This is such a strange thing that I completely overlooked - and it took over 1 month for me to notice this, when I played against an Xerneas Rainbow Toolbox deck. This little buggy, even though it doesn't have the notorious Night March attack, may have a curious niche as a lead around the start a match. The reasons:
1. If you go second, it might cause opponents to be cautious about playing their Shaymin-EX's or Remoraids that are vulnerable to getting sniped by its evolution, Galvantula - whether you play that card in your deck or not.
2. It has no retreat cost! This part I never saw at all until I actually witnessed it in a match. One can use a Max Elixir engine somewhat more successfully due to this major detail, without worrying about float stones and such. You can even Ninja Boy it to the start of the game as a way to switch out a stranded active Pokemon as well.
This sounds like a fun card to try crazy experiments with, and I might tech a couple of these in some of my decks to see how effective they could be... Maybe with, maybe without its evolution.
Maybe this is too crazy to work, though.