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Expanded Keldeo EX / Blastoise / Mewtwo EX


Aspiring Trainer
Hello so this is my deck i have build for Winter Regionals.
Let me know what you think :)

Pokemon: 12
  • 3 Keldeo EX
  • 2 Mewtwo EX
  • 4 Squirtle
  • 3 Blastoise
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 33
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 Skyla
  • 3 N
  • 2 VS Seeker
  • 3 Professor's Letter
  • 1 Town Map
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Level Ball
  • 2 Energy Retrieval
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 2 Float Stone
  • 2 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 3 Pokemon Catcher
  • 2 Pokemon Communication
Energy: 13
  • 13 Water Energy

Unfortunately, if you get item locked and you are done. Until you break the lock, you cannot get a Blastoise out and are forced to manually power up you Keldeo and MewTwo...I would run at least 1 Wartutle. As well, fisherman is good to have...gets you 4 energy from your discard back to your hand to deluge that turn. A few new cards from the BreakPoint set that can help as well...Misty's Determination can get you the card you might need to get your Blastoise out. Fighting Fury Belt to make your basic Ex's and basic pokemon last a bit longer...gives them +40 HP and +10 damage output. Max Elixir can power up your benched basics faster in case you don't get a turn 1 or 2 Blastoise. I don't see any stadiums...Rough Seas can be a life saver to heal your active and benched pokemon waiting to go back in for more turn after turn... I would suggest min. 3 VS seekers. Dive balls are better than level balls in a water deck....gets you any water pokemon you want...EX or not! I understand Hypnotoxic Laser, but you don't run Virbank City Gym, and this isn't a poison deck...I'd say pull them. I would suggest more Pokémon...Suicune's ability can block EX attacks (good wall), Regice is the same, but has an attack. I personally like 10 - 12 water energy max...gives you an extra space. Or you could find an Archie's Blastoise deck list and try that out too... not sure what level of play you are at.

I know there are some other things I am missing, but just my 2 cents! I will be building one for my youngest son come regionals and for him, as he is 6, Archie's is out of the question... I will be building one around the cards I just listed here...not sure of the list yet though.

Good luck!! I am a huge Blastoise fan!!