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Alt. Format Kartana-GX


Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon: 15
4x Kartana-GX
4x Nihilego-GX
3x Dhelmise (GRI)
4x Tapu Lele-GX

Trainers: 32
4x Pokémon Fan Club
4x N
4x Team Flare Grunt
3x Lusamine
3x Skyla
3x Guzma

4x Max Elixir
4x Float Stone

4x Chaos Tower

Energy: 13
9x Metal Energy
4x Double Colourless Energy

The strategy here is to Poison and Confuse your opponent using Nihilego's ability, whilst keeping Kartana (the only Pokémon you are going to be attacking with) in tact using Chaos Tower. Rid yourself of any existing damage counters by shuffling Kartana back into the deck using the Gale Sword attack. Use Pokémon Fan Club in combination with Max Elixir and Double Colourless Energy to charge up Kartana in a single turn, whilst potentially denying energy with Flare Grunt.
I don't see any Field Blowers in there. They're important for removing opposing tools and stadiums. I know that you have Pokemon Fan Club, but Ultra Ball does your Pokemon searching without taking up your turn's supporter. It should also be noted that Kartana resists Garbodor's Trashalanche.
I like it! consider ultra ball instead of Pokemon fan club though! Also be careful, all of your pokemon carry abilities, and a single alolan muk turns them all off, No dhelmise to add extra damage, no lele for the search, no poisen from nihilego's ability, and finally no denying special energy.
You're going to run out of steam with this deck way before you deal enough damage to end the game. It kind of reminds me of Accelgor except it lacks paralysis and needs 3 energy to attack. You only get 4 chained attacks assuming you run into all of your elixirs exactly when you need them. Assuming you have all of your Dhelmise out for each of these attacks that's 400 damage. Nothing else you have can actually attack in this deck except Lele so once that's gone you're doing 70-100 damage every other turn which is just miserable.