Friend Code: 4399-0179-3036
Time Zone: PST/GMT-8
Times Available: 1:30PM - 5:00PM+ on Weekdays, 10:00AM-8:00PM on Weekends. Times subject to change.
5IV with Appropriate Spreads
In Stock:
-Durant (M) - Jolly: Hustle x3
-Durant (F) - Jolly: Swarm x2
-Sneasel (F) - Jollyickpocket x1
-Squirtle (M) - Modest:Torrent; Egg Moves - Dragon Pulse/AuraSphere x2
- Karrablast (M) - Adamant:Swarm; Egg Moves - Megahorn/Counter/Pursuit x3
Can Breed:
Above^ &
-Slowpoke - Calm/Bold:Regenerator
-Kangskhan - Jolly:Scrappy
-Torchic - Adamant:Speed Boost
-Lotad - Modest:Swift Swim
-Meditite - Adamanture Power; Egg Moves: Bullet Punch/Fake Out/Psycho Cut/Drain Punch
-Mawile - Adamant:Intimidate
-Sableye - Impishrankster; Egg Moves: Recover
-Electrike Timid:Lightning Rod
-Shuppet - Adamant:Insomnia/Frisk; Egg Moves: Destiny Bond/Phantom Force
-Trapinch - Jolly:Arena Trap/Hyper Cutter
-Joltik - Timid:Unnerve
-Dwebble -Adamant:Sturdy/Shell Armor
-Vullaby - Impish:Overcoat; Egg Moves: Roost/Foul Play/Knock Off
-Riolu - Timid/Jolly:Steadfast; Egg Moves: Blaze Kick/Crunch/Bullet Punch/Vacuum Wave
-Larvesta - Modest:Flame Body
-Chespin - Impish:Bulletproof; Egg Moves: Spikes
-Fennekin - Modest:Magician; Egg Moves: Wish/Hypnosis
-Bunnelby Adamant:Huge Power
-Litleo - Timid:Unnerve
-Swirlix - Jolly:Unburden; Egg Moves: Belly Drum
-Amaura - Modest:Refrigerate; Egg Moves: Discharge/Mirror Coat
Shinies (not nicknamable)
-Bunnelby - Adamant:Cheek Pounch
-Litleo - Timid:Unnerve 31/x/x/31/31/31
-Karrablast - Adamant:Swarm 31/31/31/x/31/x
-Chespin - Impish:Bulletproof; Egg Move: Spikes 31/x/31/x/31/31
-Shelmet (F) - Modest/Timid in Net/Dive Ball
-Murkrow (F) - Adamantrankster; Egg Move: Brave Bird in a Dusk Ball
-Scraggy (F) - Adamant:Shed Skin/Moxie; Egg Moves: Drain Punch/Dragon Dance/Ice Punch in a Dusk Ball
-Sigilyph (F) - Bold:Magic Guard in a Luxury Ball
-Starly (F) - Adamant/Jolly:Reckless in a Premier/Pokeball
-Shuppet - Nicknamed "Casper" - Adamant/Brave; Egg Moves: Destiny Bond/Phantom Force31/31/31/x/31/31 or 31/31/31/x/31/x in a Dusk Ball
-Gligar - Nicknamed "Batman" - Impish:Immuinty 31/31/31/x/31/31 in a Net/Dusk/Pokeball
-Shelmet/Accelgor - Nicknamed "Ninja" Modest/Timid 31/x/31/31/31/31 in a Net/Dive Ball
Time Zone: PST/GMT-8
Times Available: 1:30PM - 5:00PM+ on Weekdays, 10:00AM-8:00PM on Weekends. Times subject to change.
5IV with Appropriate Spreads
In Stock:
-Durant (M) - Jolly: Hustle x3
-Durant (F) - Jolly: Swarm x2
-Sneasel (F) - Jollyickpocket x1
-Squirtle (M) - Modest:Torrent; Egg Moves - Dragon Pulse/AuraSphere x2
- Karrablast (M) - Adamant:Swarm; Egg Moves - Megahorn/Counter/Pursuit x3
Can Breed:
Above^ &
-Slowpoke - Calm/Bold:Regenerator
-Kangskhan - Jolly:Scrappy
-Torchic - Adamant:Speed Boost
-Lotad - Modest:Swift Swim
-Meditite - Adamanture Power; Egg Moves: Bullet Punch/Fake Out/Psycho Cut/Drain Punch
-Mawile - Adamant:Intimidate
-Sableye - Impishrankster; Egg Moves: Recover
-Electrike Timid:Lightning Rod
-Shuppet - Adamant:Insomnia/Frisk; Egg Moves: Destiny Bond/Phantom Force
-Trapinch - Jolly:Arena Trap/Hyper Cutter
-Joltik - Timid:Unnerve
-Dwebble -Adamant:Sturdy/Shell Armor
-Vullaby - Impish:Overcoat; Egg Moves: Roost/Foul Play/Knock Off
-Riolu - Timid/Jolly:Steadfast; Egg Moves: Blaze Kick/Crunch/Bullet Punch/Vacuum Wave
-Larvesta - Modest:Flame Body
-Chespin - Impish:Bulletproof; Egg Moves: Spikes
-Fennekin - Modest:Magician; Egg Moves: Wish/Hypnosis
-Bunnelby Adamant:Huge Power
-Litleo - Timid:Unnerve
-Swirlix - Jolly:Unburden; Egg Moves: Belly Drum
-Amaura - Modest:Refrigerate; Egg Moves: Discharge/Mirror Coat
Shinies (not nicknamable)
-Bunnelby - Adamant:Cheek Pounch
-Litleo - Timid:Unnerve 31/x/x/31/31/31
-Karrablast - Adamant:Swarm 31/31/31/x/31/x
-Chespin - Impish:Bulletproof; Egg Move: Spikes 31/x/31/x/31/31
-Shelmet (F) - Modest/Timid in Net/Dive Ball
-Murkrow (F) - Adamantrankster; Egg Move: Brave Bird in a Dusk Ball
-Scraggy (F) - Adamant:Shed Skin/Moxie; Egg Moves: Drain Punch/Dragon Dance/Ice Punch in a Dusk Ball
-Sigilyph (F) - Bold:Magic Guard in a Luxury Ball
-Starly (F) - Adamant/Jolly:Reckless in a Premier/Pokeball
-Shuppet - Nicknamed "Casper" - Adamant/Brave; Egg Moves: Destiny Bond/Phantom Force31/31/31/x/31/31 or 31/31/31/x/31/x in a Dusk Ball
-Gligar - Nicknamed "Batman" - Impish:Immuinty 31/31/31/x/31/31 in a Net/Dusk/Pokeball
-Shelmet/Accelgor - Nicknamed "Ninja" Modest/Timid 31/x/31/31/31/31 in a Net/Dive Ball