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Jumpluff( any tourney, seniors)


Aspiring Trainer
Here's my list for my jumpluff deck. I don't plan on going to any tourneys this season since i can't manage to go. So this list is with cards for next format.

4 jumpluff HGSS
3 skiploom HGSS
4 hopip HGSS
2 sunkern HGSS
2 sunflora HGSS
1 evee UD
1 umbreon UD
3 smeargle CoL
1 ambipomb g( these might be goon next season )

4 rare candy
3 pokemon collector
3 pokemn communication
2 bebes search(dont know if these are being rotated)
2 seeker
2 twins
3 super scoop up
1 palmers contribution
2 research records
2 interviewers questions

6 {G}
4 rescue energys
1 special dark

Basic strategy for jumpluff except for a few special techs like umbreon and ambipomb g. any comments will be appreciated.
Hey, I'm building a Jumpluff.
I know lots of people will dissagree but Pichu (HG/SS) can give you a mega start. (Except you can help your opponent too).
At this moment of writing my list is on the same page if not you may want too hunt around for it.
Pichu is bad, and yets your opponent set-up. Umbreon I wouldn't use, because Jumpluff has to be quick, but it's ok since this is an HGSS on deck. Ambipom isn't worth it, nobody will play sp if it's RR on. I'd try Elms Training because many cards in your deck are evolved, but that's only if HS-on.
^That's the idea. Your opponent either sets up, and takes more Mass Attack pain, or doesn't and falls behind. Sounds like a win/win to me. I had this idea for a Jumpluff deck I was going to build, but I never ended up building it....
But they will pick to set-up, and Jumpluff is used to set-up before your opponent can setup, not help them set-up at the same time you do. Take out a {D} for a {G} because I always can't get any energys, and that once cost me the game.