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Aspiring Trainer
  • 4x Virizion EX (PLB)
  • 4x Jirachi EX (PLB)
  • 3x Drifloon (PLB)
  • 2x Drifblim (PLB)
  • 1x Drifblim (DRX)
    14 Pokemon
  • 4x Pokemon Catcher
  • 4x Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 2x Level Ball
  • 2x Enhanced Hammer
  • 2x Eviolite
  • 2x Tool Scrapper
  • 4x N
  • 4x Colress
  • 4x Professor Juniper
  • 2x Skyla
  • 1x Computer Search
    31 Trainers
  • 2x Double Colorless Energy
  • 4x Prism Energy
  • 7x Grass Energy
  • 2x Steel Energy
    15 Energy
The Strategy is to attach at least 1 Grass to Jirachi so that it doesn't put itself to sleep when using Hypnostrike due to Virizion. Giant Cape is for the Extra HP on Jirachi. Drifblim is a tech card for Victini EX, and others because of the Colorless Energy needed to attack. I like the use of Cyclone to pick up Jirachi if it is about to be KO'd.
RE: Virizion/Jirachi

No need for DCE.

-4 Double colorless energy

+4 Enchanced hammers so if you face Plasma, you can bring all the special energies into the discard and hit hard with drifblim
RE: Virizion/Jirachi

I might do 2 and 2, because PLB Drifblim discards a Special Energy on attack. So the Enhanced Hammers may not have much use, but will be useful when Drifblim isn't active.

-2 DC Energy

+2 Enhanced Hammers
Why is there a need to attack with Jirachi? There's basically a fifty-fifty chance that he will be KO'd.
Anyway, cut both Retreival for another Drifloon and another Drifblim PLB. They are solid cards and will do well against Plasma.
That is the only problem with this deck, as Jirachi can only have 110 max HP, but I can get it out with level ball which is a bonus. I am also using it for Stellar Guidance to get some supporters out.
-2 Energy Retrieval
+1 Drifloon PLB
+1 Drifblim PLB
Jirachi is the worst possible way to get out supporters, just run lots of supporters and random recivers, you'll find your self drawing into all your supporters rendering Jirachi useless. This will also prevent your opponent from taking easy prizes off your jirachi's. If you still want to play it, i recommend only playing 1.

Also a 2-2 driftblim line would be the best since its a 'dependent' card which means it depends on your opponent playing a plasma deck. Plasma decks have seen a decrease in play wich renders driftblim to be very situational.
I don't feel like running RR because of the slots it takes up, and if I do run a 2-2 Drifblim line, it makes me feel like the deck is short on pokemon. I may lower it to 3 Jirachi and add another EX in there, possibly Genesect or a Colorless attacker.
Why not add Prism Energy to provide both Sleep Immunity AND Jirachi's Attack cost? That way it'll be easier to pull it off and give you a chance to hit with Virizion in case you need/want to.
Eviolite is empirically better than Giant Cape. There shouldn't be any reason to run Cape over Eviolite.

Juniper is generally better than Colress. I'd replace 2 Colress with 2 Juniper. Running into only a Colress T1 or 2 is often problematic if you run 4.

Scoop Up Cyclone isn't the best Ace Spec here. Jirachi is probably going to be OHKO'd if it's attacked at all. Computer Search is preferable, but Life Dew could also work I suppose; I would just be worried about Tool Scrapper.
+4 Prism Energy
+2 Eviolite
+2 Tool Scrapper
+2 Professor Juniper
+1 Computer Search

-5 Steel Energy
-2 Giant Cape
-1 Silver Mirror
-1 Scoop Up Cyclone
-1 Drifblim PLB
-1 Drifloon PLB

Prism Energy gives me more Versatility, and I can attach it to either Virizion or Jirachi. Tool Scrapper and Computer Search are obvious reasons, mainly Garbodor and getting out an important card. I got rid of Drifblim 1-1 because I felt like there were too many pokemon.