• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

Khion's Trade List


Please note that I am from Australia. I am willing to post Worldwide.
This is all the cards I have for trade, excluding cards I need for my deck or want to keep.

Warning: This is a long list.
If a card is listed as "On Hold", this means that an offer for the card has been made but not finalized. You can still make an offer on the card, but it is a first come, first served basis. Sorry.

Click here to view my Rep. Thread.

The list does include Holos, Reverse Holos, Rares, LV.Xs and Primes, all of which will be listed separately at the end of the main list.


2x Forretress (UD #03)
2x Electrike (PT)
2x Manectric (PT)
2x Uxie (LA)
1x Uxie Lv. X (LA)
1x Azelf (LA)

3x Broken Time-Space
3x Professor Oak's Visit
4x Pokédrawer +
4x Collector
1x Luxury Ball
4x Pokémon Communication
1x Flower Shop Lady
2x Judge
4x Professor Oak's New Theory

2x Metal
4x Metal (Special)
4x Double Colourless Energy
4x Call Energy



Mankey (55/64) x1

Neo Genesis

Sentret (71/111) x1

Neo Destiny

Light Venomoth (53/105) x1


Bulbasaur (94/165) x1
Krabby (115/165) x1
Marill (120/165) x1
Bill's Maintenance (137/165) x1
Pokémon Nurse (145/165) x1


Pichu (20/100) x1
Pelipper (50/100) x1
Rare Candy (88/100) x2

Team Magma VS Team Aqua

Warp Point (85/95) x4

Hidden Legends

Huntail (19/101) x1
Ancient Technical Machine (Rock) (85/101) x2

Fire Red Leaf Green

Chansey (19/112) x1
Dodrio (21/112) x1
Fearow (24/112) x1
Pidgeotto (45/112) x1
Magikarp (67/112) x4
Nidoran M (71/112) x2
Bill's Maintenance (87/112) x1
Celio's Network (88/112) x2
Energy Removal 2 (89/112) x3
Great Ball (92/112) x1
Poké Ball (95/112) x1

Team Rocket Returns

Dark Golbat (34/109) x1
Grimer (56/109) x1
Koffing (61/109) x1
Surpise! Time Machine (91/109) x1


Mightyena (12/107) x1
Magcargo (20/107) x2
Surskit (78/107) x2
Wurmple (82/107) x1
Zubat (83/107) x1
Crystal Shard (85/107) x1
Professor Cozmo's Discovery (90/107) x3


Blaziken (1/106) x4
Kyogre (15/106) x1
Manectric (16/106) x1
Seviper (20/106) x1
Makuhita (54/106) x1
Pikachu (60/106) x1
Treecko (70/106) x1
Lanette's Net Search (77/106) x1
Mr. Stone's Project (79/106) x2
Rare Candy (83/106) x3
Scott (84/106) x2

Unseen Forces

Bellossom (3/115) x1
Slowbro (13/115) x1
Smoochum (31/115) x2
Bayleef (35/115) x1
Quagsire (44/115) x1
Gloom (58/115) x1
Hoothoot (59/115) x1
Houndour (60/115) x4
Larvitar (61/115) x1
Natu (63/115) x1
Pupitar (70/115) x1
Slowpoke (72/115) x3
Slugma (73/115) x4
Wooper (79/115) x1
Energy Removal 2 (82/115) x2
Mary's Request (86/115) x5
Poké Ball (87/115) x1
Protective Ord (90/115) x1
Warp Point (93/115) x2

Delta Species

Marowak (10/113) x1
Azurill (20/113) x1
Holon's Electrode (21/113) x1
Holon's Megneton (22/113) x1
Hypno (23/113) x2
Porygon2 (25/113) x2
Rain Castform (26/113) x2
Slowking (28/113) x3
Snow-Cloud Castform (29/113) x1
Swellow (32/113) x3
Castform (34/113) x3
Ditto (35/113) x1
Ditto (36/113) x1
Ditto (38/113) x1
Ditto (39/113) x1
Ditto (40/113) x1
Dragonair (41/113) x1
Dragonair (42/113) x1
Golbat (43/113) x1
Illumise (45/113) x3
Kakuna (46/113) x1
Kirlia (47/113) x2
Magneton (48/113) x3
Metang (49/113) x1
Persian (50/113) x1
Pupitar (51/113) x1
Rapidash (52/113) x3
Shelgon (53/113) x2
Volbeat (56/113) x2
Bagon (57/113) x2
Bagon (58/113) x2
Beldum (59/113) x5
Cubone (60/113) x3
Ditto (61/113) x1
Ditto (62/113) x2
Ditto (63/113) x2
Ditto (64/113) x2
Dratini (65/113) x2
Dratini (66/113) x5
Drowzee (67/113) x3
Eevee (68/113) x4
Koffing (72/113) x5
Larvitar (73/113) x5
Magnemite (74/113) x4
Makuhita (75/113) x3
Marill (76/113) x3
Meowth (77/113) x3
Ponyta (78/113) x7
Poochyena (79/113) x3
Porygon (80/113) x4
Ralts (81/113) x2
Sandshrew (82/113) x4
Slowpoke (83/113) x5
Staryu (84/113) x5
Staryu (85/113) x1
Taillow (86/113) x2
Weedle (87/113) x2
Zubat (88/113) x5
Dual Ball (89/113) x2
Great Ball (90/113) x1
Holon Lass (92/113) x4
Holon Research Tower (94/113) x2
Holon Researcher (95/113) x2
Holon Ruins (96/113) x3
Master Ball (99/113) x1
Super Scoop Up (100/113) x1
Potion (101/113) x3
Switch (102/113) x7

Legend Maker

Golem (6/92) x2
Kabutops (7/92) x1
Machamp (9/92) x1
Victreebel (13/92) x1
Gorebyss (17/92) x2
Huntail (18/92) x2
Lunatone (20/92) x2
Magmar (21/92) x5
Magneton (22/92) x1
Pinsir (24/92) x2
Solrock (25/92) x1
Spinda (26/92) x1
Torkoal (27/92) x1
Anorith (29/92) x2
Cascoon (30/92) x4
Dunsparce (31/92) x5
Electrode (32/92) x2
Furret (33/92) x8
Graveler (34/92) x4
Haunter (35/92) x3
Kabuto (36/92) x6
Kecleon (37/92) x3
Lairon (38/92) x2
Machoke (39/92) x5
Nuzleaf (41/92) x5
Roselia (42/92) x2
Sealeo (43/92) x1
Tangela (44/92) x2
Tentacruel (45/92) x5
Vibrava (46/92) x4
Weepinbell (47/92) x5
Aron (48/92) x6
Bellsprout (49/92) x14
Chinchou (50/92) x6
Clamperl (51/92) x4
Gastly (52/92) x4
Geodude (53/92) x9
Grimer (54/92) x5
Growlithe (55/92) x5
Lileep (56/92) x7
Machop (57/92) x7
Magby (58/92) x10
Magnemite (59/92) x6
Omanyte (60/92) x6
Seedot (61/92) x7
Sentret (62/92) x5
Shuppet (63/92) x6
Skitty (64/92) x4
Spheal (65/92) x4
Tentacool (66/92) x2
Trapinch (67/92) x5
Voltorb (68/92) x5
Wailmer (69/92) x5
Wurmple (70/92) x4
Wynaut (71/92) x2
Cursed Stone (72/92) x1
Fieldworker (73/92) x6
Full Flame (74/92) x10
Giant Stump (75/92) x3
Power Tree (76/92) x2
Strange Cave (77/92) x2
Claw Fossil (78/92) x8
Mysterious Fossil (79/92) x6
Root Fossil (80/92) x7

Holon Phantoms

Armaldo (1/110) x2
Kabutops (9/110) x4
Nosepass (25/110) x1
Camerupt (36/110) x1
Combusken (39/110) x4
Donphan (40/110) x1
Golduck (43/110) x3
Hariyama (44/110) x2
Lairon (45/110) x1
Pidgeotto (49/110) x1
Primeape (50/110) x1
Seadra (52/110) x1
Anorith (57/110) x1
Aron (58/110) x3
Baltoy (59/110) x1
Corphish (62/110) x2
Electrike (64/110) x1
Horsea (66/110) x1
Kabuto (67/110) x2
Lileep (68/110) x1
Magikarp (69/110) x1
Mankey (70/110) x3
Meowth (71/110) x2
Numel (72/110) x2
Oddish (73/110) x1
Omanyte (74/110) x2
Phanpy (75/110) x2
Pidgey (77/110) x2
Poochyena (80/110) x1
Psyduck (81/110) x2
Torchic (83/110) x5
Professor Cozmo's Discovery (89/110) x4
Rare Candy (90/110) x3
Claw Fossil (91/110) x3

Crystal Guardians

Charizard (4/100) x2
Manectric (8/100) x1
Fearow (18/100) x1
Grumpig (20/100) x1
Swampert (27/100) x1
Charmeleon (30/100) x1
Combusken (31/100) x1
Gulpin (33/100) x1
Marshtomp (38/100) x2
Aron (44/100) x2
Charmander (48/100) x4
Krabby (54/100) x1
Lotad (55/100) x1
Meditite (56/100) x2
Spoink (62/100) x2
Squirtle (64/100) x1
Torchic (65/100) x3
Treecko (68/100) x1
Wingull (70/100) x1
Crystal Beach (75/100) x1
Dual Ball (78/100) x1
Holon Circle (79/100) x1
Warp Point (84/100) x1
Potion (87/100) x2

Dragon Frontiers

Vibrava (24/101) x1
Copycat (73/101) x1

Mysterious Treasures

Blissey (5/123) x1
Bastiodon (21/123) x1
Parasect (58/123) x1
Sandslash (61/123) x1
Unown M (66/123) x1
Bidoof (73/123) x1
Bronzor (74/123) x1
Exeggcute (82/123) x1
Pichu (93/123) x1
Totodile (106/123) x1

Great Encounters

Makuhita (78/106) x1

Legends Awakened

Anorith (46/146) x1
Dragonair (52/146) x1
Lanturn (58/146) x1
Piloswine (69/146) x1
Gulpin (98/146) x1
Houndour (103/146) x1
Meowth (106/146) x1
Nincada (108/146) x1
Oddish (111/146) x1
Oddish (112/146) x1
Poochyena (116/146) x1
Buck's Training (130/146) x1


Mismagius (7/100) x1
Bibarel (32/100) x1
Sableye (48/100) x1
Skorupi (73/100) x1
Starly (75/100) x1
Voltorb (80/100) x1
Voltorb (81/100) x1
Conductive Quarry (82/100) x1
Switch (93/100) x1
Voltorb (SH3) x1


Blastoise (2/127) x1
Blaziken (3/127) x1
Torterra (39/127) x1
Houndoom G (50/127) x1
Mightyena (54/127) x1
Zangoose (66/127) x1
Cacnea (67/127) x1
Diglett (72/127) x1
Honchkrow G (77/127) x1
Lickitung (80/127) x1
Nosepass (84/127) x1
Piplup (85/127) x1
Psyduck (87/127) x1
Ralts (89/127) x1
Skitty (93/127) x1
Torchic (99/127) x1
Galactic HQ (106/127) x1
Poké Ball (113/127) x1


Pichu (25/99) x1
Raichu (27/99) x1
Gulpin (40/99) x1
Haunter (41/99) x1
Pelipper (45/99) x1
Ponyta (46/99) x1
Rapidash (47/99) x1
Shelgon (48/99) x2
Wormadam [Sandy Cloak] (50/99) x1
Bagon (52/99) x1
Beedrill G (53/99) x1 [1x RF]
Bronzor (54/99) x1
Buneary (55/99) x2
Burmy [Sandy Cloak] (57/99) x1
Charmander (59/99) x1
Electrike (62/99) x1
Gastly (64/99) x1
Geodude (65/99) x1
Gulpin (66/99) x1
Makuhita (68/99) x1
Rattata (73/99) x2 [1x RF]
Tangela (77/99) x2
Treecko (78/99) x1
Lucky Egg (88/99) x1
Arceus [Lightning] (AR6) x1

Heart Gold Soul Silver

Exeggutor (18/123) x1 (On Hold)
Furret (21/123) x1
Tyrogue (33/123) x1
Bayleef (35/123) x1
Starmie (53/123) x1
Chansey (58/123) x1
Chikorita (59/123) x1
Exeggcute (63/123) x1
Hoppip (67/123) x1
Jigglypuff (68/123) x1
Phanpy (77/123) x1
Pikachu (78/123) x1
Sentret (80/123) x1
Slowpoke (81/123) x1
Vulpix (87/123) x1
Copycat (90/123) x2


Bellossom (1/90) x1
Leafeon (17/90) x1 (Pre-Release) (On Hold)
Mismagius (19/90) x2 (2x On Hold)
Skarmory (21/90) x1
Flareon (26/90) x1
Jolteon (28/90) x2
Lairon (29/90) x1
Muk (31/90) x1
Raticate (34/90) x1
Sableye (35/90) x1
Scyther (36/90) x2
Slowbro (38/90) x1
Togetic (39/90) x2
Unown (40/90) x2
Aron (42/90) x1
Beldum (43/90) x1
Doduo (45/90) x2
Eevee (47/90) x1
Eevee (48/90) x2
Grimer (50/90) x2
Hitmonchan (51/90) x1
Hitmonlee (52/90) x2
Houndour (53/90) x1
Houndour (54/90) x1
Makuhita (55/90) x2
Mawile (56/90) x1
Misdreavus (57/90) x2
Murkrow (58/90) x3
Murkrow (59/90) x1
Oddish (60/90) x1
Pineco (62/90) x1
Pineco (63/90) x1
Rattata (64/90) x2
Scyther (65/90) x1
Slowpoke (66/90) x2
Slugma (67/90) x1
Stunky (69/90) x2
Burned Tower (71/90) x1
Defender (72/90) x2
Energy Exchanger (73/90) x1 (On Hold)
Ruins of Alph (76/90) x1 (On Hold)
Sage's Training (77/90) x3 (3x On Hold)
Slowking [Prime] (85/90) x1 (On Hold)

Extra Cards

Celebi [PR] (029) x1
Dialga Lv. X [PR] (DP37) x1
Minun [POP1] (12/17) x1
Plusle [POP1] (13/17) x1
Surskit [POP1] (14/17) x1
Tauros [POP2] (5/17) x1
Mr. Briney's Compassion [POP2] (8/17) x2
Bulbasaur [POP2] (12/17) x3
Cacnea [POP2] (13/17) x4
Luvdisc [POP2] (14/17) x2
Phanpy [POP2] (15/17) x3
Pikachu [POP2] (16/17) x4

Holos, Reverse Holos, & Rares
H - Holo; R - Rare; RF - Reverse Foil; NH - Non Holo Holo; S - Shiny

1x Pichu [SS] - R
1x Huntail [HL] - R
1x ATM Rock [HL] - RF
1x Dark Crobat [TRR] - RF
1x Mightyena [DX] - H
2x Magcargo [DX] - R
3x Blaziken [EM] - H
1x Blaziken [EM] - NH
1x Kyogre [EM] - R
1x Manectric [EM] - R
1x Seviper [EM] - R
1x Mr. Stone's Project [EM] - RF
1x Scott [EM] - RF
1x Bellossom [UF] - H
1x Slowbro [UF] - H
2x Smoochum [UF] - R
1x Bayleef [UF] - RF
1x Slowpoke [UF] - RF
1x Marowak [DS] - H
1x Holon's Electrode [DS] - R
1x Holon's Magneton [DS] - R
2x Hypno [DS] - R
2x Porygon2 [DS] - R
2x Rain Castform [DS] - R
3x Slowking [DS] - R
1x Snow-Cloud Castform [DS] - R
3x Swellow [DS] - R
1x Azurill [DS] - R
1x Ditto (Pikachu) [DS] - RF
1x Magneton [DS] - RF
2x Golem [LM] - H
1x Kabutops [LM] - RF
1x Machamp [LM] - H
1x Victreebel [LM] - H
1x Gorebyss [LM] - RF
1x Gorebyss [LM] - R
2x Huntail [LM] - R
2x Lunatone [LM] - R
1x Magmar [LM] - RF
3x Magmar [LM] - R
1x Magneton [LM] - R
2x Pinsir [LM] - R
1x Solrock [LM] - R
1x Spinda [LM] - R
1x Torkoal [LM] - R
3x Geodude [LM] - RF
3x Magby [LM] - RF
1x Magnemite [LM] - RF
1x Fieldworker [LM] - RF
4x Full Flame [LM] - RF
1x Armaldo [HP] - H
1x Armaldo [HP] - RF
2x Kabutops [HP] - H
2x Kabutops [HP] - RF
1x Nosepass [HP] - R
1x Combusken [HP] - RF
2x Charizard [CG] - H
1x Manectric [CG] - H
1x Fearow [CG] - R
1x Grumpig [CG] - R
1x Swampert [CG] - R
1x Gulpin [CG] - RF
1x Charmander [CG] - RF
1x Krabby [CG] - RF
1x Crystal Beach [CG] - RF
1x Copycat [DF] - RF
1x Bastiodon [MT] - RF
1x Blissey [MT] - H
1x Mismagius [MT] - H
1x Voltorb [SF] - S
1x Blastoise [PT] - RF
1x Blaziken [PT] - H
1x Torterra [PT] - R
1x Zangoose [PT] - RF
1x Pichu [AR] - R
1x Raichu [AR] - R
1x Beedrill G [AR] - RF
1x Rattata [AR] - RF
1x Arceus (Lightning) [AR] - H
1x Exeggutor [HGSS] - RF (On Hold)
1x Bellossom [UD] - H
2x Mismagius [UD] - R (On Hold)
1x Skarmory [UD] - R
1x Slowking [Prime] - H (On Hold)
1x Celebi [PR029] - H
1x Dialga LV. X [DP37] - H
1x Taurus [POP2] - R
Please look over the rules:
CML for any of these you have:
Deck Wants (Need Quickly Before BR):
Pokemon: 26
4-3-3Gengar SF
4 Spiritomb AR
2-2-2 Vileplume UD
1 Azelf LA
3/1 Uxie LA

4 Call Energy
2 Warp Energy
5 Psychic Energy( Need 5 RH)

4 Bebe's Search (Have But Need in RH)
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Looker's Investigation
3 Palmer's Contribution
2 Cynthia's Feelings
Shakespeare said:
Please look over the rules:

Thank you. :) And rules read. :)

Steelix_Kid said:
CML for any of these you have:
Deck Wants (Need Quickly Before BR):
Pokemon: 26
4-3-3Gengar SF
4 Spiritomb AR
2-2-2 Vileplume UD
1 Azelf LA
3/1 Uxie LA

4 Call Energy
2 Warp Energy
5 Psychic Energy( Need 5 RH)

4 Bebe's Search (Have But Need in RH)
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Looker's Investigation
3 Palmer's Contribution
2 Cynthia's Feelings

I'm sorry, you must have misread my post. I'm wanting most of the cards that you need. All of the cards that I have available are listed in the thread. Unfortunately, based on your list, there is nothing I'm after at the current time. Sorry I cannot help you my friend. :(
CML for
Leafeon (17/90) x1 (Pre-Release)
Mismagius (19/90) x2
Slowpoke UD
3x Sages UD
Slowking Prime
Ruins of Alph UD
Energy Exchanger (73/90) x1
Torterra_Tank said:
CML for
Leafeon (17/90) x1 (Pre-Release)
Mismagius (19/90) x2
Slowpoke UD
3x Sages UD
Slowking Prime
Ruins of Alph UD
Energy Exchanger (73/90) x1

Slowking Prime is on hold for someone else, however if they don't make an offer within the next 2 days, then you'll be the next on the list.

As for the others, I'm after the Lucario's & Arcanine's, along with anything you might have from my Wants list above.
Khion said:
Slowking Prime is on hold for someone else, however if they don't make an offer within the next 2 days, then you'll be the next on the list.

As for the others, I'm after the Lucario's & Arcanine's, along with anything you might have from my Wants list above.

What Lucarios and Arcanines.
I am Intested in
HGSS Executor
I have (from your wants)
2-2 Magnetric PL
2 metal
4 special metal
1 flower shop lady
Javier8100 said:
I am Intested in
HGSS Executor
I have (from your wants)
2-2 Magnetric PL
2 metal
4 special metal
1 flower shop lady

What would you be willing to trade for the Exeggutor from that list?

Torterra_Tank said:
Ok what would you do for them?

I'll do:
Leafeon (17/90) x1 (Pre-Release)
Mismagius (19/90) x2
Slowpoke UD
3x Sages UD
Ruins of Alph UD
Energy Exchanger (73/90) x1

For your:
Lucario (Other)
Lucario RH DP
Arcanine RH HGSS
Pikachu Promo HGSS
+ If you have any trainers/energies from my wants list. (if you want)
Khion said:
What would you be willing to trade for the Exeggutor from that list?

Torterra_Tank said:
Ok what would you do for them?
I'll do:
Leafeon (17/90) x1 (Pre-Release)
Mismagius (19/90) x2
Slowpoke UD
3x Sages UD
Ruins of Alph UD
Energy Exchanger (73/90) x1

For your:
Lucario (Other)
Lucario RH DP
Arcanine RH HGSS
Pikachu Promo HGSS
+ If you have any trainers/energies from my wants list. (if you want)

I can do that PM me.