Japan's 2011 Pokemon World Championships Qualifier Event Cancelled

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
Due to the recent earthquake in Japan, Japan's Pokemon World Championship 2011 Qualifers which decide who represents Japan have been cancelled.More information will be provided later on the Japanese website

I don't know, I heard about this on PokeGym so it's kind of up in the air right now. With a disaster that has caused $800 Billion in damages and a death toll of 18,000 people mostly near the North Eastern Japan Area of Sendai, it's pretty crazy. It would be a shame If Worlds 2011 gets cancelled this year but If it's to help Japan get their lives back to normal after the recent disasters on March 11, 2011 then so be it.

There's more to life than Pokemon afterall, so I'm kinda wondering If this is going to stagnate the metagame over in the United States, Great Britain, among other areas outside Japan that have sanctioned tournaments. Then again it's only March, Japan has more than enough time to hold qualifiers and find representatives for Worlds considering Worlds isn't for another 5 months. It's doubtful that we won't see any players at all from Japan.

One of the Mods on PokeGym, SD PokeMom stated that there are alot of ongoing issues in Japan right now outside of Sendai such as Rolling Blackouts, ATM/Banking Issues, Shortage of Clean Food and other Goods, Mass Transportation still at reduced levels, and they're not even getting into the Fukushima Daiichi Plant Issues either.

It's not "normal" there in Japan, and not likely to be so for a long time. Right now they feel their efforts should be directed towards recovery, and mourning those who are lost. Let's respect that decision please.
if they decide to cancel worlds then so be it.its bad enough japan has to deal with what just happened and its just 1 championship there will be more in the future
Yea but worlds is only once per year and if the do cancel it there just might be a different date for worlds.
My friends dad was in the earthquake but luckily he got on a plane during the tsunami phew.