Keeping it in El Paso (Cities - Seniors)


I knew I'd eventually return to you.
So this would be my first real tournament in a while so I was pretty excited. I managed to get about 3 hours of playtesting in the night before. My friends also helped fix up my Reshiphlosion deck to be fully prepared the next day.

I wake up, write my decklist, re-sleeve, eat and head over to league to register. I spend the next hour or so just listening to music and talking to the New Mexicans that came down for the tournament. Our goal was to keep the City Titles in El Paso this year since we usually lose to the kids from New Mexico. This year however, our Senior that usually made sure the Senior title was ours, had moved on to Masters which left me to defend that division. At around 10 or so, we start and Seniors will only have 3 rounds with best record winning.

Round 1: Alejandra with Reshiphlosion + Kingdra (Mirror Match)

Great. She just moved up from Juniors, but I've seen her play and she is REALLY good so I get a bit nervous.

We both open Cyndaquil with me going first. I Collector for 2 more Cyndaquils and a Horsea, attach to active Cyndaquil and Beat. She Engineer's Adjustments, but doesn't draw into any basics or any search cards. She attaches and beats as well. I draw, communication for a Typhlosion, Rare Candy, attach a Fire, Juniper my other fires away, Afterburner, and Flare Destroy for game.
I was kinda shocked it ended so fast, but it did and that was OK. I did end up replaying her after the tourney to see how things could've gone and it was a much better game with a win for me still.


Round 2: Vincent with Chandelure, Reuniclus, and Cofagrigus.

I can't remember much of this game, but I know I was running into energy problems for a good 5 turns. I was desperately trying to get my second Typhlosion up as he Cursed Shadowed around. I ended up getting it along with a Kingdra in the process and started sweeping. He knocks out my Reshiram and I send up Typhlosion to KO his Cofagrigus for game (with it already having 2 Spray Splashes).


Round 3: Ashton with Mewgar

Her brother (Josh, the senior who was a master now) gave her this deck to use and I know he taught her well since he's a great player so I'm a bit nervous. I start playing the match in my head because I never tested against this. I know I would have to just take KOs fast and keep Pokemon out of my hand as much as possible.

I open with Reshiram and her with Mew and she goes first. She doesn't get an energy and just Collectors for Mew, Mime Jr. and Mr. Mime. I draw and I'm not getting anything useful. I find out 2 of my Typhlosions are prized which is bad, so I Collector to start setting up, attach to Reshi, and pass. She draws and still misses the energy so just sets up her bench more. I don't draw into any supporters for a good while here and I just Outrage the mew. She finally gets an energy to Lost Zone the Gengar as well as pulls out a Slowking. That means I have to start taking prizes now. From here I get a Kingdra, but still can't get my Typhlosions out. I end up Blue Flaring the Mew and she hits a Quilava with Mime. Jr.
She wakes up and I Outrage + Splash. From here she kinda alternates with Mime Jr.s and Mews since she ends up getting them in that order which was a bad idea. That meant I could alternate between Blue Flare and Outrage and use the least amount of energy. I win by Outraging a Mew consecutively and keeping at least all Pokemon out of my hand.


I win the Seniors Division and get a bunch of random cards I don't really want. I ended up trading for 80% of the things I needed for my Hydreigon deck which made me happy. I finally won my first Premier Event.

1st Place
Jack in the Box with the guys from New Mexico
My friend Irving for getting 1st in Masters.
Keeping the title in Seniors and Masters.
Hydreigon stuff.
Getting to play a PS3 for once in my life afterward

Nothing really. Nothing that affected me anyway.
Dude, nice win! Is Josh M. still even playing Pokémon? I enjoyed reading the report, and once again congrats on the win.