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Keldeo-EXcadrill (Kedeo EX / Excadrill / Bronzong)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon: 16

  • 2 Keldeo-EX
    2 Bronzor (PHF 60)
    2 Bronzong (PHF 61)
    3 Drilbur (PCL 89)
    2 Suicune (PLB 20)
    2 Cobalion-EX
    3 Excadrill (PCL 97)
Trainers: 31

  • 4 N
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card
    3 Mountain Ring
    4 Muscle Band
    1 VS Seeker
    4 Ultra Ball
    1 Computer Search
    4 Professor Juniper
    3 Colress
    2 Lysandre
    1 Professor's Letter
    3 Float Stone
Energy: 13

  • 4 Water Energy
    9 Metal Energy

Optimal Strategy
Attach Muscle Band to Excadrill then attack for 70 damage, use rush in and attack with Keldeo for 110 damage because you will attach 3 water energies to it. this comes out to a nice 180 damage witch will KO most any normal EX. Bronzong is also a key player in this set up because it allows you to attach multiple energies in one turn witch is very very useful, for it gives you the advantage of recycling energies with all the discarding from Professor Juniper, Computer Search and Ultra ball.

Secondary Options
Suicune and Cobalion are in there incase you come across any decks that rely on special energy or all out EXs. Cobalion will also get rid of opposing Suicunes or Sigilyphs. Suicune also provides a nice 90 damage with Muscle Band for a 2 hit KO of most EXs.
I don't understand how you're going to get three Water Energy on Keldeo quickly enough. I would consider taking out the Water stuff and focusing on consistency.
RE: Keldeo-EXcadrill (Kedeo/Excadrill/Bronzong)

This list looks really inconsistent, and your strategy is all over the place...

1. I really hope you realize you can't use Mach Claw, then Rush In and attack with Keldeo in the same turn. Omega Barrage only applies to Excadrill. If you are aware of that, and your plan is to do this on subsequent turns and score a 2HKO... just drop the deck completely and move on. Excadrill excels in scoring OHKOs; there are much better more streamlined approaches that can consistently achieve 2HKOs in steel.

2. While Keldeo is a solid option for helping you set up benched Excadrill in a single turn, you should never be attacking with it, so aside from switching you out of status inflictions, it does nothing else. Instead, I run a 2-2 Golbat line. I'll probably be posting my Excadrill/Bronzong list later today, and I'll go into more detail there, but basically Golbat gives you a free Metal Link pivot after KOs just like Keldeo, but its ability also puts a 180HP EX into OHKO range of Mach Claw x2 + Bangle, and its attack puts all your opponents in-play 170HP EXs into that range.

3. Suicune and Water Energies. No... Just No. You can Dredge -> Mach Claw on your 2nd turn, so there's no point in stalling EXs when you can be OHKO'ing them. And the whole attaching 3 Water to Keldeo for 110 thing? That will literally never happen with 4 Water Energies.

4. Cobalion EX is bad. Run Aegislash EX if you want to hate on Special Energies, and Steel Bullet is useless since your deck doesnt care about abilities like Safeguard/Intimidating Mane, and Excadrill's damage output eclipses Cobalion's with a Bangle/Band

5. Mountain Ring... why? Nothing hits bench anymore outside of Landorus EX which sees little to no play, and Manectric EX which even with a Muscle Band only 3HKOs active Excadrill and Benched Drillbur/Bronzor with Overrun. There's a reason noone plays Mr. Mime anymore. It's understandable that you want to stadium war, but running Virbank City Gym, Training Center, Frozen City, Steel Shelter, or Silent Lab are all 10x more viable choices.

6. Bangle > Band. There's no reason to play this deck if you're not going to be OHKO'ing, and Bangle has numerous interactions with other cards that allow Excadrill to OHKO EXs, whereas even Band + LaserBank only reaches 170.

7. Your supporter line is too small and just not very good. 4x Juniper conflicts with the amount of Stage 1s in the deck, and N in a deck based on OHKOs becomes bad very quickly. Lysandre is always a good option, but is much less important in this deck than others, since if your pokemon are scoring OHKOs there's no need to drag an injured pokemon back into active when you can just KO the new one.

Phew... that's about it. Look for my Excadrill thread later today for more ideas.