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Jump-flora (Modified)

DK Quagmire

Aspiring Trainer
Ok so i'm new here, and iv'e just started getting into the card game again. i wanted to build a deck to take to a tournement in England. (Great Brittain)
I'm over 20 which would put me in the Masters devision, but as iv'e never played at a tournement, i don't know what to expect, or what counters to use.

iv'e gone over the rules on the offical website, saying that we can't use any sets older than Majestic Dawn, which saddens me coz i love Rosannes reseach and night maintenance and Cosmic Power Claydol.

well anyway, may deck is enspired from the worlds Cottonweed deck, sporting the HS Jumpluff.
my deck list is.

Pokemon (23):
4-3-4 Jumpluff HGSS
2-2 Sunflora HGSS
4 Unknown R (Retire)
1 Unknown Q (Quick)
2 Uxie LA
1 Smeargle COL

Trainer/ Supporter/ Stadium cards (28):
4 Pokemon Collector
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Rare Candy
3 Broken Time-space
3 Bebe's Search
2 Warp Point
3 Junk Arm
2 Bench Shield
2 Expert Belt
1 Twins
1 Luxury Ball
1 Palmer's contribution

Energy (9):
9 Grass Energy

only 5-6 cards in the deck still have the silver boarders with the player signiture on it, but i'm playing with black sleeves so it should be OK, but if not, i'll just order them.

So the main stratagy here is to get Jumpluff up and running as fast as possible, using Sunflora's poke power, to help set up by getting the skiploom and jumpluff, so you can power everything down with broken time space!
i might make alterations when the Black and white set come out. Thanks.
RE: Jump-ion

Hey there Welcome to the Beach. Always nice to see a few more british players.

Anywho. Drapion isn't the best choice in this deck for extra damage as setting it up is a hassle really and truly yuou should just focus on having 6 pokemon on your side of the field and chances are your opponent will have a mininum of 4 pokemon on there side of the field so that's 100 damage right there and then all you need is Expert Belt or extra Flash Bites to get all those out of reach KO's. You could try running this pokemon line up

4-3-4 Jumpluff HGSS
2-2 Sunflora HGSS
2 Uxie LA
1 Smeargle UD
4 Unown R
1 Unown Q

If the deck isn't running 3/4 Poke Turn then there isn't much of a point in running Crobat G. As you want to keep the Jumpluff swarm going you're going to need someway to constantly search out all the pieces which is where Sunflora comes in allowing you to search your deck for a {G} pokemon which in combination with Pokemon Communication (and hopefully a few more Bebe's Search if you can obtain them) that should give you all the search power you need. Smeargle UD is just an aid to help set-up/speed up the deck as (when active) it allows you to look at your opponents hand and choose a supporter (if any) and use it's effect which can be very useful)

The T/S/S line needs a bit of fine tuning but we can sort that out along the way. Really the key cards you want to be running are

4 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebe's Search
3 Pokemon Communcation
2 Expert Belt
1 Palmer's Contribution

Then for the energy 10 {G} energy should suffice.
RE: Jump-ion

thanks for the advice.
i have plenty of comunications and one other collector in my collection. i only have one other Bebe's Search, but it's from one of the older Diamond and Pearl sets. the card is exactly the same, just i don't know if i can use it.

as for Smeargle, i have a re-print version (i think) from Call of Legends which does the same power effect.

and is it worth taking the drapion line out for something else, or just have a mono grass deck?

just started to mod my deck.
RE: Jump-ion

As long as the card was reprinted in a later set then you can still play in modified tourneys, for example you can use Double Colorless Energy released in the base set in your deck as it was printed again in HGSS.

Yeah it would better to just drop the Drapion all together, like i said, you should be aimming to have 6 pokemon on your side of the field anyway and your opponent would have 3/4 on thier side of the field so you'll be hitting for 90-100 damage easy. Jumpluff should be the only attacker as it deals enough damage by itself and has the option to stall (Leaf Guard).
RE: Jump-ion

iv'e Edited the deck list, but now i'm back to using more Worlds cards. i'll have to get online and order those Sunkurn and sunflora, because i just saw the card on Pokebeaches home page, and i like it.

i'll drop the last 2 dark energy and drapion then, when i get those pokes. as for the double colourless, i don't know wether to keep them to use them with Smeargles Tail rap attack.

i think now i just have to sort out the trainers and stuff. (Iv'e been meaning to put a 3rd Rare Candy into the Deck, I Don't know if it's worth having)
RE: Jump-ion

No need to keep the DCE as attacking with Smeargle can sometimes be a waste plus why take the risk. Save the energy attachments for Jumpluff. Jumpluff needs all the speed it can get so 3 rare Candy and 3 BTS (Broken Time-Space) is a good split as it would be great to get that T1 Jumpluff.
RE: Jump-ion

i've finally ordered all the cards i think i'll need.

i decided to change my deck list again, to feature the cards i'll be getting.

still wondering what to do about the remaining trainer slots though.
RE: Jump-flora

although i think the deck is pretty stable now, having tried it out against a friend using proxy cards, untill the ones i need arrive in the post, (see the first post for modified deck) but i'm wondering now about Energy Retrieval in the new black and white set.

lets say for example i would want to retreat on turn one, in fear of dying. i would in the end have to attach it and discard it to retreat. that energy would probobly cost me the game, later on. Palmers can get it back, but it really needs to be used to it's full potential mid game when my discard is full of Unknown R's and other pokemon/ energy.

good rod can get me back my poke's so i'm not fussed over that.

since the only card in my deck that can get energy back into the deck is Palmers, i think it might be worth taking out one of the expert belts and maybe an energy, for at least 2 Energy Retrieval.

besides, getting the cards into your hand is much better than shuffling them into the deck.

what do you think?
RE: Jump-flora

There are better versions of Good rod if you want to get back poke's.
For example Pokemon Rescue or Revive.
I recommend putting Twins in.
Since Jumpluff is easily taken down and you have some garchomp bait.
Maybe you could add in Bench Shield for protecting Sunflora's from Garchomp's Dragon Rush.
RE: Jump-flora

thanks for your advice Shaymin

iv'e decided to take out 2 grass energy, 1 of my 2 expert belts, and the 4 good rods. that's 7 cards.

and replacing them with 2 Energy retrieval, 2 Bench shield and 3 Pokemon rescue. i don't know where i'll fit Twins in. iv'e only got one in my collection, so thinking carefully about which card to take out would be important.

maybe another energy, but i don't want the energy count to be too low, that i run the risk of a drought.
RE: Jump-flora

some of my cards started arriving in the post today, so spent most of the day battling my mate who insisted on having an unlimited deck.
Fossil Areodactyl, Mewtwo lv. X and Zangoose from Platinum, with Uxie LA and loads of different fossil related cards including holon fossil and 50Hp mysterious fossil, and all the best trainer/ supporter cards of the last decade.

they where fun matches.
the deck won 2 out of 3 matches. it would of been 3 but i couldn't get set up fast enough, coz i had a bad hand, and he got areodactyl and mewtwo level X in to play within turn 2.

still waiting for one expert belt and Unknown R and Q to come in post as i'm currently using the Worlds ones for the time being with all the cards in both our decks having black sleeves.

my main concern is using pokemon rescue in my deck when i might despreatly need to get back a rare candy or bench shields, which is why i choose Good rod in the first place.
i dunno if it's worth putting junk arm in instead and going for 2 of each and or 3 of each
maybe even VS seeker on Palmer's contribution to get back those poke's and energy.

i'll try and rotate my cards and see what works best.

Good rod
Junk arm
Pokemon rescue
and Vs Seeker
RE: Jump-flora

If you find yourself in a situation where you NEED a trainer from your discard, use Junk Arm. Discard 2 and guarantees the return of your needed trainer.
RE: Jump-flora

Well Grizzly iv'e been using Junk arm, and it's won me loads of matches. (discard Skiploom and any extra cards like BTS which is already in play, and skip streight to Jumpluff with Rare candies mid game) i'm now rotating 2 cards at the moment. my second Expert belt with 1 VS seeker.

why? to help late game if i need a Collector, or if i need more pokemon back in the Deck and i Can use Palmers again (i only ever use it if i can get 5 combined pokes and energy which arn't Unknown (R)). plus the VS Seeker can be obtained with Junk arm!

well heres the new deck list in case any where too lazy to go to the top of the page again. i'm quite confident that i'll be able to use this at a tournement or league, or even ettempt Battle Road Spring starting next month.

Pokemon (23):
4-3-4 Jumpluff HGSS
2-2 Sunflora HGSS
4 Unknown R (Retire)
1 Unknown Q (Quick)
2 Uxie LA
1 Smeargle COL

Trainer/ Supporter/ Stadium cards (28):
4 Pokemon Collector
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Rare Candy
3 Broken Time-space
3 Bebe's Search
2 Warp Point
3 Junk Arm
2 Bench Shield
2 Expert Belt (sub one for VS Seeker for some matches)
1 Twins
1 Luxury Ball
1 Palmer's contribution

Energy (9):
9 Grass Energy