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Jumplume (masters, any)


Ahhhhh back.....er....kind of
4-4-4 Jumpluff HS
2-2-2 Vileplume UD
2-2 Sunflora
1-1 Shaymin x (landform)
1 Smeargle UD
1 Sableye SF
pokemon 26

2 Pokemon Contest Hall
4 Bebe
2 E-belt
2 Twins
1 Cheerleader Cheer
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Pokemon Collector
1 Poke Radar
1 Looker
26 T/S/S

8 {G}

basic jumpluff deck. im considering taking out plume because he never sees the light of day. im sure the T/S/S could us some work too.
You have a good start, but the T/S/ST could use the most work.

-1 Sableye
-2 Pokemon Contest Hall
-2 Professor Elm's Training Method (Bebe's Search and Sunflora are better options)
-2 Expert Belt
-2 Pokemon Communication
-1 Cheerleader's Cheer (A bad card in general)
-1 Poke Radar

+4 Spiritomb (AR)
+2 Uxie (LA)
+1 Uxie Lv.X (LA)
+1 Unown Q (MD)
+2 Looker's Investigation
+1 Pokemon Collector

The idea behind Vilepluff (or Jumplume, whatever you want to call it) is to Trainer lock your opponent the entire game while dealing massive damage. Because of this, Pokemon Contest Hall will hurt you more than help you, because it will also let your opponent play Energy Gain and Expert Belt, which isn't good due to Jumpluff's low HP. With a full game Trainer lock, you also don't want to run Poke Radar, Pokemon Communication, and Expert Belt. By using Spiritomb as your starter, you can help keep a full-game Trainer lock and setup Vileplume much more quickly. Uxie and Uxie Lv.X are both for some added drawpower, Unown Q is for retreat, and Looker's is also for drawpower. The Pokemon Collector is for added consistency.
i dont have any uxie or uxie x because one i havnt pulled any and 2 they are to expensive.
Too expensive? Uxie is an $8-$10 card.

Well, if you can't get those three cards, then I'd go for getting three Copycat, or two Copycat and a Smeargle from UD/CL. Copycat provides you with some drawpower, and Smeargle helps use Supporters from your opponent's hand once Jumpluff gets KO'ed.
I played this for a long time. IMO, Shaymin takes up too much space with the techs you already run. As Gliscor said, use 'Tomb over Smeargle or Sableye. All the changes Gliscor said. Also, Dialga G gives you lots of problems. I suggest using Froslass GL (over Blaze FB since Froslass only needs Colorless) to drag it up from the bench and hopefully OHKO it the next turn with Jumpluff. Good, though!
@ gliscor i dont need more draw power. sunflora gets all the poke i need (jumpluff, shaymin, vileplume what ever.) i will do the copycat i guess. should i take out vileplume? it would clear some bench space. he barely gets out and with jumpluff getting 2HKO'ed i have to focus on getting a new jumpluff every couple of turn more than i have to focus on vileplume.

@6-d. shaymin is very important. he gives jumpluff 130 so he doesnt get OHKOed all the time.
I run a similar style of Jumpluff deck. I strongly suggest that you invest in some Uxies thou through either trade, or ebay (you can gt lucky and pick up 4 league promos for $16 sometimes.
Here is my suggestion for you poke'line:
4-3-4 jumpluff
2-2-2 vileplume
4 Spiritombs (this is a must to start evo and trainer lock as soon as possible)
2-2 sunflora
1 unown Q (for retreat because you cant afford to have to throw away energy cards)
2 Uxies (if you can they are just too good to not have in your deck)
that 29 pokes which isnt a bad thing in this deck.

For the trainers/supporters you want to only on speed and consistency. In adddition you need a bit of recovery. For recovery add a few palmers so that you can pick up lost energy and jumpluffs. To improve consistency add a few Cyrus's Conspiracy. Even though you can't get the trainer card, you still get whatever supporter you need for next turn and an energy to decrease the chances of getting energy locked. I would also max out on collectors since this deck is based on geting pokes to your bench and has some very week basics, so it important to fill up so you dont get donked. To add a bit of speed I would suggest 3 rare candy, because even though it is a trainer it doesnt hurt w/ trainer lock because if you cant use them just put them in your deck when you bebe search. I would however drop the other trainers, because you have better supporters to fill that role. BTS is good as well as judge/copycat. Another good card to think about is a seeker to heal or donk someone in the right situation.

As far as energy goes you have a good number, but if you put in Cyrus then you could drop a few if you need to make space for something. In addition if you can find them 2-3 Call Energy are very helpful n this deck if you dont have a poke collector or Cyrused that turn.

Hope some of those ideas help :)