Ruling Just want to make sure?


Aspiring Trainer
1. Draw a card (if you go first, you do not draw a card).
2. Now do any of these you want in whatever order you want.
* Put Basic Pokémon cards on the Bench (as many as you want up to 5).
* Evolve Pokémon (as many as you want, but not during your first turn).
* Attach 1 Energy card to 1 of your Pokémon (once per turn.)
* Play Trainer cards (as many as you want, but only one Stadium and one supporter card per turn, and if you go first, you cannot play a Supporter).
* Retreat your active Pokémon (only once per turn).
* Use Poké-Powers (as many as you want.)

Ok here is my question, If it is my turn can I put as many basic pokemon on my bench that I want, and if I just put down a basic can I evolve it on the same turn? Also if a couple of basics are on the bench from last turn can I evolve as many as I want to stage one? Also, if I lost the coin toss and go second can I evolve basic to stage one, or am I not allowed because it's my first turn?
ok, i will divide your questions into 4...
1. Q:If it is my turn, can I put as many basic pokemon on my bench that I want?
A:Yes, you can as it already stated in the rules, "Put Basic Pokémon cards on the Bench (as
many as you want up to 5)."
2. Q:If I just put down a basic can I evolve it on the same turn?
3. Q:If a couple of basics are on the bench from last turn can I evolve as many as I want
to stage one?
A:Yes, you can as it already stated in the rules, "Evolve Pokémon (as many as you want,
but not during your first turn)."
4. Q:If I lost the coin toss and go second can I evolve basic to stage one, or am I not
allowed because it's my first turn?
A: You can't evolve because its your 1st turn...
I thought that you can evolve on your first turn (after your opponents) and violent23 please don't type short messages unless you're in Game Corner!
Ice Pokemon Master said:
I thought that you can evolve on your first turn (after your opponents) and violent23 please don't type short messages unless you're in Game Corner!

You can't evolve on your FIRST turn even though you start second because that is your first turn BUT you can play a supporter if you start second as it stated in the rules, "The person who goes on the first turn of the game cannot use a Supporter card."...