• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Jumpluff Master Division BR


The one and Only....

3-2-3 Jumpluff
2-2 Shaymin (LAND/SKY)
2-2 Sunflora
2 Spritomb
2 Uxie
1 Chaot G

29 T/S/S

3 Belts
2 Lv Max
2 Pkm Rescue
2 Pont
2 Pokémon Reversal
2 Pokémon Collector
2 Switch
2 VS Seeker
3 Bebes
1 Luxury Ball
1 Copycat
1 Palmers
1 Energry Restore


{G} X 6

I took out the Tangrowth line because it was slowing my deck down too much. I went to league yesterday and went 3-1. I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help me for battle roads this week. thanks for the help.
RE: JumpGrowthX Master Division

Why did you type in all Caps? >__> Add the Event (BR, City, etc.) to the title or it will be moved.

dmaster out.
RE: JumpGrowthX Master Division

i think there's something wrong when you're adding in a stage 2 evolution line in case things are going too slow...

drop tangrowth all together, jump is a better attacker and has a fraction of the energy cost, is quicker to setup, etc. the benefits are numerous.
RE: JumpGrowthX Master Division

Yeah, I stay stick with either Jump or Tangy. If you really want to use the two together, however, drop Chatot G, Spiritomb, and a Skiploom for 4 Sabeye SF and take out IQ for Communication. In short:
-1 Chatot G
-2 Spiritomb AR
-1 Skiploom
-2 Interviewer's Question
+4 Sableye SF
+2 Pokemon Communication.
RE: JumpGrowthX Master Division

Your that's the problem I been running in too. To slow for my area

So what should I add for a complete jumpluff deck.
RE: JumpGrowthX Master Division BR

Seriously, if you want the deck to be faster - cut Tangrowth and just concerate on Jumpluff as the speed and consistency factor will be very good if only attacking with Jumpluff, not both Jumpluff and Tangrowth.

RE: JumpGrowthX Master Division

If you want a complete Jumpluff deck then

4-2-4 Jumpluff
2-2 Sunflora HGSS (Searches out grass pokemon)
1 Crobat G (Essentially a searchable plus power)
2 Uxie
1 Chatot MD
1 Unown Q

There are other techs you can throw in like Luxray GL lvX to drag pokemon forward, Shaymin lvX for more more HP, Manectric PL to protect your bench. It's really personal preference whether you want to add one of these or not.
What Tyranizor said. Also, 2-2 Shaymin is overkill. Why do you run six Grass Energy when your list clearly says you run ten? o_O

-1-1 Shaymin...they're not in Arceus, BTW
-1 Chatot G
-2 Spiritomb G
-2 Pokemon Reversal
-2 Level Max
+1 Skiploom
+4 Sableye SF
+1 Unown Q
+1 Pokemon Collector
+2 Pokemon Communication

There. This should make the deck faster. Sableye gives you a great set-up, while the Communication ups consistency. The extra Collector is for consistency as well. Unown Q is there in the case you get stuck with Uxie or something.
hmmmm thats a good question. I know the importance of candies but I never seen the need for it. I want to use less trainers as possible because of vileplume. i have another jumpluff im just waiting for another hopip and skiploom. lol

lol i fixed that stuff. It crazy that you suggest those changes. when i went to league Sunday one of my friend suggested some of those changes.
use 2-1 uxie
and i think 1-1 luxray G

remove the VS Seekers.