Chespin777 said:The central Kalos pokedex
The coastal Kalos pokedex
The mountain Kalos pokedex
Please do note that the Kanto legendaries, are avialable post game.
Old post:
EDIT: games have started to leak. Here are the actual dexes so far:
001 Chespin - Grass
002 Quilladin - Grass
003 Chesnaught - Grass / Fighting
004 Fennekin - Fire
005 Braixen - Fire
006 Delphox - Fire / Psychic
007 Froakie - Water
008 Frogadier - Water
009 Greninja - Water / Dark
010 Bunnelby - Normal
011 Diggersby - Normal / Ground
012 Zigzagoon
013 Linoone
014 Fletchling - Normal / Flying
015 Fletchinder - Fire / Flying
016 Talonflame - Fire / Flying
017 Pidgey
018 Pidgeotto
019 Pidgeot
020 Scatterbug - Bug
021 Spewpa - Bug
022 Vivillon - Bug / Flying
023 Caterpie
024 Metapod
025 Butterfree
026 Weedle
027 Kakuna
028 Beedrill
029 Pansage
030 Simisage
031 Pansear
032 Simisear
033 Panpour
034 Simipour
035 Pichu
036 Pikachu
037 Raichu
038 Bidoof
039 Bibarel
040 Dunsparce
041 Azurill *
042 Marill *
043 Azumarill *
044 Burmy
045 Wormadam
046 Mothim
047 Surskit
048 Masquerain
049 Magikarp
050 Gyarados
051 Corphish
052 Crawdaunt
053 Goldeen
054 Seaking
055 Carvanha
056 Sharpedo
057 Litleo - Fire / Normal
058 Pyroar - Fire / Normal
059 Psyduck
060 Golduck
061 Farfetch'd
062 Riolu
063 Lucario
064 Ralts *
065 Kirlia *
066 Gardevoir *
067 Gallade
068 Flabebe - Fairy
069 Floette - Fairy
070 Florges - Fairy
071 Budew
072 Roselia
073 Roserade
074 Ledyba
075 Ledian
076 Combee
077 Vespiquen
078 Skitty
079 Delcatty
080 Bulbasaur
081 Ivysaur
082 Venusaur
083 Charmander
084 Charmeleon
085 Charizard
086 Squirtle
087 Wartortle
088 Blastoise
089 Skiddo - Grass
090 Gogoat - Grass
091 Pancham - Fighting
092 Pangoro - Fighting / Dark
093 Furfrou - Normal
094 Doduo
095 Dodrio
096 Plusle
097 Minun
098 Gulpin
099 Swalot
100 Scraggy
101 Scrafty
102 Abra
103 Kadabra
104 Alakazam
105 Oddish
106 Gloom
107 Vileplume
108 Bellossom
109 Sentret
110 Furret
111 Nincada
112 Ninjask
113 Shedinja
114 Espurr - Psychic
115 Meowstic - Psychic
116 Kecleon
117 Honedge - Steel / Ghost
118 Doublade - Steel / Ghost
119 Aegislash - Steel / Ghost
120 Venipede
121 Whirlipede
122 Scolipede
123 Audino
124 Smeargle
125 Croagunk
126 Toxicroak
127 Ducklett
128 Swanna
129 Spritzee - Fairy
130 Aromatisse - Fairy
131 Swirlix - Fairy
132 Slurpuff - Fairy
133 Volbeat
134 Illumise
135 Hoppip
136 Skiploom
137 Jumpluff
138 Munchlax
139 Snorlax
140 Whismur
141 Loudred
142 Exploud
143 Meditite
144 Medicham
145 Zubat
146 Golbat
147 Crobat
148 Axew
149 Fraxure
150 Haxorus
001 Drifloon
002 Drifblim
003 Mienfoo
004 Mienshao
005 Zangoose
006 Seviper
007 Spoink
008 Grumpig
009 Absol
010 Inkay - Dark / Psychic
011 Malamar - Dark / Psychic
012 Lunatone
013 Solrock
014 Bagon
015 Shelgon
016 Salamence
017 Wingull
018 Pelipper
019 Taillow
020 Swellow
021 Binacle - Rock / Water
022 Barbaracle - Rock / Water
023 Dwebble
024 Crustle
025 Tentacool
026 Tentacruel
027 Wailmer
028 Wailord
029 Luvdisc
030 Skrelp - Poison / Water
031 Dragalge - Poison / Dragon
032 Clauncher - Water
033 Clawitzer - Water
034 Staryu
035 Starmie
036 Shellder
037 Cloyster
038 Qwilfish
039 Horsea
040 Seadra
041 Kingdra
042 Relicanth
043 Sandile
044 Krokorok
045 Krookodile
046 Helioptile - Electric / Normal
047 Heliolisk - Electric / Normal
048 Hippopotas
049 Hippowdon
050 Rhyhorn
051 Rhydon
052 Rhyperior
053 Onix
054 Steelix
055 Woobat
056 Swoobat
057 Machop
058 Machoke
059 Machamp
060 Cubone
061 Marowak
062 Kangaskhan
063 Mawile *
064 Tyrunt - Rock / Dragon
065 Tyrantrum - Rock / Dragon
066 Amaura - Rock / Ice
067 Aurorus - Rock / Ice
068 Aerodactyl
069 Ferroseed
070 Ferrothorn
071 Snubbull **
072 Granbull **
073 Electrike
074 Manectric
075 Houndour
076 Houndoom
077 Eevee
078 Vaporeon
079 Jolteon
080 Flareon
081 Espeon
082 Umbreon
083 Leafeon
084 Glaceon
085 Sylveon - Fairy
086 Emolga
087 Yanma
088 Yanmega
089 Hawlucha - Fighting / Flying
090 Sigilyph
091 Golett
092 Golurk
093 Nosepass
094 Probopass
095 Makuhita
096 Hariyama
097 Throh
098 Sawk
099 Starly
100 Staravia
101 Staraptor
102 Stunky
103 Skuntank
104 Nidoran F
105 Nidorina
106 Nidoqueen
107 Nidoran M
108 Nidorino
109 Nidoking
110 Dedenne - Electric / Fairy
111 Chingling
112 Chimecho
113 Mime Jr. *
114 Mr. Mime *
115 Solosis
116 Duosion
117 Reuniclus
118 Wynaut
119 Wobbuffet
120 Roggenrola
121 Boldore
122 Gigalith
123 Sableye
124 Carbink - Rock / Fairy
125 Tauros
126 Miltank
127 Mareep
128 Flaaffy
129 Ampharos
130 Pinsir
131 Heracross
132 Pachirisu
133 Slowpoke
134 Slowbro
135 Slowking
136 Exeggcute
137 Exeggutor
138 Chatot
139 Mantyke
140 Mantine
141 Clamperl
142 Huntail
143 Gorebyss
144 Remoraid
145 Octillery
146 Corsola
147 Chinchou
148 Lanturn
149 Alomomola
150 Lapras
151 Articuno
152 Zapdos
153 Moltres
001 Diglett
002 Dugtrio
003 Trapinch
004 Vibrava
005 Flygon
006 Gible
007 Gabite
008 Garchomp
009 Geodude
010 Graveler
011 Golem
012 Slugma
013 Magcargo
014 Shuckle
015 Skorupi
016 Drapion
017 Wooper
018 Quagsire
019 Goomy - Dragon
020 Sliggoo - Dragon
021 Goodra - Dragon
022 Karrablast
023 Escavalier
024 Shelmet
025 Accelgor
026 Bellsprout
027 Weepinbell
028 Victreebel
029 Carnivine
030 Gastly
031 Haunter
032 Gengar
033 Poliwag
034 Poliwhirl
035 Poliwrath
036 Politoed
037 Ekans
038 Arbok
039 Stunfisk
040 Barboach
041 Whiscash
042 Purrloin
043 Liepard
044 Poochyena
045 Mightyena
046 Patrat
047 Watchog
048 Pawniard
049 Bisharp
050 Klefki - Steel / Fairy
051 Murkrow
052 Honchkrow
053 Foongus
054 Amoonguss
055 Lotad
056 Lombre
057 Ludicolo
058 Buizel
059 Floatzel
060 Basculin
061 Phantump - Ghost / Grass
062 Trevenant - Ghost / Grass
063 Pumpkaboo - Ghost / Grass
064 Gourgeist - Ghost / Grass
065 Litwick
066 Lampent
067 Chandelure
068 Rotom
069 Magnemite
070 Magneton
071 Magnezone
072 Voltorb
073 Electrode
074 Trubbish
075 Garbodor
076 Swinub
077 Piloswine
078 Mamoswine
079 Bergmite - Ice
080 Avalugg - Ice
081 Cubchoo
082 Beartic
083 Smoochum
084 Jynx
085 Vanillite
086 Vanillish
087 Vanilluxe
088 Snover
089 Abomasnow
090 Delibird
091 Sneasel
092 Weavile
093 Timburr
094 Gurdurr
095 Conkeldurr
096 Torkoal
097 Sandshrew
098 Sandslash
099 Aron
100 Lairon
101 Aggron
102 Larvitar
103 Pupitar
104 Tyranitar
105 Heatmor
106 Durant
107 Spinarak
108 Ariados
109 Spearow
110 Fearow
111 Cryogonal
112 Skarmory
113 Noibat - Flying / Dragon
114 Noivern - Flying / Dragon
115 Gligar
116 Gliscor
117 Hoothoot
118 Noctowl
119 Igglybuff *
120 Jigglypuff *
121 Wigglytuff *
122 Shuppet
123 Banette
124 Zorua
125 Zoroark
126 Gothita
127 Gothorita
128 Gothitelle
129 Bonsly
130 Sudowoodo
131 Spinda
132 Teddiursa
133 Ursaring
134 Lickitung
135 Lickilicky
136 Scyther
137 Scizor
138 Ditto
139 Swablu
140 Altaria
141 Druddigon
142 Deino
143 Zweilous
144 Hydreigon
145 Dratini
146 Dragonair
147 Dragonite
148 Xerneas - Fairy
149 Yveltal - Dark / Flying
150 Zygarde
151 Mewtwo
*-gained Fairy
**-changed to Fairy
Pikachu - 1st trailer + 3rd trailer + everyhwere...
Palpitoad - 1st trailer, as statue
Eevee - Sylveon + 1st trailer as statue
Golurk - 1st trailer as statue + battle
Magikarp - 1st trailer battle
Gyarados - battle in some clip
Munchlax - 1st trailer battle
Snorlax - 3rd trailer pokemon Amie
Kirlia - 1st trailer
Gardevoir - 3rd trailer, Fairy showcase
Pansear - 1st trailer
Patrat - 1st trailer
Litwick - 1st trailer
Psyduck - 1st trailer
Audino - 1st trailer
Weavile - 1st trailer
Mienfoo - 1st trailer
Dratini - 1st trailer
Roselia - 2nd trailer as statue in middle of second town
Marill - artwork of city + fairy showcase
Zigzagoon - pokedex before Fletchling
Pidgey - pokedex after Fletchling
Vanillite - Vanillite car in 2nd trailer + shirt of friend
-Crawdaunt (Helioptile clip)
That's 61...I think its safe to assume now regional dex will be more than 200.
My guess is 100 per dex (central, coastal, mountain)
(also the ones from Mewtwo and Sylveon clips, but not sure of these are as safe to assume as ones from trailers for the game itself.Theyre all just as visible as the regular trailers on the official site tho.)
-Rampardos (Mewtwo clip)
-Shieldon (I'd expect this one too then.)
-Cloyster (Mewtwo clip)
-Machamp (Mewtwo clip)
-Zangoose (Mewtwo clip)
-Seviper (expected due to zangoose)
-Hariyama (Sylveon clip)
-Gligar (Sylveon clip)
-Krookodile - Sylveon clip + 3rd trailer attacked by Xerneas
(Fairy showcase
I'm sure the ones they've shown weren't random, otherwise Clefairy would have been shown at least.
It reconfirms two of them we already saw in trailers/art: Ralts line (Kirlia in trailer), Marill-line (city art), so just Jiggly is new here
-Jigglypuff - Fairy showcase
-Rhyhorn - statue in 3rd trailer outside your house + mentioned to be another ridable Pokémon at e3
-Zoroark - 3rd trailer + 3rd trailer pokemon Amie
-Axew - featured in showcasing horde mechanic on official site (lv.8)
-Haxorus - 3rd trailer (fairy advantage showcase)
-Hydreigon - 3rd trailer (fairy advantage showcase)
-Lucario - 3rd trailer (pokemon Amie) & obviously Megaevolution trailer
-Tyranitar - 3rd trailer (pokemon Amie)
-Charizard - 3rd trailer (which fits with "the source" claiming we get to pick an extra Kanto starter)
-Haunter - short trailer skybattle
-Houndour - short trailer horde & 4th trailer
-Salamence - 4th trailer
(suddenly megaevolutions ermergerd)
-Absol - megaevolution trailer
-Mawile - megaevolution trailer
-Ampharos - megaevolution trailer
-Kangaskhan - random megaevolution reveal
(playable demos. Crobat seems like very random. But why not give him pokes that will be in the region? Just consider the other two he uses: Dragonite and Chandelure. Both lines already seen in trailers from the beginning)
-Crobat - used by mega-showcase-sycamore
(Kanto starters now all confirmed. Note how charizard was already the only fire starter seen in trailers before this one)
-Bulbasaur - 5th trailer
-Squirtle - 5th trailer
okay...way too many pseudos. Im not sure anymore if all of these could really be part of the regionaldex, but ones that are already on the list keep showing up in new footage (like Kirlia being in first trailer and then Gardevoir shown as an example of a Fairy-type, or low-level Axew being featured in a horde battle along with Haxorus being shown to be weak to Fairy...)
featured pokemon that are probably not going to be in the regional dex:
-Torchic - event/megaevolution
-Mewtwo - movie star /probably postgame accessible
001 Chespin - Grass
002 Quilladin - Grass
003 Chesnaught - Grass / Fighting
004 Fennekin - Fire
005 Braixen - Fire
006 Delphox - Fire / Psychic
007 Froakie - Water
008 Frogadier - Water
009 Greninja - Water / Dark
010 Bunnelby - Normal
011 Diggersby - Normal / Ground
012 Zigzagoon
013 Linoone
014 Fletchling - Normal / Flying
015 Fletchinder - Fire / Flying
016 Talonflame - Fire / Flying
017 Pidgey
018 Pidgeotto
019 Pidgeot
020 Scatterbug - Bug
021 Spewpa - Bug
022 Vivillon - Bug / Flying
023 Caterpie
024 Metapod
025 Butterfree
026 Weedle
027 Kakuna
028 Beedrill
029 Pansage
030 Simisage
031 Pansear
032 Simisear
033 Panpour
034 Simipour
035 Pichu
036 Pikachu
037 Raichu
038 Bidoof
039 Bibarel
040 Dunsparce
041 Azurill *
042 Marill *
043 Azumarill *
044 Burmy
045 Wormadam
046 Mothim
047 Surskit
048 Masquerain
049 Magikarp
050 Gyarados
051 Corphish
052 Crawdaunt
053 Goldeen
054 Seaking
055 Carvanha
056 Sharpedo
057 Litleo - Fire / Normal
058 Pyroar - Fire / Normal
059 Psyduck
060 Golduck
061 Farfetch'd
062 Riolu
063 Lucario
064 Ralts *
065 Kirlia *
066 Gardevoir *
067 Gallade
068 Flabebe - Fairy
069 Floette - Fairy
070 Florges - Fairy
071 Budew
072 Roselia
073 Roserade
074 Ledyba
075 Ledian
076 Combee
077 Vespiquen
078 Skitty
079 Delcatty
080 Bulbasaur
081 Ivysaur
082 Venusaur
083 Charmander
084 Charmeleon
085 Charizard
086 Squirtle
087 Wartortle
088 Blastoise
089 Skiddo - Grass
090 Gogoat - Grass
091 Pancham - Fighting
092 Pangoro - Fighting / Dark
093 Furfrou - Normal
094 Doduo
095 Dodrio
096 Plusle
097 Minun
098 Gulpin
099 Swalot
100 Scraggy
101 Scrafty
102 Abra
103 Kadabra
104 Alakazam
105 Oddish
106 Gloom
107 Vileplume
108 Bellossom
109 Sentret
110 Furret
111 Nincada
112 Ninjask
113 Shedinja
114 Espurr - Psychic
115 Meowstic - Psychic
116 Kecleon
117 Honedge - Steel / Ghost
118 Doublade - Steel / Ghost
119 Aegislash - Steel / Ghost
120 Venipede
121 Whirlipede
122 Scolipede
123 Audino
124 Smeargle
125 Croagunk
126 Toxicroak
127 Ducklett
128 Swanna
129 Spritzee - Fairy
130 Aromatisse - Fairy
131 Swirlix - Fairy
132 Slurpuff - Fairy
133 Volbeat
134 Illumise
135 Hoppip
136 Skiploom
137 Jumpluff
138 Munchlax
139 Snorlax
140 Whismur
141 Loudred
142 Exploud
143 Meditite
144 Medicham
145 Zubat
146 Golbat
147 Crobat
148 Axew
149 Fraxure
150 Haxorus
001 Drifloon
002 Drifblim
003 Mienfoo
004 Mienshao
005 Zangoose
006 Seviper
007 Spoink
008 Grumpig
009 Absol
010 Inkay - Dark / Psychic
011 Malamar - Dark / Psychic
012 Lunatone
013 Solrock
014 Bagon
015 Shelgon
016 Salamence
017 Wingull
018 Pelipper
019 Taillow
020 Swellow
021 Binacle - Rock / Water
022 Barbaracle - Rock / Water
023 Dwebble
024 Crustle
025 Tentacool
026 Tentacruel
027 Wailmer
028 Wailord
029 Luvdisc
030 Skrelp - Poison / Water
031 Dragalge - Poison / Dragon
032 Clauncher - Water
033 Clawitzer - Water
034 Staryu
035 Starmie
036 Shellder
037 Cloyster
038 Qwilfish
039 Horsea
040 Seadra
041 Kingdra
042 Relicanth
043 Sandile
044 Krokorok
045 Krookodile
046 Helioptile - Electric / Normal
047 Heliolisk - Electric / Normal
048 Hippopotas
049 Hippowdon
050 Rhyhorn
051 Rhydon
052 Rhyperior
053 Onix
054 Steelix
055 Woobat
056 Swoobat
057 Machop
058 Machoke
059 Machamp
060 Cubone
061 Marowak
062 Kangaskhan
063 Mawile *
064 Tyrunt - Rock / Dragon
065 Tyrantrum - Rock / Dragon
066 Amaura - Rock / Ice
067 Aurorus - Rock / Ice
068 Aerodactyl
069 Ferroseed
070 Ferrothorn
071 Snubbull **
072 Granbull **
073 Electrike
074 Manectric
075 Houndour
076 Houndoom
077 Eevee
078 Vaporeon
079 Jolteon
080 Flareon
081 Espeon
082 Umbreon
083 Leafeon
084 Glaceon
085 Sylveon - Fairy
086 Emolga
087 Yanma
088 Yanmega
089 Hawlucha - Fighting / Flying
090 Sigilyph
091 Golett
092 Golurk
093 Nosepass
094 Probopass
095 Makuhita
096 Hariyama
097 Throh
098 Sawk
099 Starly
100 Staravia
101 Staraptor
102 Stunky
103 Skuntank
104 Nidoran F
105 Nidorina
106 Nidoqueen
107 Nidoran M
108 Nidorino
109 Nidoking
110 Dedenne - Electric / Fairy
111 Chingling
112 Chimecho
113 Mime Jr. *
114 Mr. Mime *
115 Solosis
116 Duosion
117 Reuniclus
118 Wynaut
119 Wobbuffet
120 Roggenrola
121 Boldore
122 Gigalith
123 Sableye
124 Carbink - Rock / Fairy
125 Tauros
126 Miltank
127 Mareep
128 Flaaffy
129 Ampharos
130 Pinsir
131 Heracross
132 Pachirisu
133 Slowpoke
134 Slowbro
135 Slowking
136 Exeggcute
137 Exeggutor
138 Chatot
139 Mantyke
140 Mantine
141 Clamperl
142 Huntail
143 Gorebyss
144 Remoraid
145 Octillery
146 Corsola
147 Chinchou
148 Lanturn
149 Alomomola
150 Lapras
151 Articuno
152 Zapdos
153 Moltres
001 Diglett
002 Dugtrio
003 Trapinch
004 Vibrava
005 Flygon
006 Gible
007 Gabite
008 Garchomp
009 Geodude
010 Graveler
011 Golem
012 Slugma
013 Magcargo
014 Shuckle
015 Skorupi
016 Drapion
017 Wooper
018 Quagsire
019 Goomy - Dragon
020 Sliggoo - Dragon
021 Goodra - Dragon
022 Karrablast
023 Escavalier
024 Shelmet
025 Accelgor
026 Bellsprout
027 Weepinbell
028 Victreebel
029 Carnivine
030 Gastly
031 Haunter
032 Gengar
033 Poliwag
034 Poliwhirl
035 Poliwrath
036 Politoed
037 Ekans
038 Arbok
039 Stunfisk
040 Barboach
041 Whiscash
042 Purrloin
043 Liepard
044 Poochyena
045 Mightyena
046 Patrat
047 Watchog
048 Pawniard
049 Bisharp
050 Klefki - Steel / Fairy
051 Murkrow
052 Honchkrow
053 Foongus
054 Amoonguss
055 Lotad
056 Lombre
057 Ludicolo
058 Buizel
059 Floatzel
060 Basculin
061 Phantump - Ghost / Grass
062 Trevenant - Ghost / Grass
063 Pumpkaboo - Ghost / Grass
064 Gourgeist - Ghost / Grass
065 Litwick
066 Lampent
067 Chandelure
068 Rotom
069 Magnemite
070 Magneton
071 Magnezone
072 Voltorb
073 Electrode
074 Trubbish
075 Garbodor
076 Swinub
077 Piloswine
078 Mamoswine
079 Bergmite - Ice
080 Avalugg - Ice
081 Cubchoo
082 Beartic
083 Smoochum
084 Jynx
085 Vanillite
086 Vanillish
087 Vanilluxe
088 Snover
089 Abomasnow
090 Delibird
091 Sneasel
092 Weavile
093 Timburr
094 Gurdurr
095 Conkeldurr
096 Torkoal
097 Sandshrew
098 Sandslash
099 Aron
100 Lairon
101 Aggron
102 Larvitar
103 Pupitar
104 Tyranitar
105 Heatmor
106 Durant
107 Spinarak
108 Ariados
109 Spearow
110 Fearow
111 Cryogonal
112 Skarmory
113 Noibat - Flying / Dragon
114 Noivern - Flying / Dragon
115 Gligar
116 Gliscor
117 Hoothoot
118 Noctowl
119 Igglybuff *
120 Jigglypuff *
121 Wigglytuff *
122 Shuppet
123 Banette
124 Zorua
125 Zoroark
126 Gothita
127 Gothorita
128 Gothitelle
129 Bonsly
130 Sudowoodo
131 Spinda
132 Teddiursa
133 Ursaring
134 Lickitung
135 Lickilicky
136 Scyther
137 Scizor
138 Ditto
139 Swablu
140 Altaria
141 Druddigon
142 Deino
143 Zweilous
144 Hydreigon
145 Dratini
146 Dragonair
147 Dragonite
148 Xerneas - Fairy
149 Yveltal - Dark / Flying
150 Zygarde
151 Mewtwo
*-gained Fairy
**-changed to Fairy
Pikachu - 1st trailer + 3rd trailer + everyhwere...
Palpitoad - 1st trailer, as statue
Eevee - Sylveon + 1st trailer as statue
Golurk - 1st trailer as statue + battle
Magikarp - 1st trailer battle
Gyarados - battle in some clip
Munchlax - 1st trailer battle
Snorlax - 3rd trailer pokemon Amie
Kirlia - 1st trailer
Gardevoir - 3rd trailer, Fairy showcase
Pansear - 1st trailer
Patrat - 1st trailer
Litwick - 1st trailer
Psyduck - 1st trailer
Audino - 1st trailer
Weavile - 1st trailer
Mienfoo - 1st trailer
Dratini - 1st trailer
Roselia - 2nd trailer as statue in middle of second town
Marill - artwork of city + fairy showcase
Zigzagoon - pokedex before Fletchling
Pidgey - pokedex after Fletchling
Vanillite - Vanillite car in 2nd trailer + shirt of friend
-Crawdaunt (Helioptile clip)
That's 61...I think its safe to assume now regional dex will be more than 200.
My guess is 100 per dex (central, coastal, mountain)
-Rampardos (Mewtwo clip)
-Shieldon (I'd expect this one too then.)
-Cloyster (Mewtwo clip)
-Machamp (Mewtwo clip)
-Zangoose (Mewtwo clip)
-Seviper (expected due to zangoose)
-Hariyama (Sylveon clip)
-Gligar (Sylveon clip)
-Krookodile - Sylveon clip + 3rd trailer attacked by Xerneas
(Fairy showcase
I'm sure the ones they've shown weren't random, otherwise Clefairy would have been shown at least.
It reconfirms two of them we already saw in trailers/art: Ralts line (Kirlia in trailer), Marill-line (city art), so just Jiggly is new here
-Jigglypuff - Fairy showcase
-Rhyhorn - statue in 3rd trailer outside your house + mentioned to be another ridable Pokémon at e3
-Zoroark - 3rd trailer + 3rd trailer pokemon Amie
-Axew - featured in showcasing horde mechanic on official site (lv.8)
-Haxorus - 3rd trailer (fairy advantage showcase)
-Hydreigon - 3rd trailer (fairy advantage showcase)
-Lucario - 3rd trailer (pokemon Amie) & obviously Megaevolution trailer
-Tyranitar - 3rd trailer (pokemon Amie)
-Charizard - 3rd trailer (which fits with "the source" claiming we get to pick an extra Kanto starter)
-Haunter - short trailer skybattle
-Houndour - short trailer horde & 4th trailer
-Salamence - 4th trailer
(suddenly megaevolutions ermergerd)
-Absol - megaevolution trailer
-Mawile - megaevolution trailer
-Ampharos - megaevolution trailer
-Kangaskhan - random megaevolution reveal
(playable demos. Crobat seems like very random. But why not give him pokes that will be in the region? Just consider the other two he uses: Dragonite and Chandelure. Both lines already seen in trailers from the beginning)
-Crobat - used by mega-showcase-sycamore
(Kanto starters now all confirmed. Note how charizard was already the only fire starter seen in trailers before this one)
-Bulbasaur - 5th trailer
-Squirtle - 5th trailer
okay...way too many pseudos. Im not sure anymore if all of these could really be part of the regionaldex, but ones that are already on the list keep showing up in new footage (like Kirlia being in first trailer and then Gardevoir shown as an example of a Fairy-type, or low-level Axew being featured in a horde battle along with Haxorus being shown to be weak to Fairy...)
featured pokemon that are probably not going to be in the regional dex:
-Torchic - event/megaevolution
-Mewtwo - movie star /probably postgame accessible