Ruling Kakuna crimson Invasion


Aspiring Trainer
the attack multiply for Kakuna from the CRI set states this:
Search your deck for three Kakuna and place them on your bench.
Does this require having weedles on your bench? If not can you use the searched ones to evolve weedle the turn it was put down.
The attack is basically the same as Frogadiers water duplicates. You do NOT need weedle on your bench to use this attack. It does not state anywhere in the effect that you must have a weedle or that you need to place the card on a weedle. It's not an evolution effect, its a search effect.
so I can't use this as a evolution method then. Thank you.

Correct, but you shouldn't need to evolve more than 1 weedle. Ideally, you would only play 1-2 weedles on your field at a time. It bypasses the basic stage so on your next turn, you can go straight into beedrill with 4 of your kakunas (assuming you were able to pull all 3 kakunas from your deck).
the attack multiply for Kakuna from the CRI set states this:
Search your deck for three Kakuna and place them on your bench.
Does this require having weedles on your bench?

No. It plays Kakuna directly from your deck to your Bench.