Writing John's Adventures in Johto Chapter 1

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The Creamed Corn Cheron

Aspiring Trainer
I'd really like to start a story about a boy named John entering contests in Johto and trying to get his way to the Grand Festival. Lets see what contests he will win or lose. I'm probably doing the first part on Saturday or Sunday.... If you have any comments on the story please post (The New Cheron) Thank you...

John Divett

Age: 12
Pokemon: Cyndaquil - Tackle, Swift, Flame Wheel (Got in Chapter 1)​

Chapter 1 Enjoy

John Divett a 12 year old boy who lived in the small town of New Bark. New Bark Town was very peaceful and didn't get a lot of visitors. Its calming breeze and its sparkling lake made seem very ideal place to live. Plus it was also very quiet and only about 10 families lived there.
John lived in a one story house painted a light blue with 5 rooms, one for him, one for his mom and dad, a kitchen, and a living room. John had been waiting to start his journey since he was very little. When he started his journey he couldn't pick whether he wanted to enter in contests or collect gym badges.

"Wait up sweetie time to get up. "John slowly opened his eyes to his mom right in his face.
"WAA!" John said scooting back away from his mom.
"Morning. Remember today your getting your very first pokemon. How exciting! Well I have breakfast ready in the kitchen. Sausage and eggs, your favorite."John slowly out of bed very tired since he stayed up late trying to get last minute pre-training done. John then got out of bed and headed towards the kitchen.
"Hey sport," said John's dad Gordon. "How's my boy? Ready for his pokemon journey to start? "
"Uhm yeah dad," John said still trying to get fully awake.
"Aw come on dude," Gordon said hitting John on the back.
"Uhf ow dad."
"Sorry, sorry. Here's your breakfast," Jordan said. John ate it down fast getting fully awake from the taste of the food. The sausage was just perfect.
"So who are you going to pick as your first pokemon," Gordon and John's mom Alyssa said together.
"I bet a cute little Chikorita right John," said Alyssa.
"No, he's gonna pick a strong Totodile," said Gordon.
"I'm not actually sure you guys I'll take which ever one I think is best," said John.
"Look at the time you better go," Alyssa saidJohn looking at the clock. It read 9:12am
"Aww I'm supposed to be at Professor Elm's Lab at nine fifteen," John said. "Bye mom bye dad." Then left the house... then came back in saying," haha forgot to change."

John finally walking up the steps to the lab and walked in.
"Hello? Professor Elm? You there?" John said looking around the lab
"Right here John come on up and pick your first pokemon," Professor Elm said.John raced up and looked at a table with two pokeballs on it.
"You were a little late so Lyra was the first to pick her first pokemon. So here are the last two left," Professor Elm said. Lyra being one of John's childhood friends. Elm picked up a pokeball opened it and out came a sparkling light and then stood Totodile.
"to-to-to-to-to-to-dile," Totodile said.
"This is Totodile the water type starter," Elm said. Then he grabbed the second one and opened it. Another big flash and there stood... Cyndaquil.
"Cyndaquil is the fire type starter, so which one will you chose?," said Elm.
"Hmm dad wanted me to pick Totodile...hmm I've made my deccion I'm going with..."

"hmm I've made my decicion I'm going with... Cyndaquil!" John said excitedly.
"Great choice! So here take Cyndaquil's pokeball. And here are 6 pokeballs to catch pokemon, and finally your pokedex," Elm said very excited. "The pokedex is a device that tells you everything about a certain pokemon," Elm said.
"So how do I catch pokemon?" John asked.
"Watch this video," Elm said. (don't want to write the whole video down so...) 5 minutes later.
"Ok thanks Professor Elm for Cyndaquil," John said.
"No problem... You better go home and show your parents," Elm said.
"Will do," said John left to show his parents his new pokemon Cyndaquil.
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