Josh's Tutorials

I'll try one after school later....=D...But I don't know where to get the C4Ds....T_T...You got any resource paks for some good C4Ds?
yes I'll make one for you aha.
But yeah you can get c4ds from like anywhere. I recommend Deviantart where you can download packs of them or you could get them from planetrenders.
Or lastly I am a member of GFXvoid where they have tonnes tonnes of resource packs that I download pretty often X)
Can't do it...Can't get step 4...Don't know how you got just the small part of the C4D in front of Ben...
My guess is that he put the C4D over the Ben layer, and resized/erased as necessary.

Anyways, pretty nice tuts. For the depth, why not add a BW Gradient Map on Luminosity?
yeah I completely forgot about that tbh! aha yet I do it in every sig pretty much. Oh well I was tired when I did it. I'll edit that in later X).

And yeah for then Ben the c4d was way bigger than that in the tut X) I just had to resize it for the tut so it doesn't take to much space. But yeah I am making the pack like now so yeah
no i do not like it

Please contribute more to the original post, this is a form of spam. Thanks. ~ Blake
well xxcool that is your problem. I made this to help out those who need it and if you don't like it that is your problem. I put a lot of effort into these so please leave this thread if you have nothing constructive to say than 'no I do not like it.' Seeing how this is your first post I'm guessing you have a main account.

And since I have slow internet guys the pack is taking a while to upload but should be up in like 7 minutes. Kthx

Edit: Resource Pack For Ben10 added!

Can't be asked to add borders...I'm too lazy...;P
looks pretty sweet mate. Although I'd probably erase some of the effects of his face and maybe a few of those parts that look a bit off. Other than that good blending and a good tag mate!
Nice tutorials, I will try to make some banners and see how they turn out. Thanks for posting the tutorials.