Ruling Kabutops (EX Power Keepers), Poke-Body Question


Aspiring Trainer

Poke-Body: Primal Stare : As long as Kabutops is your Active Pokemon your opponent can't play any Basic Pokemon or Evolution cards from his or her hand to evolve his or her Active Pokemon.

Does this Poke-Body prevent your opponent from playing any Basic Pokemon or Evolving their Active Pokemon to a Stage 1, or Stage 2 Pokemon or does it prevent your opponent from evolving their Active Pokemon to a Basic, Stage 1, or Stage 2 Pokemon?
Primal Stare just means your opponent can't evolve their active Pokemon at all. The only reason why they say you can evolve into a basic Pokemon or an evolution card is because you can evolve a Pichu into a Pikachu. Pikachu is an evolved Pokemon.

Just to sum things up, again, your opponent can't evolve their active Pokemon at all.
Actually, I'm pretty sure it can't use Rare Candy to evolve. Aerodactyl GL's Primal Breath prevents Rare Candy, so I'd say this falls under the same boat.
The Compendium ex said:
== PRIMAL STARE (Omastar - Skyridge; Kabutops - EX:power Keepers)

Q. Can I use Rare Candy on my Pokémon to go to their evolutions if either Kabutops or Omastar from Skyridge is in play (with the powers/bodies that stop evolution)?
A. You could not use a Pokémon's attack or play a Trainer card to evolve your Benched or Active Pokémon, unless the Evolution card you would be putting into play comes from somewhere other than your hand. So Rare Candy cannot be used, but Wally's Training can (when referring to the Active Pokémon). (Aug 5, 2004 PUI Rules Team; Aug 12, 2004 PUI Rules Team)

Q. Does Kabutops' "Primal Stare" Poke-POWER prevent your oppponent from leveling up to a LV.X?
A. No, because "leveling up" is not the same thing as "evolving". Once a LV.X is placed, it takes on the stage of the Pokemon from which it leveled up. (Jan 10, 2008 PUI Rules Team)

Rare Candy does not bypass the Body. And I have the Lv. X ruling in there as well so I cover that before anyone even thinks to ask. :p
This tops prevents
A) The opponent from evolving their active pokemon under the normal evolution rules
B) Evolving the active with Rare Candy
C) Evolving the active with Pokemon Breeder (almost the same as candy but not quite)
However, Tops does not block:
A) Torterra SF (the fighting one) from using his power to evolve the active because his power evolves from the deck and not the hand.
B) Wally's Training from evolving the active for the same reason as torterra SF. He evolves from the deck and not the hand.

So remember that Tops only locks evolutions coming from the hand and not coming from the deck.