status Condition. Rapid Spin makes up the set and fills Donphan purpose in supporting Volcarona, and Starmie gets a STAB from Hydro Pump, killing almost anything not named Ferrothorn. Thunderbolt and Ice Beam provide move coverage to check threats to the team, like Landorus and Politoed.


Virisioni (Virizion) @ Leftovers
Trait: Justified
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature (+Spe, -SpA)
Swords Dance | Leaf Blade | Close Combat | Stone Edge

In place of Mienshao, Virizion is an excellent counter to Rotom-W, Rain Pokemon in general, and the occasional Quagsire, which Volcarona has a problem with. Justified has helped me in certain situations on a switch-in to a Sucker Punch Toxicroak, and although it is Virizion's only trait, it can be useful. Leftovers is the preferred item because this set does not use Giga Drain, leaving Virizion without recovery, so Leftovers was needed. With one Swords Dance, Virizion can hit almost anything in sight with coverage through Leaf Blade and Close Combat, two STABs of Virizion iirc. Stone Edge covers the rest of Virizion's issues and helps me deal with Volcarona easier. The Jolly Nature is used because Virizion
does not carry any special moves, so the Special Attack stat is pointless.


Eamudo (Skarmory) (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)
Spikes | Roost | Brave Bird | Whirlwind

Skarmory is arguably the best physical wall in the OU tier, and this set is able to prove it, while also being my phazer. Yes, Skarmory is the fourth Pokemon to use Leftovers, and although Magnezone does threaten Skarmory, I can simply Whirlwind it out if it tries to set up with Substitute. Speaking of Whirlwind, the move helps immensely against set up sweepers, such as Calm Mind Reuniclus, Dragon Dance Salamence/Gyarados, and Bulk Up Conkeldurr. Sturdy is the preferred ability because Skarmory needs to be able to survive a boosted attack if it wants to phaze them out. Spikes is Skarmory's niche, and can guarantee KOs on certain Pokemon if enough of them are in play. Brave Bird is important to get rid of Breloom and Conkeldurr so they do not decimate the team, and Roost is Skarmory's recovery move in support of Leftovers. The EV spread and Impish Nature help Skarmory reach 416 Defense, a feat very few Pokemon can accomplish, and boosts Skarmory's decent HP stat to higher levels.


Toritoidon (Gastrodon) (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Storm Drain
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature (+SpD, -Atk)
Scald | Earth Power | Toxic | Recover

This Gastrodon is designed to tank, and it does exactly what it is supposed to. Storm Drain is an excellent ability that allows Gastro to take on hits poised at Heatran and boost its Special Attack so it can fight back with Ice Beam. The EV spread and nature max out Gastrodon's Special Defense and HP, allowing it to take hits like it doesn't even matter. Earthquake and Scald provide perfect coverage, hitting almost everything in sight. Toxic is great to cripple sweepers like Volcarona, and Recover is great to stall out poisoned users, or to just recover HP to take more hits. Finally, Leftovers is really the only item Gastrodon should be using so it can recover HP it loses to keep its tanking going.


Hiidoran (Heatran) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 100 SpD / 160 Spe
Calm Nature (+SpD, -Atk)
Lava Plume | Earth Power | Toxic | Stealth Rock

After deciding that Ferrothorn was not the best choice because half of my team was weak to Fire, I decided to switch Ferrothorn to Heatran, while still filling the role Ferrothorn played. Lava Plume and Earth Power helps me deal with opposing Heatran and Tyranitar, and LP hits anything else that Earth Power doesn't cover. Toxic is nice to poison sweepers, and Stealth Rock gets rid of Multiscale on Dragonite and destroys Volcarona. The Calm Nature and EV spread give Heatran enough Special Defense to wall Volcarona for a while, before it sets up, and Flash Fire is a great ability to absorb Fire attacks directed at Skarmory. To further elaborate on Toxic, I chose it over Will-O-Wisp because this team would have a rather difficult time beating Chansey and Blissey after Virizion has been KOd, plus Lava Plume covers the burn chance already. I also chose Stealth Rock over Roar because Skarmory already works as the phazer on the team.


[animate]196[/animate] [animate]178[/animate]: These Magic Bounce users will create huge problems for my team, especially Calm Mind Espeon, because it can seriously threaten Volcarona with Psyshock, and kill anything else with Hidden Power. The only way to combat these beasts is to Quiver Dance with Volcarona a few times before the users switch in so I can kill it with Bug Buzz (or Fiery Dance for Xatu), but if they lead with it, I could be in trouble

[animate]641[/animate]: Hurricane Tornadus absolutely wrecks the team. It threatens to KO Volcarona, Virizion, and 2HKOs Gastrodon iirc. It can very easily KO the other members of my team as well, but if Starmie is still alive, I can proceed to out speed and KO it.

Fire types are another problem as well. As you can see, one third of my team is vulnerable to Fire attacks, and Volcarona does not resist it. However, Starmie provides coverage when facing Ninetales and Heatran, and Volcarona can deal with users such as Venusaur, while Heatran absorbs Fire attacks like a boss. Gastrodon also proves beneficial if the Solarbeam users have been KOd.

Past Pokemon


Kojondo (Mienshao) (F) @ Life Orb
Trait: Regenerator
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature (+Spe, -SpD)
Swords Dance | Stone Edge | Hi Jump Kick | Hidden Power (Ice)


Nattorei (Ferrothorn) (F) @ Shed Shell
Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spe)
Leech Seed | Stealth Rock | Gyro Ball | Protect

This is the standard Ferrothorn set, which acts as a secondary counter to Rain teams and can set up Stealth Rock to cripple Dragonite and Volcarona. The reason I went for Shed Shell on Ferrothorn is because while Skarmory has a phazer move to get rid of Magnezone, Ferrothorn does not, and is easy set up bait for Magnezone. Iron Barbs can be Ferrothorn's savior in dealing a lot of damage to Pokemon with Life Orb, and combined with a possible Leech Seed, Life Orb users will quickly fall. The EV spread and Relaxed nature gives Ferrothorn enough Defense and Special Defense to take a myriad of hits, while dropping its Speed to 40 (10 under paralysis), which is great for Gyro Ball. Speaking of Gyro Ball, this move helps combat Tyranitar, Terrakion, and anything else that does not resist the Steel-type move. Stealth Rock cripples anything weak to it (or at least neutral), and can KO Pokemon switching into it. Finally, Protect gives some needed support for Ferrothorn to take another Outrage from Haxorus, combined with Leech Seed


Lucky (Chansey) (F) @ Eviolite
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
Wish | Seismic Toss | Heal Bell | Protect

Chansey works excellently with Skarmory, and for good reason, it was chosen over Blissey. Eviolite, first off, boosts Chansey's Defense and Special Defense stats to glorious heights, allowing to take multiple hits from any Pokemon it sees, barring Fighting types such as Terrakion and Mienshao. Natural Cure can be very helpful when Chansey is afflicted by a Special Condition and is being Taunted. The EV spread boosts Chansey's HP to 704, and increases its Defense stat so it can upped further by Eviolite, and the Bold Nature gives Chansey even more Defense, allowing it to take both kinds of hits decently. Wish is what makes Chansey the support Pokemon on this team, and just about every Pokemon on the team will be restored to full health from a Wish from Chansey. Seismic Toss is Chansey's only hope against Taunt users like Gyarados. Finally, Heal Bell is what makes this Chansey different than others. Protect is nice and all, and it allows Chansey to heal itself with Wish, which gives Chansey the ability to survive attacks. Heal Bell makes Chansey the cleric on the team, and can save Volcarona from its paralysis or poisoning.


Donfan (Donphan) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)
Rapid Spin | Earthquake | Ice Shard | Stealth Rock

Donphan is another important part of the team, because without it, Volcarona would die to Spikes, Toxic Spikes, and most importantly, Stealth Rock. With the trait Sturdy, Donphan is capable of Rapid Spinning with success unless it switches in on entry hazards (which are common), so I have to be careful on what I switch into, because Sturdy then loses its effect. Earthquake allows Donphan to hit a lot, and allows me to deal with Sun teams much easier (if Ninetales has been KOd). The Impish Nature and EV spread is for a defensive approach, since Donphan has no trouble Rapid Spinning unless a Ghost type like Gengar or Jellicent shows up (Rain teams are a problem as well), and it helps deal with Dragonite easier. Ice Shard is a great priority move that is used for revenge killing, hitting Haxorus, Dragonite, Latios, Landorus, and other users weak to Ice hard. Finally, Leftovers was the preferred choice so Donphan is not 2HKOd by certain attacks, and is preferred because Donphan does not have a recovery move.


Hiidoran (Heatran) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 100 SDef / 160 Spd
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Lava Plume
- Earth Power
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic

Eamudo (Skarmory) (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Roost
- Spikes
- Whirlwind
- Brave Bird

Ulgamoth (Volcarona) (F) @ Chesto Berry
Trait: Flame Body
EVs: 160 HP / 252 SAtk / 96 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Quiver Dance
- Fiery Dance
- Bug Buzz
- Rest

Virisioni (Virizion) @ Leftovers
Trait: Justified
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Close Combat
- Leaf Blade
- Stone Edge

Yllmije (Starmie) @ Expert Belt
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Rapid Spin
- Thunderbolt
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam

Toritoidon (Gastrodon) (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Storm Drain
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Earth Power
- Scald
- Toxic
- Recover

Thank you all for reading my RMT, and please comment/critique in any way you see fit! ;D​
This is a nice team Yoshi. :)

I'm going to suggest running Tank Gastrodon instead of Chansey, and Specially Defensive Heatran instead of Ferrothorn. Gastrodon gives you a special sponge that isn't total Taunt bait, and has good synergy with Volcarona. Specially Defensive Heatran solves your current massive weakness to Volcarona and sun teams in general, and it can still use Stealth Rock to support like Ferrothorn before it.
I understand where you're coming from with Heatran, so I dropped Ferrothorn for Heatran. However, I don't see the reasoning behind using Gastrodon over Chansey. I will admit Gastrodon is good, but adding it means I lose my healer and my cleric. Could you provide some insight on why you suggest it over Chansey?
Few suggestions:

-Don't run bulky Morning Sun Volc if you don't have Ninetales in your team. 50% of the time you'll face a team that has either Politoed or Tyranitar so Morning Sun will be useless. I suggest using the ChestoRest version if you want the bulk or just go with the full offensive one.

Volcarona @ Chesto Berry
Trait: Flame Body
EVs: 160 HP / 252 Sp.Atk / 96 Spe
Modest Nature (+Sp.Atk, -Atk)
- Quiver Dance
- Rest
- Fiery Dance
- Bug Buzz

Volcarona @ Leftovers
Trait: Flame Body
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Sp.Atk / 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Quiver Dance
- HP Rock/HP Ground
- Fiery Dance/Fire Blast
- Bug Buzz

- I would go with a defensive Donphan. I found that this way it takes better care of things like Dragonite, Haxorus and other powerful sweepers.

Donpahn @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature (+Def, -Sp.Atk)
- Rapid Spin
- Stealth Rock (to open up a moveslot for Heatran)
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake

-Stone Edge over HP Ice all day every day. After a SD boost you'll be hitting your counters much harder with Stone Edge than HP Ice. Gliscor can't do anything as +2 Leaf Blade is a 2HKO on it and it can't KO you with Ice Fang. Another important thing is that Volcarona can't stop you anymore. If you dislike the idea you can try the Work up set. Also Hasty>Naive on Virizion to take better care of rain teams and its sp.def is much higher than its def.

Virizion @ Leftovers/Life Orb
Trait: Justified
EVs: 104 Azk / 152 Sp.Atk / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature (+Spe, -Def)
- Work Up
- Close Combat
- Giga Drain/Leaf Blade
- HP Ice

- Skarm looks good but put all the EVs in defense as those 24 Evs are for Wobby who is nowhere to be seen.

-One thing I learned using Chansey over Blissey is that it needs Protect as it will need the turn to heal itself especially if the opponent has few entry hazards on the field. Without Protect you are opened to physical attacks after your opponent has switched and you used Wish. That means that Chansey will get worn down as the battle goes on. Either Toxic or Seismic Toss could be replaced as you probably want Heal Bell to keep your team healthy.

-Heatran looks good. If you decide to put SR on Donphan there are lots of things that Heatran can use on that slot. HP of your choice, Earth Power or Roar are all good.

Nice team :) Me Gusta.
Thanks so much for the suggestions! Hopefully, when I get a chance to test the team, they will help.

Edit: Dropped Chansey for Gastrodon.
Infernape's not that big of a problem when Volcarona resists CC and Overheat. However, some Infernape run Stone Edge and your team gets wrecked by Tornadus; so I'd recommend that you replace Donphan with Starmie. Starmie outspeeds both of these and can KO back, while still providing spin support for your team. Starmie can also use Natural Cure to lose the Poison from Toxic Spikes. You already have Skarmory, so you wouldn't really notice Donphan was missing. If you do take my advice and replace Donphan, you should also give SR to Skarmory over Spikes or to Heatran over Protect.

I would also advise you to use Scald on Gastrodon over EQ. Gastrodon, like all bulky Waters, appreciates spreading Burns around. But the main reason to use it is that with Scald Gastrodon can be a decent check to the common Sciztom. You can come in on Washtom and then try to Burn Scizor in the switch, making their annoying Volt-turn core much less threatening. If you do go with this, you can also run a Calm Nature over Sassy, giving Gastrodon some more Speed.

On the subject of Natures, you now have SE over HP Ice on Virizion, so you should change its nature to Jolly instead of Hasty. You no longer have a Special move, so more Physical bulk is always welcome. There's nothing else I can think of at the moment that I would change. Good job.
^Just noting, Volcarona does not resist Overheat because of the Bug typing. Thank you for your comments, though, and I'll definitely try out Starmie over Donphan. I also dropped Ice Beam for Scald instead because Starmie already carries it. Thanks again.

Edit: Changed Life Orb on Starmie to Leftovers because the set lacks Recover, and taking 10% to do 1% to the opponent with Rapid Spin is rather pointless.
Try running Earth Power on Gastrodon instead of Earthquake. You have higher base Special attack, and Earth Power will nab a boost from Storm Drain as well. (not to mention the small chance to lower your opponent's special defense.)

Otherwise I do not see any glaring weaknesses from your team at first glance, it looks like a really good team!
Made some obvious changes, and I'll try Expert Belt on Starmie. Thanks!

Also added an exportable if anyone wants to try out the team.
If you have problems with Tornadus maybe you should shift those 160 Speed EVs to Sp.Def on Heatran because it will probably be choiced and use either U-Turn or Hurricane as Tornadus doesn't like getting locked into Focus Blast.

Some calcs:

4 Naive Specs Tornadus U-Turn vs 248/252 Calm Heatran 3.38%-4.16%

252 Naive Specs Tornadus Hurricane vs 248/252 Calm Heatran 25.71%-30.39%

252 Naive Specs Tornadus Focus Miss vs 248/252 Calm Heatran 68.57%-81.04%

Not the best counter but it can work with some predictions. The problem with Tornadus is that if the Tornadus user predicts good something is either getting OHKOd or 2HKOd without the ability to damage it on the turn after it switches. Probably the best counter is specially defensive Jirachi but I your team looks fine now so I don't suggest replacing something.
Eh, my team has been able to handle Tornadus easier with the addition of Starmie, but thanks for the suggestion. I'll try out the max SpD.
The Yoshi said:
Bump. Have been considering dropping Virizion for Choice Scarf Terrakion, but I need some more opinions.

I would do that, it would add some much needed speed to your team, and a fantastic revenge killer.
Just a few nitpicks

Why the name? Jumping on the Japan bandwagon is not what you want people to think of you at the start of your RMT.

Be careful on your skarmory claims.

Detailed Result:
252 +2 Atk Life Orb Haxorus Outrage vs 252 HP/252 Def Skarmory: 64.97% - 76.35%
2 hits to KO (with Leftovers)

Possible HP Damage: 217, 220, 222, 225, 228, 230, 233, 235, 237, 240, 243, 246, 248, 251, 253, 255

Don't use Expert Belt Starmie... Despite its somewhat fragile nature, and its role as a rapid spinner, (Which may be a bad idea overall with Volc as the center of your team) life orb will serve you better off with an offensive approach. Running a lefties set could benefit as well, benefiting volc and not trying to make Starmie the powerhouse that it isn't. (I recommend doing this)

I do hope you mean Earth Power over Earthquake on Gastro. There is absolutely no reason to run Earthquake on that Gastro...
@above Running Earthquake on Gastrodon lets you hit CM Jirachi, Ttar, Volcarona (after a QD), and Heatran harder. However, you need Sassy instead of Calm on Gastrodon so you don't lower the power of Earthquake.
His name is not above...

Maxb said:
@above Running Earthquake on Gastrodon lets you hit CM Jirachi, Ttar, Volcarona (after a QD), and Heatran harder. However, you need Sassy instead of Calm on Gastrodon so you don't lower the power of Earthquake.

If Gastro has no boost, which it really doesn't as far as I can see, then Earth Power is the way to go. And yes, replace Virizion with Terrakion.
@Blah: Sounds good. I'll think about Terrakion.

@Jaysee: Whoopsee, meant Earth Power. Rushed it a little bit. I chose the name because I couldn't think of anything better, and I have no idea how to name my Pokemon in Polish. On Skarmory, I always Whirlwind the Haxorus out if it is not able to KO me, and if Skarmory does not take Stealth Rock damage, Skarmory is guaranteed to Whirlwind it out, giving me more time to set up. I think I will go for a Lefties set on Starmie, because I find Life Orb rather hurtful on Starmie due to its role as a Spinner.

@Maxb: Meant Earth Power, but thanks for the tip.

@Martini: Thanks for the help. I might go for Terrakion.

Does anyone else think I should replace Virizion? It makes for a nice rain check, barring Tornadus, but I need some more suggestions.