Just My Luck


Aspiring Trainer
So between the pre-release event last weekend and buying a few Diamond and Pearl packs at a local stores I have spent a total of less than $80US and I have landed THREE level X cards, two Empoleons and just today Torterra.

Call me a happy camper.
So this is a pointless thread. I mean i've spent 7dollars, gotten 2 packs pulled an Absol ex and Flareon *. This is just bragging and has absolutley no point.
MOT6K: The Bug Catching Supremecy
I know a kid who got 5 LV Xs in 1 day...and I've pulled 2 vaper ex and a kygroe* in 4 DS packs...a set where you only get 1 ex/* per box.
They are usually only 1 per box, so you need to have some good luck that day to get one.