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Keldeo EX / Blastoise


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys! Today I am sharing my Keldeo EX/ Blastoise Deck. If you have any suggestions for the deck please tell me! It would help this deck and my deck building skills!



  • 3x Keldeo EX
    4x Squirtle
    1x Wartortle
    3x Blastoise
    1x Kyurem
    1x Kyurem EX

  • 2x N
    2x Bianca
    2x Interviewer's Questions
    2x Energy Retrieval
    3x Float Stone
    3x Rare Candy
    2x Skyla
    1x Masterball
    1x Luxuryball
    3x Greatball
    4x Cheren

  • 21x Water Energy
Get out 2+ Keldeos and a Blastoise as soon as possible. Attack with Keldeo, and you've pretty much got OHKOs and immunity to Special Conditions. If you're opponent uses a Latias then use Kyurem EX, and if they use Suicune or Sigilyph use Kyurem. I know there is a lot of energys but I have used this list and I have won nearly every game with it. You need a lot of energy for this deck to work :)