Ruling jirachi`s doom desire...


Aspiring Trainer
i want to know what happens when you perform doom desire and the defending pokemon goes to the bench...(by warpiont switch o retreat cost) what happens? : a_the pokemon that was the defending pokemon gets knoked out on the bench?
b_the new pokemon gets knoked out at the end of the turn?
c_the effsct of the attac stops and no one gets knoked out?...

andif i already perfomed "extra comet punch" attack from metagros L.A and either pokemon goes to the bench...the pokemon`s base damange would fall to 50 again?

thanks for your time
the effect ends. when you bench a pokemon, or Jirachi for that matter, all effects on the defending pokemon are taken off, unless otherwise stated on the card.
Ok so... if the defending gets benched while under the effect of Doom Desire then the effect ends and nothing gets KOed. If they do something to bench Jirachi, but their active remains in the active position then they still get KOed by Doom Desire because the effect is on the Defending, and not on Jirachi.

If you use Extra Comet Punch, as long as Metagross keeps using Extra Comet Punch the damage it deals is consistantly 100. If Metagross gets moved to the bench, then the first time you use it it would be 50, then it would go back to hitting for 100. If the defending goes to the bench, you still deal 100 as long as you have used it the turn before. The extra damage effect is on Metagross and not the defending. So if they retreat or Switch then you still deal 100 as long as they dont force Metagross to the bench.