Friend Code: 4312-9936-0945
Time Zone: EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) in Summer and EST (Eastern Standard time) in Winter
Times Available: varies from day to day because of school/work/etc. I usually have a bit of free time though, so I'm available at least once a day at some time or another. Talk to me if you need to make sure of a good time.
I currently don't have much to offer, but I'll try to update this as much as I possibly can.
Some vivillons:
[sub]-Polar x2
-Modern x2 (I can get this pattern in my game)
-Continental x2
-High Plains x1
-Marine x1
-Meadow x1[/sub]
Protean froakie (level 1)
More Pokemon to come soon. This is just what I have to offer at this very moment.
Services Offered:
My Friend Safari is dragon type with Sliggoo, Fraxure, and Shelgon.
I've never tried breeding before, but I'd gladly pair any of the Pokemon I have up with a Ditto and hatch an egg for you. I won't do any leveling or evolving for that egg, though, and I can't breed for specific stats. I just don't have the time or effort for that, and I apologize.
Also, I can help you evolve your Pokemon if it's one that evolves through trade.
Any vivillon I don't have. So:
X exclusives
Shinies (though I don't expect any with what I'm currently offering. Shiny Scraggy/Scrafty is an instant trade, btw.)
Time Zone: EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) in Summer and EST (Eastern Standard time) in Winter
Times Available: varies from day to day because of school/work/etc. I usually have a bit of free time though, so I'm available at least once a day at some time or another. Talk to me if you need to make sure of a good time.
I currently don't have much to offer, but I'll try to update this as much as I possibly can.
Some vivillons:
[sub]-Polar x2
-Modern x2 (I can get this pattern in my game)
-Continental x2
-High Plains x1
-Marine x1
-Meadow x1[/sub]
Protean froakie (level 1)
More Pokemon to come soon. This is just what I have to offer at this very moment.
Services Offered:
My Friend Safari is dragon type with Sliggoo, Fraxure, and Shelgon.
I've never tried breeding before, but I'd gladly pair any of the Pokemon I have up with a Ditto and hatch an egg for you. I won't do any leveling or evolving for that egg, though, and I can't breed for specific stats. I just don't have the time or effort for that, and I apologize.
Also, I can help you evolve your Pokemon if it's one that evolves through trade.
Any vivillon I don't have. So:
X exclusives
Shinies (though I don't expect any with what I'm currently offering. Shiny Scraggy/Scrafty is an instant trade, btw.)