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Keldeo EX / Suicune / Blastoise

Step Johns

Aspiring Trainer
I'm new around these parts and just recently got into playing the TCG and am now interested in improving my deck. I'm not sure about what the best way to go about it is though, I have seen many decks that look interesting but I don't have the right cards to work with. So with that I introduce my deck:

  • 3 Suicune (PLB)
  • 3-2-2 Blastoise (PLB)
  • 2 Keldeo EX (LTR)
  • 1 Mewtwo EX (NXD)
  • 2 Rare Candy
  • 2 Float Stone
  • 1 Scoop Up Cyclone
  • 2 Startling Megaphone
  • 2 Energy Retrieval
  • 2 Superior Energy Retrieval
  • 2 Muscle Band
  • 1 Switch
  • 1 Silver Mirror
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Sacred Ash
  • 1 Bianca
  • 1 Pokemon Fan Club
  • 3 N
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Skyla
  • 1 Magnetic Storm
  • 4 Double Colorless
  • 11 Water

I have played around 15 games with this deck so far and my main issue is that I'm not able to get enough energy out before my pokemon are knocked out. Suicune is a great counter but as soon as they put out a non EX it is easily bested since I'm usually dumping all of my energy on to Mewtwo EX in an attempt to get the ohko once I get it as my active. Should I try to adjust my strategy from this?

My thoughts were that I should take out 2 Kyurem EX and Keldeo EX then add in two more Mewtwo EX and another 2 Kyurem. Other than that I'm really not sure of where to go from here and would really appreciate some insight. As far as supporters I have no idea from where to go from here.

Edited to remove kyruem and kryuem ex to add in 3-2-2 Blastoise
Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
RE: Kyurem / Kyurem EX / Suicune

Hey, there! I think Blastoise is the Poké to solve your Energy drought. Is there a chance you can get at least 2 of it?
RE: Kyurem / Kyurem EX / Suicune

Luispipe8 said:
Hey, there! I think Blastoise is the Poké to solve your Energy drought. Is there a chance you can get at least 2 of it?

I didn't think of that to get blastoise and then use his ability deluge. I bet I could get my hands on a couple.
Thanks for the suggestion
RE: Kyurem / Kyurem EX / Suicune

I need to go now, so I can't give any elaborate advice right now, but DO try to get AT LEAST 2-1-2 Blastoise and Rare Candies. And also one thing: from which set are those Kyurem-EX?
RE: Kyurem / Kyurem EX / Suicune

So my new deck, thanks to the advice from luispipe8, was to add in blastoise so that I can use Deluge. I removed 1 Keldeo EX, 1 Suicune, and all of the Kyruem and Kryuem EX. My strategy will be to use suicune as a shield while i do everything i can to get Blastoise out and start stacking energy on Mewtwo EX.
RE: Kyurem / Kyurem EX / Suicune

Ok, now to make suggestions(I'll still need the Kyurem-EX's set, though, the PLB one is actually decent). I'll make a list of what card to remove and why, as well as the additions. If you don't agree on something, just say it. ;) You don't need everything right away, but do try to place them in your want list if you don't have them.

-4 Energy Switch: There's no need for it, you can attach as many as you want)
-2 Hard Charm
-2 Silver Bangle
-2 Silver Mirror: There's no purpose of this, really, I left a Silver Mirror in just to make Suicune more annoying. XD
-1 Great Ball: There are better searching cards.
-1 Red Card:
-2 Crushing Hammer: Good cards to mess with your opponent, but not really necessary.
-3 Shauna: There's another, more reliable Supporter.

+2 Keldeo-EX: Can actually hit harder than Mewtwo-EX and can get rid of the Fire-type.
+1 Level Ball
+2 Ultra Ball: More searching power.
+2 Muscle Band: Added power, will help Suicune a lot too.
+3 Energy Retrieval/Superior Energy Retrieval: The split that works better for you, to recover used Energy.
+3 Professor Sycamore: To draw more cards. You have the Retrievals and Ash to recover Pokés if they were discarded.
+2 Float Stone: Put it on a Keldeo-EX and you have an infinite Switch via Rush In+Retreat.
+2 Startling Megaphone: To discard opponent's Tools.

With these changes, your deck should become faster, stronger and more consistent. What do you think? :D
RE: Kyurem / Kyurem EX / Suicune

Alright so I updated my deck list, and I'm starting to really like the way that it is looking. I have not had a chance to play with it yet since I'm still missing a few cards but will hopefully get that taken care of tomorrow. Also, what would be the best way to work in a few Rare Candy?
RE: Keldeo EX/ Suicune/ Blastoise

I'll take out 2 Caitlin for them. Caitlin is so unreliable that it's not even funny. :p