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Jumpluff Swarm

How's my deck?

  • It's nice! I love it!

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • With some help, this deck can be great.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • This stinks, go get a life.

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters

The Yoshi

Hi everyone! I just thought of buildig a Jumpluff deck because:

1) It's fun
2) It's cheap :)

So, here's the list:

4-3-4 Jumpluff HGSS
2-2 Sunflora HGSS
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
2 Unown Q
2 Crobat G
1 Smeargle UD

Total Pokemon:23

3 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebe's Search
4 Rare Candy
2 Cynthia's Feelings(my hand refresh)
3 Cyrus's Conspiracy
1 Palmer's Contribution
2 Expert Belt
4 Poketurn

Total T/S/S:25

6 Grass Energy
4 Rescue Energy
2 Call Energy

Total Energy:12

Strategy: Hit quick and hard with Jumpluff. Shaymin X to increase HP, and Sunflora for quick searching. I don't know which starter I should use, and I need help on that, but most are staples. Rescue Energy is to get another Jumpluff set-up right away. Pluspower and Expert Belts increase damage output and HP even more, and I use Cynthia's Feelings for the fact that Jumpluff gets KO'd easily.

-3 Smeargle
-2 PlusPower

+4 Poke Turn
+1 Crobat G

Instead of PlusPower, run Crobat instead. It lets you place damage on the Bench, has a free in case you can't Smeargle/Unown Q, and does more damage than two PlusPower. 4 Smeargle isn't necessary due to only needing it after Jumpluff gets KO'ed to use Portrait. I personally wouldn't recommend a starter in this deck, either, since it could potentially cut the donk.
Okay. Are you saying I should take out all of the Smeargles?

Also, I was thinking of running Cyrus's Conspiracy, maybe just 2 or 3.
No, just three of them. You should have at least one to abuse Portrait after Jumpluff gets KO'ed.
I personally don't like Call in less than 3, but I can see that since you don't wanna get a lone Hoppip (or Q) start. I prefer 4 BTS and 3 Candy. Gives you a better chance of getting first turn Evolutions without wasting Candies or having to worry about 'Tomb. I only used to run 1 Belt. Especially since you run Crobat G, I don't think you'll need it too much. PONT>CYnthia's, at least with Shaymin. Really good list though.

-1 Candy
-1 E-Belt
-2 Cynthia's

+1 BTS
I don't agree with PONT, because Jumpluff getting KO'd often makes sure that I can draw 8 cards and get good recovery going. But I do agree with the Candy and E-Belt now that I have the Bat.
In Jumpluff, Cynthia>PONT. Jumpluff will die often, and the extra 2 cards could help you set up another. I don't, however, agree with Shaymin. It's just personal preference, but Shaymin is sort of a pain to get set up, when you could just be sweeping with 'Pluff. If you do choose to keep it, the best time to use it is when someone gets KO'd. Send it up, level it up, either burn an energy to retreat(not fun when you only run 5) or throw Unown Q on. Whichever you do, try to keep a warp point handy so you can send up Smeargle after you retreat Shaymin. This way, you can level up, run, send up Smeargle, Portrait, warp point out, then kill with a Pluff(hopefully).

As one final note, I wouldn't ever run any less than 4 Rescue NRG in Jumpluff. Rescue Energy is a GODSEND to this deck, and really makes swarming easier.

**EDIT: What do you mean by "cheap?" Price wise or cheap as in unfair? Because Jumpluff are not cheap as in price, Troll and Toad has them at 4.50 a piece.**
Wait, for Smeargle, shouldn't there be an Unown Q for Portrait abuse?
+1 Unown Q
-1 Twins. Doesn't this deck hit really fast? I thought Twins was for slower decks.

@Flamemaster: I guess it's cheap money-wise. Last time I checked, they sold for 3.99 each. 4.50 still isn't that bad, considering it a last resort if I don't get these things in a trade.
As much as i like the third option i think the first option in your poll is best. ;)

Real nice looking deck list all i would say is maybe add some Pokemon Communications, though i wouldnt know what to take out for them. Just to make the deck a bit faster.

maybe 2 call? but nice list anyway, i like it.
^Wait, was that before or after the update? If it was before, I feel really dumb that I didn't see them...
Nah. IMO you're one of the most knowledgeable people on here. I'll have to post my Charizard deck again to get some final tweaks before league next week, that way it'll be ready to go.
^It already has 0 retreat cost. It would be pretty awesome, but very pointless, particularly when you have to discard the Q on the other Q to use the Q to Q something else. Props to you if you understood what I just said; I sure don't.
Sorry for the misunderstanding; Anyway, I updated after Scizorliscious said this. I have 2 Q, I'm guessing this was your intention(?).