John's Adventures in Johto: Chapters 1-18 Posted

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The Creamed Corn Cheron

Aspiring Trainer
So I made a fanfiction and I finished and I thought I would share it here hope you guys like it....

Also in some chapters I mixed up 2 characters =( Iris and Ivy so make sure to pay attention for those thanx
Also I ended the fanfiction early just cause I lost the motive to write to yeah.... enjoy

Chatper One (sorry it doesn't have quotations... just to lazy to edit it

John Divett a 12 year old boy who lived in the small town of New Bark. New Bark Town was very peaceful and didn't get a lot of visitors. Its calming breeze and its sparkling lake made seem very ideal place to live. Plus it was also very quiet and only about 10 families lived there.
John lived in a one story house painted a light blue with 5 rooms, one for him, one for his mom and dad, a kitchen, and a living room. John had been waiting to start his journey since he was very little. When he started his journey he couldn't pick whether he wanted to enter in contests or collect gym badges.

"Wait up sweetie time to get up. "John slowly opened his eyes to his mom right in his face.
"WAA!" John said scooting back away from his mom.
"Morning. Remember today your getting your very first pokemon. How exciting! Well I have breakfast ready in the kitchen. Sausage and eggs, your favorite."John slowly out of bed very tired since he stayed up late trying to get last minute pre-training done. John then got out of bed and headed towards the kitchen.
"Hey sport," said John's dad Gordon. "How's my boy? Ready for his pokemon journey to start? "
"Uhm yeah dad," John said still trying to get fully awake.
"Aw come on dude," Gordon said hitting John on the back.
"Uhf ow dad."
"Sorry, sorry. Here's your breakfast," Jordan said. John ate it down fast getting fully awake from the taste of the food. The sausage was just perfect.
"So who are you going to pick as your first pokemon," Gordon and John's mom Alyssa said together.
"I bet a cute little Chikorita right John," said Alyssa.
"No, he's gonna pick a strong Totodile," said Gordon.
"I'm not actually sure you guys I'll take which ever one I think is best," said John.
"Look at the time you better go," Alyssa saidJohn looking at the clock. It read 9:12am
"Aww I'm supposed to be at Professor Elm's Lab at nine fifteen," John said. "Bye mom bye dad." Then left the house... then came back in saying," haha forgot to change."

John finally walking up the steps to the lab and walked in.
"Hello? Professor Elm? You there?" John said looking around the lab
"Right here John come on up and pick your first pokemon," Professor Elm said.John raced up and looked at a table with two pokeballs on it.
"You were a little late so Lyra was the first to pick her first pokemon. So here are the last two left," Professor Elm said. Lyra being one of John's childhood friends. Elm picked up a pokeball opened it and out came a sparkling light and then stood Totodile.
"to-to-to-to-to-to-dile," Totodile said.
"This is Totodile the water type starter," Elm said. Then he grabbed the second one and opened it. Another big flash and there stood... Cyndaquil.
"Cyndaquil is the fire type starter, so which one will you chose?," said Elm.
"Hmm dad wanted me to pick Totodile...hmm I've made my decision I'm going with... Cyndaquil!" John said excitedly.
"Great choice! So here take Cyndaquil's pokeball. And here are 6 pokeballs to catch pokemon, and finally your pokedex," Elm said very excited. "The pokedex is a device that tells you everything about a certain pokemon," Elm said.
"So how do I catch pokemon?" John asked.
"Watch this video," Elm said. (don't want to write the whole video down so...) 5 minutes later.
"Ok thanks Professor Elm for Cyndaquil," John said.
"No problem... You better go home and show your parents," Elm said.
"Will do," said John left to show his parents his new pokemon Cyndaquil.
John ran home as fast as he could to show his parents his first pokemon. He got home opened the door and yelled
Mom, Dad I got my first pokemon come and see!!! His parents came running in looking at each other anxiously. John pulled out the pokemon, opened it, then FLASH. There stood Cyndaquil. Gordon and Alyssa looked at each other. Looked back, smiled and said great choice. Then hugged him and Cyndaquil.
cynda-cyndaquil Cyndaquil said happily.
So what moves does this dude know, Gordon asked.
Lets see, I'll use this pokedex Professor Elm gave me.
John took out the pokedex and looked up Cyndaquil.
The pokedex turned on beeped and said, Cyndaquil, the fire mouse pokemon, it is timid so it curls itself into a ball. If attacked, it flares up its back for protection. Cyndaquil's moves are Tackle, Swift, and Flame Wheel. Ability is blaze, Blaze works when Cyndaquil's has less than 1/3 on its health, it boosts up its fire type moves.
Then it turned off.
So tackle, swift, and flame wheel. Those are GREAT moves, Alyssa said.
So what are you going to do with Cyndaquil, contests or gym battles? Gordon asked.
Well, John said then paused... hm not sure what do you want Cyndaquil?
John took one of his mom's ribbons she had won and showed it to him. Cyndaquil gazed at in amazement. Then John took one of his dad's badges he had won and showed it to him. Cyndaquil gazed at, then frowned. The looked at the ribbon again and hugged it.
cyndaquiiil, Cyndaquil said showing John the ribbon.
Ok looks like we're going for the contests. John said with excitement.
Good pick his mom said.
John saw out of the corner of his eye his dad grinning softly.
Here John you better take this, said Gordon handing him a dark purple pokegear. I put me and your mom's cell phone number in there so if you need help call us.
Thanks dad, said John then hugged his mom and dad.
John and Cyndaquil walked out the door waving back and right then they started their journey.
Right after John and Cyndaquil walked out of New Bark town they saw how different the world was. Then Cyndaquil turned to a bush.
What is it Cyndaquil?
Then out of a bush came out a Sentret.
Wowa! What's that pokemon?
He got he pokedex and it said Sentret the scout pokemon, Sentret stands on its tail to see its surrounding. If it spots danger it cries loudly to warn other Sentret.
Alright Cyndaquil ready?
cynda, Cyndaquil said nodding.
Ok then lets use swift attack!
Cyndaquil jumped in the air and used swift. Bright yellow stars went straight towards Sentret then... BOOM it hit Sentret. Sentret slid back then got back up and charged Cyndaquil with a tackle attack.

Chapter 2
Sentret came charging towards Cyndaquil, and fast.
“Quick Cyndaquil use flame wheel!” John said quickly. Cyndaquil spun around with fire around it are went towards Setter. In the next second they rammed into each other, Setter taking most of the damage. Setter got up slowly and tackled Cyndaquil a lot faster than the first tackle had.
“Come on Cyndaquil get up we have to win,” John said not wanting to even get close to losing.
“cyndaaa,” Cyndaquil said getting up.
“Now use swift!” Cyndaquil jumped and golden stars came out of its mouth and hit Sentret. Sentret was knocked out.
“Ok time to use a pokeball,” John thought to himself. He quickly pulled out a pokeball, pressed the button and threw it. Just then Some Sentret came out of the bushes and carried the injured Sentret away.
“Aww man we were so close.” John said in disappointment.
“cynda-cyndaquil,” said Cyndaquil nodding in agreement.
“Well there’s no point in staying here, lets go.” They kept walking until they hurt some loud noises.
“What’s going on over there?” John said to Cyndaquil. They raced over to the seen to see a Rattata on the ground fainted.
“Good job Totodile”
“Huh who are you?”
“Me? I’m John Divett who are you?” John said cautiously.
“I’m going to be the best trainer in Johto. I’m the one and only Xylon and my partner Totodile.” Xylon said with great power.
“to-to-dile,” Totodile said also with power.
“Hey your that one trainer that also lives in New Bark Town,” Xylon said with a bit of stupidity. “Have you battled anyone yet?”
“Um, just a Sentret but no people,” John said afraid Xylon might make fun of him.
“How about we battle. You up to it?’” Xylon said with a big grin on his face.
“Want to Cyndaquil?” Cyndaquil looked at John fiercely. John knew right away that was a yes. “Let’s do this!” John said again.
“All right I’m going with Totodile,” Xylon said while Totodile came up in front of him.
“Then I choose Cyndaquil”
“cynda-quil,” Cyndaquil said lighting his back with flames.
“Totodile use scratch!” POW!
“cyndaaa-quiiil,” Cyndaquil screeched in pain.
“Oh no! Cyndaquil get up and use swift attack!” John said.
“cynda-quiiil,” it said firing the swift.
“Dodge it now,” Xylon said, while Totodile jumped out of the way.
“No way, Cyndaquil use flame wheel, GO!” John said determined.
“quil, cyndaaa-quiiil,” Cyndaquil said jumping then spinning towards Totodile.
“Yeah right like that’s going to happen, use water gun now!” Xylon said.
“toto-dile,” it said spraying water at Cyndaquil. SPLASH. It hit poor Cyndaquil and pushed to the ground hard. After the water washed away there lay Cyndaquil, unable to move.
“We did it, we won are third battle Totodile, haha you rule dude,” Xylon said with great joy.
“Oh Cyndaquil please wake up, are you ok?” John said to Cyndaquil afraid it would never wake up.
“Don’t worry, here let me see Cyndaquil,” Xylon said taking Cyndaquil out of John’s arms. Xylon pulled out a purple bottle and sprayed Cyndaquil with it.
“There, Cyndaquil al better,” Xylon said. Then Cyndaquil stood up and looked at John and gave him a hug.
“Great job Cyndaquil you did your best,” John said sincerely.
“Ha you’re never gonna be as tough as I am. You not even going to make it to the Silver Conference,” Xylon said violently.
“Your right Xylon I’m not,” John said while Xylon looked at him confused. “I’m going to make it to the Grand Festival,” John said.
“Contests really? What a loser. Everyone knows contests are for girls. So its perfect for you.” John gave back a dirty look. They turned away and walked away, with their pokemon beside them.
“Come on Cyndaquil, we got to train hard. We can’t lose the contest,” John said a bit discouraged. “Lets see where the closest contest is.” John pulled out a map of where the next contest was. “Ok from this it says the next contest is in Malanca Town. Its east of Violet City and south of Mahogany Town. Great Violet City is only a few days away. We’ll have to stop at Cherrygrove City first though. Its not to far away, and the contests starts only in one week!” John said excitedly.
They walked for an hour till they were almost to tired to walk.
“cyn-cyn-cyn-da-da-quil,” Cyndaquil said panting.
“Don’t, don’t worry, Cyn-, Cyndquil, we’re almost... there,” John said laying on his back catching his breath.
They looked around till Cyndaquil pointed out a sign that said “Cherrygrove City Up Ahead”
“Look we’re almost there,” John said with a small voice. They got up and walked and only ten feet away was Cherrygrove City. They got in to the city found the pokemon center and collapsed on the couch.
“Ahh, finally the pokemon center,” John said relieved.
“Oh my your Cyndaquil looks awfully tired. I should take it to restore its health,” Nurse Joy said.
“Um well, ok then,” John said, Nurse Joy already behind her desk.
“May I see Cyndaquil’s pokeball?” Nurse Joy said with her soft voice.
“Here,” John said getting up giving her the pokeball.
“All right Cyndaquil, return,” Nurse Joy said. A red beam came out of the pokeball hitting Cyndaquil until Cyndaquil was completely gone.
“Ok all I’m going to do is heal your Cyndaquil using this machine,” she said pointing to a big black machine. Then she place the pokeball on the machine and the pokeball started to glow bright blue. Then when a small bell ring went off Nurse Joy took off the pokemon and handed it back to John.
“Ok all better, Cyndaquil will have all of its health,” Nurse Joy said then walked off.
“Ok come out!” John said with a flash of white light.
“cynda,” Cyndaquil said happily.
“Ok Cyndaquil tomorrow we are going to train for our first contest. We can’t lose that contest. We are going to make a great performance ok Cyndaquil,” John said confidently.
“Ahh yaww,” John said when he first woke up. “Today is the day we train for the contest.”
When John was fully dressed he went outside to train.
“You’re on! Cyndaquil!” John said letting Cyndaquil out.
“cynda-quiil,” Cyndaquil said.
“Ok lets try a swift, but spin on one foot, ok,” John said
“cynda-quil,” it said spinning letting out about ten stars flying everywhere.
“Ok now what do I do?” John said in a panic. ”Now use... flame wheel,” John said.
“cynda-,” Cyndaquil said starting to use flame wheel. As the swift came by Cyndaquil it would get heated and turned bright red.
“Great Cyndaquil! We got a red swift!” John said with a smile on his face.
“cynda-,” Cyndaquil said stopping flame wheel. Ting ping ting, went the stars when they finally popped.

Chapter 3
“Wow,” John said dumbstruck. “That was amazing Cyndaquil, just amazing.”
“cyndaaa,” Cyndaquil said smiling back at John.
“I’m guessing work going to enter in the Malanca Town Contest,” Nurse Joy said.
“Uh yeah why,” John said.
“Well you need to have a contest pass to enter so come with me and I’ll get you one,” Nurse Joy said walking towards the pokemon center. She got to her desk pulled out a card and said, “ok what’s your name dear?”
“Its John Divett.”
“All right and what pokemon do you have,” she asked.
“Just my Cyndaquil,” John said looking down at Cyndaquil. “Alrighty then your all set. When your going to enter in a contest just show them that card, make sure you don’t lose it,” Nurse Joy said.
“Sweet now Cyndaquil we better head to the poke-mart to buy supplies and then we’ll head for Violet City,” John said. They walked to the poke-mart and looked around the store for supplies.
“cynda-quil,” Cyndaquil said pulling at what looked like stickers. “What are these things?” John said confused. “Excuse me,” John said to the store manager. “What are these?”
“These are very cool things, they are for pokemon contests,” the manager said.
“They are? That’s great because I’m entering in the Malanca Contest,” John said excitedly.
“Watch this,” the manager said taking a sticker that looked like a star. He then pulled out a pokeball and put a blue thing around it put the sticker on and said,”Go Aipom!” Stars went everywhere and then in the mists of them Aipom appeared.
“Oh wow that was cool!” John said.
“It adds an awesome effect when choosing a pokemon,” the manager said. “Here take this,” the manager said. “This is a ball capsule. You put the seals or stickers on it and the effect is on.”
“Thanks so very much,” John said giving him a ten dollar bill than ran out. “Cyndaquil should we head to Violet City. We need to get there soon. The contest is in six more days,” John said partly excited and partly nervous. So they headed up the road to Violet City. It was a very calming road. Many trees and the leaves seemed to whisper to them as the wind blew.
“Its so nice out here right Cyndaquil,” John said.
“cynda-cyndaquiil,” Cyndaquil said smiling.
Then something came out of a bush with a big thud.
“chika!” said a Chikorita.
“Oh no Chikorita get up please,” said a girl.
“Haza! I won it your face Lyra,” said a familiar voice. Oh look its John,” said Xylon.
“Return Chikorita. Thanks,” said Lyra looking at the ground embarrassed.
“Ha I’m the best trainer in Johto, I even won against a grass type,” Xylon standing proud.
“No your not, Tyson is!” Lyra said.
“Whose Tyson,” Xylon said.
“He’s the best trainer ever. He collects gym badges and he enters in contests. Right now he has three ribbons and seven badges. Beat that Xylon,” Lyra said.
“Contests are for girls, that’s why John is gonna enter in them,” Xylon said staring at John.
“Hey shut up Xylon I’m going to beat you in our next battle we have,” John said.
“Whatever dude see ya later losers,” Xylon said walking away from the two.
“Don’t listen to him John he’s the loser,” Lyra said. “So I’m guessing that Cyndauqil is yours.
“Uh yeah my first pokemon,” John said.
“Is Cyndaquil your only pokemon,” Lyra said.
“Yep I’m trying to find another pokemon,” John said.
“Oh I have a Marril and Chikorita,” Lyra said.
“pichu?” a cute little Pichu said. “OMG, look a Pichu,” Lyra said.
“Pichu? Lets see,” John said pulling out the pokedex.
“Pichu the tiny mouse pokemon. Despite its small size, it can zap even adult humans. However, if it does so, it also surprises itself,” the pokedex said.
“Cool I want it,” John said.
“No way its mine,” Lyra said.
“But your Chikorita is too weak to battle and Marril is weak against an electric type. Plus I haven’t even caught my first pokemon,” John said.
“Hmm true ok you can battle it,” Lyra said disappointed.
“Cyndaquil use flame wheel!” John said. Cyndaquil spun into flames and hit Pichu hard.
“PICHU!” Pichu said hurt. “pe-chuuu,” Pichu said making a big white ball and threw it at Cyndaquil. Poof! “cynda?” Cyndaquil said confused. “What happened?” John asked. “Anyway use swift attack!” John ordered Cydnaquil. “cynda,” Cyndaquil said as it spun into flames again. “What the?” John said. “pe-chu,” Pichu said. It jump over Cyndaquil and blew a kiss at Cyndaquil. The heart shaped kiss hit Cyndaquil. Cyndaquil was walking as if it had never walked before.
“Oh no, Cyndaquil,” John said pulling out the pokedex and the pokedex said,” Pichu’s moves. Spark, Sweet Kiss, Encore, and Charm.”
“cynda?” Cyndaquil said when it snapped out of confusion. “Good, now use tackle,” John said. Again Cyndaquil spun into flames and hit Pichu.
“Cyndaquil I told you to use tackle,” John said.
“Don’t get mad at Cyndaquil. Encore makes the opponent use the last move it used, which was flame wheel,” Lyra said. “Oh, sorry Cyndaquil,” John said.
“cyn-cyn-cyndaquil!” Cyndaquil pointing at Pichu. Pichu was knocked out cold.
“Oh right. I need a pokeball,” John said going through his bag pulling out a pokeball. “Go pokeball!” John said as the pokeball went towards Pichu. Tink and Pichu turned into a bright red light and got sucked into the pokeball. The pokeball started to shake. Once, twice... the pokeball jumped in the air a opened and Pichu came out.
“No it got out!” John said surprised. “No problem use flame wheel again!” John said determined. Cyndaquil jumped this time and used flame wheel hitting Pichu with double the force.
“pe-pe-pechu,” said trying to get up. Then as if a balloon poped on Cyndaquil the encore wore off.
“Yes, encore wore off. Now use swift!” John yelled.
“cynda-quiiiil,” Cyndaquil said shooting stars at Pichu.
“chu!” Pichu said as it hit the ground.
“Now go pokeball!” John said throwing another pokeball. Then “tap” and the pokeball sucked Pichu inside. Then the pokeball started to shake. Once, twice... then “ping” and the pokeball stopped shaking.
“I-I did it. I caught Pichu! Haha! Cyndaquil we caught our first pokemon!” John said showing Cyndaquil the pokeball.
“cynda-cydaquil!” Cyndaquil said also very happy.

Chapter 4
John showed Lyra the pokeball and said,”I caught Pichu! Haha. This is Awesome!”
“cynda-quil-cynda-cynda,” Cyndaquil said jumping up and down in joy.
“All right lets meet are new pokemon. Come on out Pichu!” John said throwing the pokeball into the air. “Pshhwoo” and Pichu came out.
“pe-chu?” Pichu said somewhat confused about what had just happened.
“Hey buddy how ya doing?” John asked.
“pe-chu-chu-chu,” Pichu cried happily.
“Looks like Pichu likes you John,” Lyra said.
“Well thanks Captain Obvious!” John said back. “I don’t know about you Lyra but I better get going. I need to get to Violet City so I can head up to Malanca Town. I can’t wait only six more days,” John said in a rush. “Pichu, Cyndaquil, return,” john said holding a pokeball in each hand. “Shuowwss Ping” and the pokemon were in their pokeball. Then John started heading up the road looking at his poke-gear map so he didn’t get lost.
“Bye John!” Lyra said walking away.
“Well she’s gone. What time is it?” John looked at the time it read 13:21. “Ahh, no wonder I’m so hungry its past one!” John said sitting down and pulling out a sandwich. He took a big bite and swallowed. “Mm good,” John said. “Ahh I better feed my pokemon too,” John said pulling out some pokemon food his mom had made. “Pichu, Cyndaquil time to eat some lunch,” he said when a burst of light came out and the two pokemon came out. “Here you go some pokemon food,” John said as the pokemon dug into it.
“Togekiss use air slash!. Great now spin! Finish it off with an aura sphere.”
“Who’s that?” John looking over.
“We are going to win that contest for sure Togekiss.”
“Hey your entering the Malanca contest,” John said.
“Yeah how about you. Oh how rude of me, my name is Iris,” Iris said.
“Yeah that will be very first contest,” John said. “So how about you? Won any contests?” John asked.
“You bet I won one contest over in Shadygrove Village, see,” Iris said pulling out her ribbon case showing John her ribbon.
“Wow that awesome. So your entering with Togekiss I assume,” John said.
“Yeah since Togekiss won my first contest for me I’m going with Togekiss again.
“Cool, so any tough coordinators?” John asked.
“Not really but there was a really strong trainer I met named Tyson and his friend Gold. They didn’t enter in the contest though since only coordinators that had one or no ribbons one, so they couldn’t enter,” Iris said.
“I’ve heard about Tyson my friend told me he was the best trainer ever,” John said having a flash back when Lyra told him about Tyson.
“I wouldn’t say best, but he is very talented,” Iris said.”He told me he’d enter the Malanca Contest if he didn’t win the Blackthorn City Contest and the Smashville City double contest.”
“Oh ok then. I hope he enters I’d like to meet him in person,” John said.
The two trainers talked as they walked until they reached Violet City.
“Finally Violet City,” John said limping.
“Wow, this city is big,” Iris said in amazement. It was big. Violet City had a pokemon center, poke-mart, Sprout Tower, a Gym, and a pokemon academy.
“Well it’s almost nine thirty we better get some sleep then head are way to Malanca Town. Its not very far maybe an hour and we are there,” Iris said. So they found empty rooms in the pokemon center and fell asleep.
* * * * *
“Wake up John I just found something really cool!” Iris said shaking John.
“Ok, ok let me get dressed,” John said with his eyes still closed.
“Hurry and bring your pokemon too,” Iris said shaking from excitement. Iris made John hurry so John followed Iris into a room that a sign that said “Union Room.” They walked it.
“This is where you can have a battle,” Iris said.
“Wow it’s so big!” John said looking up at the ceiling.
“Well what do you say contest battle?” Iris asked.
“Um I don’t know this will be my first contest battle,” said nervously.
“Oh who cares come on lets go,” Iris said.
“Hello my name is Kathryn I will be here if you have any questions or if you need to set up a battle,” Catherine said.
“Oh yes can you set up a contest battle?” Iris asked.
“Sure hold on,” Catherine said going over a pressing some buttons till the screen came on with a circle of yellow points.
“Ok then ready John,” Iris asked.
“Well I guess,” John said.
“Ok then I choose you, Togekiss!” Iris said as the pokeball opened and pink confetti went everywhere.
“Right then... Go Cyndaquil,” John said as the pokeball opened up and blue flames came out and hit the ground and exploded into Cyndaquil.
“The time will be five minutes ready begin,” Catherine said. “Beep” went the timer.
“Now Togekiss use aura sphere!” Iris shouted.
“toge-kiiies,” Togekiss said making a blue ball and shooting it at Cyndaquil.
“Ahh, Cyndaquil quick spin and swift,” John said quickly.
“cynda-quiiiil!” Cyndaquil said jumping in the air and spinning with swift. The swift and the aura sphere hit and the swift broke through and hit Togekiss.
“Oh no Togekiss,” Iris said. As her points dropped to 85. “Fight back by spinning with sky attack!” Iris ordered as Togekiss started to glow white and started to spin.
“Cyndaquil use swift while in flame wheel,” John said seeing what would happen. Cyndaquil spun into flames and started to use swift. The swift came out on fire. “Great Cyndaquil that looks awesome!” John said.
Then in an instant the two attacks hit. The fire swift seemed to have more of an effect on Togekiss and it flew back and hit the ground.
“Togekiss please get up,” Iris said.
“togeeee,” Togekiss said picking itself up.
“Cyndaquil use tackle! HURRY!” John shouted.
“cyn-DA,” Cyndaquil said charging with all force.
“Haha,” Iris said. “Now use protect.”
“togee,” Togekiss said glowing blue and green. POW!.
“cyndaaa,” Cyndaquil said falling to the ground in pain. Then Jonh’s points dropped to sixty-two points.
“Haha, wasn’t ready for that,” Iris said with a smirk.
“Rrh not so fast,” John said. “Now use flame wheel.” Cyndaquil spun into flames and charged, fast.
“Togekiss use sweet kiss,” Iris said.
“togeee-kiiiiss,” Togekiss said blowing out 3 heart shaped kisses. “pop, pop, pop,” went the hearts on Cyndaquil.
“cyn-cynda-quil,” Cyndaquil said walking like a drunk man.
“Aww Cyndaquil’s confused,” John said fantikly.
“Now use air slash,” Iris said.
“toge-kiis,” Togekiss said making a teal colored ball and shot it at Cyndaquil. POOSH!
“cyndawaa,” Cyndaquil in pain and confused.
“Time is now up,” Katryn said.
“Oh wait,” John said as they both looked at the clock. John’s points were at twenty-seven and Iris’s at fourty-two.
“I won. We did it Togekiss we won!” Iris said higging Togekiss.
“Cyndaquil you okay?” John said.
“cyn,” Cyndaquil said.
“Cyndaquil that was a great first contest battle now take a rest,” John said taking out a pokeball and returned Cyndaquil.
“Great battle John,” said shaking his hand.

Chapter 5 part 1
For those of you still with us John just had his first contest battle with a girl named Iris and her Togekiss. Sadly he was unable to win. His first real contest will take place in Malanca Town to the east on Violet City and South of Mahogany Town, which will start only in 5 days. Right at this moment John and Iris are shaking hands.

“Good job John. I would have never guessed that was your first contest battle,” Iris said kinda jealous.
“Thanks, but you won and you are REALLY good,” John said putting his hand down.
“Well it’s getting dark now so lets get some sleep and then we’ll look around Violet City and then head over to Malanca Town.
“Sounds good to me,” John said as they walked out the down. That night John had a dream about the contest.
“Now Cyndaquil use swift,” John said. POW. “Congratulations you won the Malanca Contest!
“Hmm, AAAh,” John said waking up.
“You’re up come on get dressed and lets go,” Iris said. John got up grabbed the two pokeballs containing Cyndaquil and Pichu and walked out the room.
“Look John see that tower over there. That’s Sprout Tower. Really strong Bellsprout trainers go there and battle challengers. Wanna go?” Iris said.
“Sure it will be good training for Cyndaquil,” John said. They headed to Sprout Tower. To get there they had to walk a bit cross a bridge and they were there. They walked in and the first thing someone said was.
“Let’s battle.” John was adjusting to the light then noticed a boy about his age holding a pokeball in front of him.
“Come on lets battle,” said the young trainer. “Go Bellsprout,” he said with a bright light.
“bel-bel-sprout,” Bellsprout said blinking.
“I choose Cyndaquil,” John said throwing the pokeball straight up in the air. “POP”
“cyn-da,” Cyndaquil said.
“You can make the first attack,” said the trainer.
“Right then. Cyndaquil use flame wheel, John said thinking, “that’s should do a ton of damage to a grass type like Bellsprout.”
“Knock it away with vine whip,” he said.
“BELL-SPROUT!” it shouted. “WHACK”
“cynda,” it said sliding to the ground.
“Oh no, get up Cyndaquil. Then counter with swift!” John said.
“cyn-DA,” it said shooting bright golden stars.
“Knock that away with razor leaf,” he said.
“bel,” Bellsprout said throwing leafs at the swift. “ti, ti, ti.” The swift was gone and now the razor leaf was heading towards Cyndaquil.
“phn, phn, phn.” “cynda-quill,” Cyndaquil said falling to the ground.
“Noo, Cyndaquil don’t give up use-,” John said getting cut off by Cyndaquil.
“cyn-DA,” Cyndaauil said shooting black smoke.
“Hey that’s smokescreen,” John said. “Now use flame wheel!” Cyndaquil bashed into Bellsprout and the trainer knew just like that he had lost.
“All right Cyndaquil we did it!” John said jumping excitedly.
“Well Bellsprout you were great out there now return,” the boy said with a beam of red light touching Bellsprout then back to the pokeball.
“You’re good. Just have to fight three more Bellsprout trainers then you get a prize,” said the boy.
“Lets go Iris I want to get my prize,” John said climbing the ladder to the next floor. The next battle he won with a quick tackle and swift. Next was the master of the Bellsprout trainers.
“Welcome to the Sprout Tower I am Haluga the Bellsprout master,” Haluga said in a deep voice. “Time to choose your pokemon.”
“This time I’m usin’ Pichu!” John said sending Pichu out.
“pee-chu,” Pichu said.
“Then I shall choose Bellsprout,” Haluga said tossing his pokeball.
“bel-sprout,” it said. “You have the first move,” Haluga said.
“Right then use sweet kiss ,” John said as Pichu shot pink hearts at Bellsprout.
“Bellsprout, dodge that if you please,” Haluga said as Bellsprout jumped to dodged the sweet kiss. “Now use growth,” he said again.
“beeel,” Bellsprout said glowing a neon green.
“Great, Pichu use encore quick,” John said.
“peeee-CHU!” Pichu said throwing a white ball the size of a small soccer ball. “POP” right on Bellsprout.
“Oh dear this isn’t good,” Haluga said.
“ Now Pichu use sweet kiss,” John said.
“chu,” Pichu said. It hit Bellsprout was confused.
“Bellsprout please snap out of it,” Haluga said.
“Finish it with spark,” John said calmly.
“pee-CHU,” Pichu said with a yellow glow around him. “BAM” Bellsprout fell to the ground.
“My dear Bellsprout... return,” Haluga said. “Thank you for such a great battle, here is your prize. Tm silver wind,” Haluga said handing John a green disk.
“Thanks,” John said.
“Good job John. Should we go now?” Iris said.
“Uh yeah sure I can’t wait for the contest. Only 4 more days!” John said feeling anxious. They walked out Sprout Tower and headed towards Malanca Town.
“Well we should get there by tonight if we walk at this pace,” Iris said. Then we can do some training. Have you come up with your first round performance?”
“Um well,” John said rubbing his neck. “Not quite.”
“What I all ready came up with mine about 2 weeks ago. You better hurry,” Iris said.
“I know, but I have some ideas for it,” John said getting worried.
“I could help you,” Iris said.
“No way I’m working by myself,” John said looking somewhat buff.
“So are you using Pichu or Cyndaquil for the first round?” Iris asked.
“I’m using Cyndaquil for first and second round,” John said.
“That’s cool. Hey look!” Iris said pointing over a hill.
“Is that?” John said.
”Yep, Malanca Town,” she said. They walked into town and saw a bunch of people training for the contest.
“How many people are going to be in the contest?” John asked.
“Well contests usually accept around fifty coordinators. And only four, eight, and sometimes sixteen will go to the second round depending on the size of the town or contest. Here in the contest pamphlet they said eight coordinators will go to the second round. So we gotta register for the contest,” Iris said.
“Where do we register?” John said looking franticly.
“At the pokemon contest arena. Where else?” Iris said. “But it’s probably closed right now so we’ll go tomorrow.
They got to the pokemon center and gave Nurse Joy their pokemon to get healed.

Chapter 5 part 2
They went to sleep and then Nurse Joy was the first person they saw when they woke up.
“Everyone please wake up we have to get out of the pokemon center now!” she said in a sweet voice, but still panicked.
“What’s goin’ on?” John asked.
“Hurry get up get your things, the pokemon center is being attacked,” Nurse Joy said.
“Lets go,” Iris and John said together. They got out of the packmen center and there were seven team rocket members surrounding them.
“What are we going to do?” Nurse Joy in a panic. John and Iris looked at each other and nodded.
“Go Togekiss!” Iris said.
“Pichu, Cyndaquil I need your assistance!” John called out. With three bursts of light Cyndaquil, Pichu, and Togekiss were standing ready to fight.
“Go Golbat,” the Team Rocket members said. Then seven Golbat were flying in front of them.
“Togekiss use air slash go!” Iris said.
“Cyndaquil use swift, Pichu use sweet kiss!” John said pointing at the Golbat. One by one they went down.
“What are we going to do Pierson will not be happy about this,” one of the members said.
“Lets get outta here!” another one said as they ran off as fast as they could .
“All right,” John and Iris said giving each other a high-five.
“Thank you so much for protecting the packmen center,” Nurse Joy said.
“No problem,” Iris said.
“Well now that everything is back to normal wanna do some practicing?” John asked Iris.
“Sure,” she replied. They went off into a grassy plain and practiced.
“Cyndaquil use smokescreen then flame wheel into it,” John said shaking he was so excited.
“-quil,” Cyndaquil said shooting smoke into the air. “cyndaaaa!” it said again bursting into flames. Then it jumped and headed towards the smoke. It made it to the center of the smoke and then the smoke turned a bright yellow orange.
“Wow,” Iris said dumbstruck.
“Awesome Cyndaquil now use swift,” John said as Cyndaquil shot the bright stars everywhere. “Ppbbshh” with a cloud of sparkles.
“That was beautiful John,” Iris said in amazement.
“No kidding. Great job Cyndaquil. That contest ribbon is almost ours.
“Not so fast I’m winning that contest,” Iris said. “That’ll be my second contest ribbon.
“You are both wrong I will win the contest,” said a voice coming from a distance.
“Huh who are you?” John asked.
“You don’t know who that is?!? Every coordinator knows who that is. Its Tyson silly,” Iris said.
“YOU’RE Tyson? My friend Lyra is really into you,” John said. “Can I see your badges and ribbons?” John asked a little gazed.
“Sure,” Tyson said pulling out two cases. One silver one green. “Here are my badges,” Tyson said giving John the silver case.
“Wow, eight badges,” John said a bit jealous.
“And here my ribbons,” Tyson said handing him the green case.
“Wow four ribbons, so just on more and you can enter the Grand Festival.
“Yep that’s why I’m going to win the Malanca Town Contest,” Tyson said.
“Hm, now that Tyson is entering the contest will I even have a chance to will?” John thought to himself.
“So who are you entering in the contest with?” Iris asked Tyson.
“For the first round I’m using Ampharos and for the second I’m using Meditite,” Tyson said.
“Wait! How do you two know each other?” John asked confused.
“We met in Shadygrove Village. I helped her with her contest appeals with Togekiss,” Tyson replied.
“Oh, that makes sense now. So could we see your performance?” John asked.
“Sorry but you’ll see it on the contest,” Tyson said. After that Tyson walked away leaving John and Iris alone again.
“You have to see his contest skills. He’s going to be the next top coordinator,” Iris said.
“Who’s the top coordinator now?” John asked.
“I think it was think guy named John like you,” Iris said. “He is Tyson’s inspiration. He won the Sinnoh Grand Festival,” Iris said making sure she had her facts right.
“Well lets go,” John said. “I’m starving!”
“Ok I think I saw a KFC by the Pokemon Center,” Iris said.
“Mmm KFC sounds SO good right now,” John replied. So they went to KFC. After they ate it was around 2:30 pm. So they fed their packmen and then decided to look around Malanca. It was a pretty small sized town. When they got home it was around 6:00 pm. So they ate a sandwich and went to bed.

2 more days till the contest.

The next day they mostly just trained. Never did see Tyson again. Iris and Togekiss were really showing off (in a good way) and so was John. John was really excited about the contest, but still thought he didn’t have a chance to win. After the training they were all pretty tired and hungry so they ate a quick dinner and went to bed. That night John got up starting to get really nervous about the contest.
“Cyndaquil come out,” John whispered. “Sthhh”
“cyyyyndaaaa” Cyndaquil yawned. “cyna”
“I’m getting really nervous Cyndaquil how about you?” John asked.
“cynda-cyndaquil,” it said.
“I mean I can’t wait to show you off, but since this is my first contest I’m afraid I might let you down,” John said sadly.
“cynda! cyndaquiil,” Cyndaquil said giving John a little push. John smiled then said.
“You’re right, we are going to do great. You have been practicing really hard. If we don’t win we win definitely make it to the second round. John went to bed last night and didn’t wake up till 11:15 am. John practiced a little bit but let Cyndaquil take a rest instead. As for Iris she practiced a lot, doing some last minute training. The day past by fast and before you know it, it was the night before the contest. The contest started at one so Iris and John got up at nine so they had time to get ready and get to the contest hall. When John entered the hall he had no idea how big it was. It was huge! There were tons of people so much John almost threw up from being so nervous. He walked where are the coordinators standing and waiting. But John didn’t see Tyson.
“Welcome to the Pokemon Contest in Malaca Town. I’m your host Clarian and it’s a pleasure to be here with you. Now time to meet our judges. Meet our contest director Mr. Contesta!”
“It’s great to be here and I can’t wait to see all the performances,” Mr. Contesta said.
“Next President of the Pokemon Fan Club, Mr. Sukizo!” Clarian said.
“Hello it’s good to be here. The fans are just remarkable!” Mr. Sukizo said.
“And finally Malanca Town’s own Nurse Joy!” Clarian said.
“Hello I can’t wait to see how trainers and packmen bond,” Nurse Joy said.
“Well now we have met all the judges time to start the contest. A coordinator needs to win five contest ribbons before he or she can enter in the wondrous Grand Festival. To day someone will win their next ribbon and it’s a beauty and here it is!” Clarian said holding up a beautiful pink/purple ribbon about the size of an adult hamster. “All right now there are two rounds to a contest. The first round is where the coordinators will show of their pokemon. They will then be judged on their performance and then the eight coordinators will pass to the second round. The second round is the appeal battle. Here your packmen will battle by using their most powerful, cute, and beautiful moves. Enough talk time to start the first round and here he is trying to earn his fifth ribbon is... TYSON!” Clarian ended with a shout.
“Ampharos! Your on!” Tyson said running out. The pokeball opened and blue lightning bolt spun around what became Ampharos.
“faros!” Ampharos screeched.
“Ampharos use power gem MAX power!” Tyson yelled intensely.
“frrroooos!” Ampharos yelled while having energy swirl in to its bright red gem on its forehead.
“FIRE!” Tyson yelled.
“rooooos!” it screamed throwing a bright white gem the size of five oranges put together.
“Signal Beam go!” Tyson said pointing at the power gem.
“ammm-farrrroooos!” it yelled shooting a rainbow colored beam. “SMASH!”
“Look at that!” Clarian said. The signal beam made the power gem explode to pieces covering the whole field! What a sight to behold!
“Lets finish it. Use DISCHARGE, spin!” Tyson yelled triumphantly as Ampharos jumped to the center of all the power gem shards.
“ROAOAOS!” Ampharos yelled letting out a strong yellow discharge. The discharge hit all the power gem shards. Then the power gem along with the power gem came and hit Ampharos. Making Ampharos glow. John and Ampharos then bowed and the audience cheer!
“Wow that was just stunning. Now lets get a word from our judges, MR. Contesta.
“Yes what an amazing performance!”
“Yes also remarkable,” Mr. Sukizo said.
“It was great to see how John made Ampharos have that amazing glow, yes thank you,” Nurse Joy said.
“Well that seems like a good report now let see John’s scores,” Clarian said. “Nurse Joy.” “Beep” The score she had put was 9.5, “Mr. Sukizo.”
“Beep” The score he had put was 9.6, “And now Mr. Contesta.” “Beep. The score he put was 9.5. “Wow that’s an amazing score on 28.6 now give a hand to Tyson!” Clarian finished. “Now our next performance. Seven coordinators performed until John heard, “John you’re next.” John left the room holding the pokeball that contained Cyndaquil.
“Our next coordinator is from New Bark Town. Making his mark is, John!” Clarian said into the microphone.
“All right Cyndaquil. Dramatic entrance!” John yelled throwing the pokeball. “Chhwooo” Blue fire shot out of the pokeball heading to the top of the field. Then exploded and Cyndaquil fell from above making a perfect landing. “Good job Cyndaquil! Now use smokescreen to cover the whole field!” John commanded.
“QUIIIL!” Cyndaquil yelled letting out the smokescreen.
“Good now use swift,” he said nervously and also calmly.
“cyn-daaaaaaa,” it said shooting the stars inside the smoke. The stars swirled around in the smoke making the smoke glow a golden color.
“Flame wheel!” John said hopping the audience would like it.
“quuiil,” it said spinning with fire. The flame wheel caught the smoke on fire causing the the smoke to burn away and leave the swift on fire. “Awesome! Now lets finish it. Spin to get the swift around you then hit it with swift.
“cyndaaa-quiiiiiil,” it said spinning having the stars spin around Cyndaquil in a perfect circle form. Then it jumped in the air and pounded the fire swift with the new swift. “Ping, tink, bing” as the swift blew into sparkles. They both smiled at each other and bowed.
“What a great performance,” Clarian said. “Now for the judges.”
“Great job, I really enjoyed your show,” Mr. Contesta said.
“Yes remarkable wasn’t it,” Mr. Sukizo said.
“You did very well for your first contest I’m very impressed,” Nurse Joy finished.
“Ok time for the scores,” Clarian said. “Mr. Contesta.” “Beep” The score read 7.7, “Nurse Joy.” “Beep” The score read 7.7, “And Mr. Sukizo.” “Beep” The final score was, 7.8. “Ok great job John that is a total of 23.2!” Clarian said.“23.2? I thought I could do better that,” John said disappointed.
“Don’t worry John you were great out there just have fun you could make it to the next round if you believe in yourself. Well I got to get out there I’m up next,” Iris said scurrying off.
“Our next performance is by Iris!” Clarian said as Iris ran to the center of the stage.
“Alright Togekiss come on out!” Iris said throwing the pokeball out. A bright light then Togekiss as well as pink confetti came out. “Lets start with aura sphere and air slash combination!” Iris said.
“toooowgiiii!” Togekiss yelled using aura sphere then air slash on it making a dark blue colored air slash. “Nice, now fly up and use sky attack!” Iris said with a spin.
“tokisssss!” Togekiss said spinning with sky attack up towards the air slash/aura sphere combo. Togekiss hit the combo and it made the sky attack and Togekiss turn a beautiful sparkling blue. Then Togekiss gracefully glided across the stage.
“togeee-kis,” Togekiss said slowly flying around the whole stage.
“Wow that glow of the sky attack and the color of the aura sphere and air slash makes Togekiss beautiful I can’t take my eyes of it,” Clarian said in a gaze. Togekiss landed and Iris curtsied and that was that.
“Wow that was a very appealing show!” Mr. Contesta said.
“Yes! And remarkable!” Mr. Sukizo said.
“It was great to see how they bonded so well,” Nurse Joy said.
“Ok now that we got the judge’s opinion lets see Iris’s score!” Clarian said. “Beep” first score was 8.2, “Beep” second score was 8.1, “Beep” the final score was 8.4. “There you have it Iris’s score is 24.7!” Clarian said while Iris was walking off the stage. “Well that’s the end of the first round. Now let the judges do their thing and in a few minutes we’ll come back with the results,” Clarian said as the audience applauded.

Now that Tyson, Iris, and John have shown how they were in the first round in the next chapter we’ll see who makes it to the second round.

“Ok sorry to keep you waiting,” Clarian said. “Here are the lucky coordinators going to the second round. And here they ARE!”

Chapter 6

The Contest Battles Begin (Round 2!!!)

“And here they ARE!” Clarian yelled in excitement turning around to look at the screan. In a jolt the screen showed eight coordinators. John heckticly look for his picture.
“Yes I did it I made it to the second round,” John said looking at his picture that was in second to last. He looked back again and saw Tyson had made first place and Iris in fifth.
“Looks like we all made it,” Tyson said in a group with Iris and John.
“Yep we did now lets see who we are going to battle,” Iris said.
“Now lets see the match-ups for the second round!” Clarian said looking at the screen as the trainer pictures got shuffled. “Here we go the match-ups!” she then finished. Tyson looked at the screen. He was the third battle. Tyson and Iris were the second battle.

* * * *

“30 seconds remain,” Clarian said.
“Meditite now use force palm, then psychic on it,” Tyson said as Meditite formed a ball in its hand and used psychic to control it. It threw the force ball at Togekiss.
“tooo-GIIII!” Togekiss screamed as Meditite’s move hit.
“Togekiss please get up you must,” Iris said shaking. “BEEP”
“That’s it time has run out. Now lets see who will go to the semi-finals,” Clarian said. “And the winner is.... Tyson and Meditite!”
“Nice job Meditite we are almost there to our fifth ribbon,” Tyson said patting Meditite on the head.
“Well maybe next time ok Togekiss,” Iris said returning Togekiss.
“Our next battle is John from New Bark Town against Clowie from Cinnabar Island,” Clarian said as John and Clowie came out on stage. “Five minutes on the clock... BEGIN!” Clarian said.
“Alrighty then Gloom its show time,” Clowie said throwing the purple pokeball. When it opened green lighting bolts surrounded Gloom. Gloom then knocked them away and landed with a spin.
“Now! Cyndaquil you’re ON!” John said throwing his pokeball. It opened with many purple bubble.
“It is ladies first so... Gloom use magical leaf!” Clowie said spinning.
“Cyndaquil deflect it with smokescreen,” John said brushing his hair out of his eyes.
“gllooooom!” Gloom said firing sparkling green leaf at Cyndaquil.
“cyn-DAAA” Cyndaquil said shooting the pitch black smoke right at the magical leaf. The moves combined, but the smokescreen completely covered the magical leaf. Clowie’s points came down to 87.
“Oh yeah watch this-” Clowie started then getting cut off.
“NO! you watch this!” John said. “Cyndaquil flame wheel go!” Cyndaquil jumped and running towards Gloom.
“gloom?” Gloom said scared/confused.
“quiiiil,” Cyndaquil said hitting Gloom with the flames. “Clowie’s points dropped even more.
“EEE. Gloom pull it together and use sleep powder,” Clowie said turning red.
“gloom,” Gloom said calmly spraying bluish, purple powder at Cyndaquil.
“cynda? cyn-da... quill,” Cyndauqil said falling asleep.
“Cyndaquil wake up!” John said freaking out.
“Now lets use solarBEAM!” Clowie said smirking.
“gloooooooom,” Gloom said as it charged up solarbeam
“FIRE!” Clowie yelled.
“GLLLLOOOOOM!” Gloom screamed blasting the bright beam at Cyndaquil. “PSSHWAAAM” as it hit Cyndaquil.
“No Cyndaquil,” John said as Cyndaquil was blown into the air and came back and hit the ground hard. John’s points fell to 60.
“cyndaa?!?” Cyndaquil awoke confused about where he was.
“Cyndaquil you’re awake! Fight back with swift,” John said happy that Cyndaquil finally woke up.
“Now Gloom please use petal dance,” Clowie said.
“glooom,” Gloom said firing the spinning the petals at Cyndaquil’s swift. With one hit swift was gone and petal dance had hit Cyndaquil. John’s points now was at 42.
“Err,” John said not knowing what to do now.
“Getting frustrated John,” Clowie said with an evil smile.
“Oh man she’s good. But I have to win, but what am I going to do,” John thought.
“tackle,” Clowie said.
“Cyndaquil smokescreen then flame wheel,” John said with a strong heart. Gloom ran fast at Cyndaquil. Cyndaquil shot smoke out of its mouth. Gloom was surrounded by smoke and couldn’t see anything. “BAM” Cyndaquil hit Gloom with flame wheel.
“Yes good job Cyndaquil,” John said proudly. Clowie’s points dropped dramatically from 70 to 41. Gloom hit the ground and fainted.
“That’s all she wrote, Gloom is unable to battle, and going to the semi-finals is... JOHN!” Clarian said pointing at John as the crowd clapped.
“Look here!” Clarian announced. “These are the four coordinators going to their next battle.” On the screen was Tyson versus a guy named Greg and John versus a guy named Simon. “The next battle is Tyson and Greg,” Clarian said. Tyson came out then Greg came out. “Ready? Five minutes on the clock and... BEGIN!” Clarian said as Greg and Tyson threw their pokeballs.
“Ambipom lets go!” Greg said in a deep voice.
“Meditite! Blast off!” John said like a battle screech.
* * * * *
“That’s it. Times has run out,” Clarian said turning around. “And the trainer going to the finals is... Tyson!” Clarian said as Tyson bowed and Greg walked off the stage. “Our next battle is John and Simon,” Clarian said as John walked out, but Simon didn’t. “Simon? Simon?” Clarian said looking around.
“Right here,” Simon said. Simon was overweight and when he came out he was eating beef jerky.
“Any way... five minutes on THE clock... battle begin!” Clarian said.
“Cyndaquil you’re on!” John said as Cyndaquil came out with the purple bubbles again.
“*chomp, chomp, swallow*” Simon still eating his beef jerky. “Go... Pidgyotto!” He said as fire shot out of the pokeball.
“PigOO,” Pidgyotto said.
“QUIIIL,” Cyndaquil said.
“Cyndaquil lets start off with flame wheel,” John said.
“Stop Cyndaquil with mud slap,” Simon said as Cyndaquil jumped and spun into flame while Pigdyotto’s wings went brown. As Pidgyotto flapped its wings a ball of mud was shot. The mud slap destroyed the flame wheel then taking Cyndaquil to the ground. John’s points dropped to 80.
“Come on Cyndaquil SWIFT,” John said. “Now spin!” Cyndaquil spun like it did with flame wheel and shot out the swift.
“Pidgyotto! Send it right back with gust,” Simon said. Pidgyotto did just that. It used gust and blew the swift back at Cyndaquil and hit.
“Cyndaquil get up! Use smokescreen,” John said.
“Whirlwind!” SImon said getting annoyed about how easy the battle was. Cyndaquil blew out the smoke and Pidgyotto blew it away. John’s points were now at 63.
“All I have to do is stay calm. Think what should I do next?,” John thought to himself.
“Now use quick attack,” Simon commanded.
“Flame wheel,” John said. Cyndaquil was too slow. Pidgyotto hit Cyndaquil hard and John’s points fell to 51.
“Right now Simon has a huge advantage will John be able to turn this around... and we are at our two minute mark,” Clarian announced.
“Cyndaquil use smokescreen,” John said not really going to use that move.
“Blow it away,” Simon said almost falling asleep.
“Jump and use the gust to power up flame wheel,” John said. Cyndaquil jumped using gust to spin faster then it jumped again and hit Pidgyotto with a powerful flame wheel. Simon’s points fell and was at 67.
“Grr. Pidgyotto mud slap,” Simon said as Pidgyotto got up.
“Cyndaquil spin vertically and use swift,” John said. Pidgyotto’s mud slap was too small and got pulverized by the swift. Simon’s points were now at 48.
“And now time is up!” Clarian said. “Wow this is close but the winner is... JOHN! And our two finalists are John and Tyson!” Clarian concluded.

Chapter 7
“The two finalist are John and Tyson!” Clarian said. “We will take a five minute break then we’ll come back to the finals.
“John I can’t believe you made it to the finals. Good luck beating Tyson,” Iris said. “I got destroyed by him.”
“Well John,” Tyson said. “You’re pretty good. Making it to the finals in your first contest. I didn’t win my first contest till my third contest so good luck to you,” Tyson said walking away.
“Well I now I probably will lose, but I can’t give up I have to try my hardest to win,” John said pulling out Cyndaquil’s pokeball and putting a seal that was a star.
“All right, welcome back. The finals of the Malanca Town Contest are about to begin. To my left, JOHN. To my right, TYSON,” Clarian said. “Now to get things started, five minutes on the clock... BEGIN!” Clarian said as the battle begun.
“Meditite ready, LETS... GO!” Tyson said powerful and strong.
“Cyndaquil! You’re on!” John said getting more and more nervous. Meditite and Cyndaquil appeared on stage.
“Cyndaquil flame wheel,” John said.
“Use shadow ball!” Tyson called out. Cyndaquil spun towards Meditite as it held it hands close together as a black/purple ball was formed. Meditite shot shadow ball and the flame wheel absorbed the shadow ball then exploded into a blast of sparkles. This made John's points drop to 87.
“Swift!” John said.
“Control it with psychic!” Tyson said snapping his fingers. The swift Cyndaquil made glowed purple then spun around Meditite and blew up into sparkles. John’s points were then at 76.
“SMOKESCREEN!” John called out.
“Mind reader,” John said. The smoke covered the stage as Meditite glowed green. The smoke made Meditite look amazing. John’s points fell to 68.
“Shadow ball,” Tyson said.
“This is bad with mind reader shadow ball can’t miss,” John thought.
“Hit it with swift,” John said hoping he’ll get lucky. Well he got lucky. Somehow the swift stopped the shadow ball and Tyson’s point were now at 80.
“Meditite use drain punch. Max power,” Tyson said. Meditite jumped into the sky and descended from above.
“Spin with smokescreen!” John said violently. Cyndaquil spun and shot three streams of smoke. Two of them hit Meditite and exploded while the other one shot straight up and blasted smoke down at Cyndaquil. More of Tyson’s points were lost.
“Stop them!” Tyson said. “Use psychic to get rid of the smoke. Then use meditate.”
“mediii,” Meditite said glowing purple and removing the smoke the levitating in air glowing green. After Meditite had raised its attack Tyson said, “Blaze kick then psychic!” Meditite jumped in the air used blaze kick which was huge then controlled the fire with psychic wrapping itself with the flames making it look like a meteorite. John lost points to 49.
“DODGE IT!” John said knowing if that hit it would all end. Cyndauqil slid under Meditite dodging the move. “Tackle GO!” Cyndaquil lunged and hit Meditite. Tyson had 62 points left.
“Two minutes remain,” Clarian announced.
“Meditite force palm then throw it with psychic,” Tyson said as Meditite made a bright ball.
“Smokescreen, cover the WHOLE field,” John said. Cyndaquil did as it was told, it shot the pitch-black smoke everywhere. “FLAME WHEEL!” John said as the smoke exploded into flames. Meditite caught in the blast.
“TITE!” It said in agony. Tyson lost tremendous amounts at points and it came to 47.
“Keep it up! Use swift!” John said.
“PSYCHIC” Tyson said seeming to get angry. The psychic stopped the swift and threw it right back. Cyndaquil got pwned by its own swift and John’s points were now at 35.
“Tackle,” John said.
“Drain punch,” Tyson said. Cydndaquil hit Meditite’s drain punch and fell back. John had no more then 20 points left.
“30 SECONDS!” Clarian said.
“Cyndaquil get up please you must,” John said.
“cyyyyn-daaaa,” Cyndaquil said trying to get up.
“Come ON,” John said getting freaked out.
“BEEP!” “That’s it time’s up,” Clarian said. And that was it the battle was over. “The winner of the Malanca Town Contest is... TYSON!” Clarian finished like thunder.
Tyson had 43 points left. For John 13 points were left. The audience cheered.
“Mr. Contesta has the great privilege of presenting Tyson with the lovely Malanca Town Contest ribbon.
“This IS you’re fifth ribbon correct?” Mr. Contesta asked.
“Sure is thanks,” Tyson said.
We’ll be expecting great things from you in this years Grand Festival. The audience cheered one more time then people started leaving the contest hall.
“John you were outstanding out there good job for you’re first contest,” Iris said complimenting John.
“Thanks I hope I did good thanks I can’t wait for the next contest.

Chapter 8
After the contest John walked back to Violet City. He known that he did good in the contest, but still he didn’t win.
“Cyndaquil, do you think we did good in the contest?” John asked.
“cynda,” Cyndaquil said nodding.
“Hmm I guess... Hey isn’t there a gym in Violet City?” John asked to himself then heard.
“Sure is... and I’m the gym leader. My name is Falkner,” Falkner said.
“Really? That’s cool do you think we can have a battle for a gym badge?” John asked hoping that he would be good at battling.
“Sure. Do you have three pokemon?” Falkner asked.
“No, I don’t I have two though,” John replied.
“Sorry then no. You have to have three pokemon to challenge me,” Falkner said.
“Well I’ll go out and catch a new pokemon. Lets go Cyndaquil,” John said and scurried off. “Hm ok. Cyndaquil see any pokemon?”
“cyn,” Cyndaquil nodded replying as no.
“Hm me neither,” John said.
“ymm. yamm, ymm ymm.”
“What pokemon is that?” John said pulling out the pokedex.
“Yanma. The clear wing pokemon. Yanma flaps its wings really fast, it can generate shock waves that will shatter windows in the area,” said the pokedex.
“Cyndaquil wanna try to catch it?” John asked.
“cynda,” Cyndaquil nodded and ran up to battle Yanma.
“Yanma is a bug flying type so fire type is the best against it. So Cyndaquil use swift,” John yelled. Cyndaquil was a little dumbstruck when John said swift instead of flame wheel, but it just used swift anyway.
“QUIL,” It yelled shooting the spinning stars.
“ymm ymm,” Yanma said quickly dodging at the last minute. “YMM,” it said again this time shooting a bluish white beam.
“That’s sonicboom, dodge it then flame wheel,” John said. Cyndaquil dodged the move, but flame wheel missed again. Yanma then used double team.
“Hit them all with swift,” John said a little bit stunned by the double team. All of the Yanma dodged the swift then used quick attack.
“Hang in there and use swift again!” John said. Once again they dodged it and hit Cyndaquil with quick attack.
“Flame wheel,” John called. Before Cyndaquil could even use flame wheel Yanma used sonicboom.
“Cyndaquil! No!” John said as Cyndaquil hit the ground and fainted.
“Return... GO, Pichu!” John said throwing the pokeball.
“pee- chuuu,” Pichu said.
“Go use sweet kiss,” John said.
“chuu,” Pichu said blowing a kiss at Yanma.
“ymm,” Yanma said destroying the sweet kiss with sonicboom.
“Come ON! Pichu spark,” John said getting angry.
“chu, pe, chuuu, chu, pechu,” Pichu said as Yanma dodged the spark over and over.
“Let’s go spark,” John said.
“ymm,” Yanma said as it eyes sparkled and moved out of the way.
“That’s it... Pichu quickly use encore,” John said with hope. Pichu used encore and hit Yanma. “Great! Now just keep using spark!” John said smirking. Pichu couldn’t hit Yanma cause all Yanma could do was use detect over and over. Then... detect failed and Pichu hit Yanma with spark 4 times, Yanma then fainted. “Yes just what I wanted. Go pokeball!” John said throwing the pokeball. “Psshwuuu,” as the pokeball sucked Yanma inside. Shook once, twice... It stopped shaking. “I... I did it! I caught Yanma!” John said holding up the pokeball in excitement as Pichu happily jumped in the air. “Time to battle Falkner.” John ran back to the gym. Inside the gym was a battle field with Falkner on the far side.
“About time John. Ready to battle,” Falkner said.
“You bet. Lets get started,” John said walking up to the field.
The referee came up and said, “This will be a 3 on 3 battle. The battle will be over when either sides 3 pokemon are unable to battle. Also the challenger is the only one who may substitute pokemon. Alright then. Begin!”
“I choose you Hoothoot,” Falkner said as his Hoothoot came out of the pokeball.
“Then I’ll choose Pichu!” John said throwing Pichu’s pokeball.
“Hoothoot use peck attack.”
“Pichu use spark.” the attacks hit but Hoothoot took all the damage.
“Oh no Hoothoot get up.”
“Pichu use sweet kiss.” Pichu got Hoothoot with sweet kiss.
“Hoothoot snap out of it use fly.” But Hoothoot used tackle.
“Pichu dodge it then use encore.”

Chapter 9
“Pichu dodge it then use encore.” Pichu made a bright white ball the size of a soccer ball and hit Hoothoot with it.
“Hoothoot no stay in,” Falkner said. It really didn’t help though since Hoothoot was confused and all it could do was use tackle attack.
“Pichu use spark,” John said.
“pee-chuuu,” Pichu said as it sparked up and hit Hoothoot.
“Hoothoot please get up,” Falkner said as Hoothoot was twitching on the ground.
“Spark, again,” John said.
“chuuu,” Pichu said hitting Hoothoot one final time then Hoothoot fainted.
“Hoothoot is unable to continue battling Pichu wins,” the referee said.
“return Hoothoot. You did good. Ok then I choose you!” Falkner said throwing a pokeball. A flash and there flew Pidgyotto.
“Pigoo,” Pidgyotto said.
“Pichu spark,” John said.
“Pidgyotto agility then use wing attack,” Falkner said. Pichu’s spark missed and wing attack hit hard and Pichu almost fainted.
“Pidgyotto’s fast Pichu doesn’t have a chance,” John thought to himself. “Pichu thanks now return.” Recalling Pichu. “Now I choose Yanma!”
“ymm ymm,” Yanma said.
“Pidgyotto agility then wing attack,” Falkner said.
“Yanma double team,” John said. Yanma surrounded Pidgyotto, Pidgyotto was stunned and didn’t move.
“Pidgyotto hit everyone with wing attack,” Falkner said.
“Dodge it then use sonicboom,” John said. Yanma and the copies dodged the wing attack and hit Pidgyotto with sonicboom. “Keep it up with quick attack.”
“Pidgyotto get out of the way,” Falkner said. But it was too late Yanma hit Pidgyotto over and over then Pidgyotto hit the ground and fainted. “Aw Pidgyotto.”
“Pidgyotto is unable to continue the battle,” the referee said.
“Well you’ve d
Well I've only read chapter one, but I think that you rely way to heavily on dialog. Instead of having people tell us parts of the story, you should have them be described to us out of dialog.
Like, instead of having his mom come into his room and says "I made sausage" you could have him notice the smell of sausage coming from the kitchen, and describe it a bit more than just what his mom said.

Sorry, but you need to brush up on your grammar and spelling a lot more than this. And it's not just constant misspelling I've seen here, but a lot of punctuation and capitalization issues too. For instance, whenever you're writing dialogue that has the name of the specific person it's aimed at in it, you always use commas to signify that it is. This includes whenever you use a term of endearment or nickname for that person too (case in-point when John's mom said "Wake up, Sweetie! Time to get up." It should have been written as I just did, even with the exclamation point and latter part of the comment written as a new sentence since that's usually more appropriate. Likewise, note how I capitalized "Sweetie" since it's often used as a proper noun in these cases and "Time" since it's the first word of the new sentence. Additionally, you always have to capitalize new sentences, even when they're in passages of dialogue. I believe there were several parts where you didn't do that, namely when Pokemon were talking instead of people (which in my mind you should avoid as they're considered animals that can't really talk as opposed to just say their names and it gets really monotonous trying to read such parts in the dialogue). Also, would it be too much of a problem to write out numbers less than one hundred? Seeing all the ones you included in the first few paragraphs alone was really distracting when I was actually trying to read this for content as well as writing quality...
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