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JWittz's Tradetown! [H] Infernape X, Hippowdon X, etc, [W] Gallade 4X

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Creator of Prof-It!
Hello all- I'm moving my pokegym trade thread over here to max out my trade options! Nice to meet you all and happy trading!
(While it should not count toward my references here, I've been proven a reliable trader at pokegym: http://pokegym.net/forums/itrader.php?u=18812 in case you were worried)

I've decided to enter a new preface rule to the bunch: Rule ZERO
0) After all trades, positive or negative experiences , you must use the refs system! If it's your first trade and don't know how, I can help you with that too! This way everyone gets credit for all the trades they've done.


0.5) You must send a confirmation message after recieving cards, whether you send first, second, or same time. This way I know that my cards have reached you! Thanks for the cooperation!
Here's a handful of normal rules for everybody!--

1) I'm much more of a player than I am a collector-- I accept cards of ALL languages. That being said, they still need to be REAL cards. . .
2) I have nearly every uncommon or common of every set, including trainers! I don't list them because it would take forever. . . message me if you need specific non-rares!
3) Trades get completed much faster if you make an offer first as opposed to CMLing. So if you have the kindness in you-- make me an offer and I'll be much more reasonable in getting a trade completed between us. The worst thing that will happen is I'll say "no thanks" and we move on with our lives =D
4) I accept cards of all playable conditions. Playable means I can put the card in a case and I wouldn't be able to tell the card is mauled through bends and other problems. If your card is "mauled" I'd like to see a picture of it first, if your card has a chip or scratches I don't mind.
5) I DO ship overseas!
6) Once we exchance addresses, the trade is FINAL. You no longer reserve any right to back out of the trade, even you're sending first. Negative or Neutral refs with warnings will be given on this offense.
7) PM me offers, or send AIM messages to my IM acount JWittz (easy to remember =P). Both ways are faster than traditional posts.
8) While this isn't a real "rule", I like to get an autographed card from each player that I trade with, usually a card that represents their avatar or a pokemon they like (i.e. I send autographed happiny and chansey). Feel free to throw in an autographed card in your trades, and I'll send one back!

Let's start with my wants and needs ... which are basically the same thing. Just cards I know you can trade to me for things that I have!


Highest Wants

Rising Rivals! Lots of em!
-- 1x Gallade 4X
-- 3x Flygon, 1x Flygon level X
--1x Luxray LVL X
-- 4x Volkner
--4x SP radar

-- DEFINITELY check your list. There are so many cards I want right now I'm not sure of them all.

Gengar SF (RH only)
Machamp SF (RH only)
Old School (aka Neo) Holographic special Metal Energy x3
Xx Uxie LA
1x Claydol GE Reverse holo (I can replace yours with a non-reverse version and something else)
Me checking your list and remembering the cards I need so badly that I forgot to post

Medium Wants
2x Rare Candy

Reverse Holo Trainers: 2x Power Spray, 2x Energy Gain, 1x Poketurn, 1x Luxury ball, 4x Roseanne's Research, 4x SP radar, 4x Volkner's philosophy, 3x SP energy, 3x Upper energy -- all can be replaced with non RH copies
Assorted Level X's that aren't posted on my lists

Emerald Matrix Holographic energy

--Even if I don't have anything listed that you have, still say "check my list for _____" if I have a card you want. Chances are I can find something from you I want!

And here are my HAVES:

The Good Stuff (level X's, uxies, etc)

The RISING RIVALS HAVES SECTION!!! (all X's, rares, and trainers_
LEvel X's/ Secrets:
1x Hippowdon lvl X
1x Infernape 4X
1x Surfing Pikachu

x1 Yanmega 4
x2 Vespiqueen 4
x2 Mamoswine GL (1x RH)
1x Gastrodon west sea
1x Lucario GL (RH)
1x Golem 4
2x Espeon 4 (1x RH)
3x Gallade 4 (2x RH)
x1 Mismagius GL
x1 Bronzong 4
x1 Nidoqueen
2x Aggron (1x RH)
2x Jirachi
2x Drapion 4

3x Volkner's
2x Bertha's (1x RH)
4x Flint's
6x Underground Expidition (2x RH)
2x Sunyshore City Gym
3x Pokemon contest hall
5x Damage porter
2x Sunyshore gym
1x Aaron's

limited time only! For once in my long time career as a pokeplayer, I have at least one, MAYBE TWO Uxie LA's availible for trade. They can be RH or regular, but you best be offering your life for them. Spam offers will not be accepted.

3x Victory Medal (2x 2005 JPN 1x 2008 Autumn ENG)
1x Time Space Distortion
LVL X's:
1x Dialgia GX (JPN)
1x Palkia GX
Magnezone X
1x Electivire X
Machamp X
Darkrai X (pack, poor condition)
Torterra X (tin, poor condition)
Gliscor X
Mewtwo X (tin)
Regigigas X (tin)
Heatran X (pack)
Secret Rare Duskull SF
Secret Rare Vulpix PT
1x Jungle Scyther
7x Base Electibuzz

And all the rest:
Dratini City championship promo (2)
Dragonair State Championship promo (2)

none at the moment =/

PLATINUM RARES! (ask about trainers and uncommons/commons too!)
Rampardos x2 (japanese GC)
Toxicroak G x4
Weaville G x1 (RH)
Ampharos (japanese galactic's conquest)
Torterra (2)
Lickilicky (2) (1x rh)
Giratina lv 59 (2) (1x RH)
Palkia (2) (1x RH)
Dialgia lv 72 (2)
Bastiodon (2) (1x RH)
Kricketune (1x RH)
Giratina lv 70 (1)
Dialgia lv 70 (1x RH)
Empoleon (1)
Dialgia lv 73

Stormfront Rares! (in no particular order):

Salamence (3) (1 reverse)
Drapion (2)
Regigigas (3) (1 reverse)
Mismagius (1 reverse)
Dusknoir (shadow command) (2)
Drifblim (6)
Roserade (3) (1 reverse)
Bronzong (5) (1 Reverse)
Skuntank (4) (2 reverse)
Tangrowth (6) (2 reverse)
Cherrim (reverse)
Vespiqueen (3)
Scizor (3) (1 reverse)
Sceptile (1 reverse)
Magnezone (magnetic search) (3)
Magnezone (super connectivity)
Machamp (5) (1x RH)
Mamoswine (1)
Rapidash (3)
Raichu (4) (1 reverse)
Lumineon (2) (1 reverse)
Infernape (3) (1 reverse)
Dusknoir (spirit pulse) (2)
torterra (1 reverse)
Sceptile (1 reverse)

Legends Awakened:
Lopunny (3) (1 reverse)
Ditto (2) (1 reverse)
Regigigas (slow start)
Regigigas (gigaton punch) (2)
Poliwrath (3) (2 reverse)
Kyogre (5) (1 reverse)
Froslass (2) (1 reverse)
Mamoswine (2) (1 reverse)
Crawdaunt (2)
Politoed (2)
Deoxys (normal forme)
Victreebel (2)
Bellossom (3)
Vileplume (2)
Metagross (4)
Probopass (2)
Torkoal (2) (1 reverse)
Luxray (1 reverse)
Gliscor (burning poison) (2) (1 reverse)
Rayquazza (1 reverse)
Forretress (3) (1 reverse)
Heatran (fire) (1 reverse)
Deoxys (defense forme)
Armaldo (2)

Magestic Dawn:
Empoleon (1 reverse)
Omastar (2)
Glaceon (ice shot)
Flareon (2)
Rotom (2)
Moltres (3) (1 reverse)
Darkrai (darness shade) (2)
Torterra (2)

Great Encounters:
Wigglytuff (3) (1 reverse)
Kingler (2) (1 reverse)
Slowking (3) (1 reverse)
Sceptile (2)
Dialga (2)
Darkrai (darness roar)

Secret Wonders:
Weaville (2) (1 reverse)
Furret (2)
Ludicolo (2)
Absol (2) (1 reverse)
Wormadam (grass)(2)
Wormadam (metal) (2) (1 reverse)
Gastrodon (west sea)
Golem (2)
Magmortar (3)
Ho-oh (3) (2 reverse)
Plusle (1 reverse)
Electrode (4)
Electivire (5) (1 reverse)
Ampharos (2)

Mysterious Treasures:
Azelf (1 reverse)
Bastiodon (1 reverse)
Blissey (2 reverse)
Gyrados (2) (1 reverse)

Diamond and Pearl:

Post a message, PM me, email [email protected], or AIM me at "JWittz" for offers! thanks everybody!
coach4312 said:
cml for magnezone lv x, and ur uxies


could you do my MagzX with a bebe's search for your Palkia GX?
hi from your wants list i only have 3 gengar but not rf(is that ok) and i was interested in your 4 driblim and 2 weavile care to make a deal
Full Moon said:
CML for Hippo X and Surfchu.

Nothing I'm looking for right now, sorry

kevkev77777 said:
hi from your wants list I only have 3 gengar but not rf(is that ok) and I was interested in your 4 driblim and 2 weavile care to make a deal

I'm mainly looking for the reverse ones because I have plenty of non-reverse, but I could trade for the gengar still I guess. Would you do 4 drifblim for 3 gengar?

coach4312 said:
would you do 2x roseannes and magnezone lv x for plakia g lv x?

Yeah I could do that-- pm me with the details and I can make sure I have 2 to spare
CML for Hippowdon Lv.X... I have a couple Rare Candy. (Mostly HP, I have a LM one as well.) I can trade very big for it.
Starforce Lv.X said:
check me for,
surfing pikachu

sorry, nothing I'm interested in as of now

Ampha-pwn77 said:
CML for Hippowdon Lv.X... I have a couple Rare Candy. (Mostly HP, I have a LM one as well.) I can trade very big for it.

sorry, I'm really only looking to trade Rising Rival LVL X's for other RR X's

Full Moon said:
I have RH machamp from stormfront though.

oh I didn't catch it on your list. I'm willing to trade for it, but only for other rares if you want any
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